publication venue for
- User-Friendly Open-System Software for Teaching Protective Relaying Application and Design Concepts. 22:55-55. 2002
- Adequacy Assessment of Power System Generation Using a Modified Simple Genetic Algorithm. 22:56-56. 2002
- Voltage Stability Protection and Control Using a Wide Area Network of Phasor Measurements. 22:57-57. 2002
- An Individual Welfare Maximation Algorithm for Electricity Markets. 22:64-64. 2002
- Splified Algorithms for Removal of the Effect of Exponentially Decaying DC Offset on the Fourirer Algorithm. 22:68-68. 2002
- A Review of RFO Induction Motor Parameter Estimation Techniques. 22:52-52. 2002
- A Software Architecture for Power Market Supporting System and Reengineering of Legacy EMS. 22:54-54. 2002
- Performance Analysis of a Three-Phase Induction Motor under Mixed Eccentricity Condition. 22:49-49. 2002
- Assessment of Available Transfer Capability and Margins. 22:69-69. 2002
- IEEE-519-Based Real-Time and Optimal Control of Active Filters under Nonsinusoidal Line Voltages Using Neural Networks. 22:72-72. 2002
- A Novel Multilayer Switched Reluctance Motor. 22:73-73. 2002
- Modeling Transformers with Internal Incipient Faults. 22:64-64. 2002
- Fuzzy Decision Making against Masking Problem in MW Contingency Ranking. 22:55-56. 2002
- Pattern Recognition-A Technique for Induction Machines Rotor Broken Bar Detection. 21:67-67. 2001
- A Novel Software Implementation Concept for Power Quality Study. 21:62-62. 2001
- Network Reconfiguration for Service Restoration in Shipboard Power Distribution Systems. 21:55-55. 2001
- IEEE PES Transactions Call for Papers. 21:4-4. 2001
- Finite Element Analysis of Internal Winding Faults in Distribution Transformers. 21:72-72. 2001
- Estimation of voltage distribution on the inverter fed random wound induction motor windings supplied through feeder cable. 19:52. 1999
- Sensorless operation of surface mount permanent magnet AC (PMAC) motors. 19:52. 1999
- A senior design course bridging power systems and power electronics: Power quality impacts of electric vehicle charging. 17:34. 1997
- Assessment of transmission system loadability. 17:69-70. 1997
- Composite system reliability evaluation using state space pruning. 17:73-74. 1997
- Fast textured algorithms for optimal power delivery problems in deregulated environments. 17:34. 1997
- Use of local measurements to estimate voltage stability margin. 17:60. 1997
- University activities related to protection research and curricula. 17:15-19. 1997
- Distance Relay Application Testing Using a Digital Simulator. 17:40-40. 1997
- An advanced method for testing of distance relay operating characteristic. 16:46-47. 1996
- Design, implementation, and validation of a real-time digital simulator for protection relay testing. 16:47. 1996
- High impedance fault detection implementation issues. 16:45-46. 1996
- Fault Analysis Using Intelligent Systems. 16:7-7. 1996
- An Experimental Study of Acoustic Vibration Effects in Optical Fiber Current Sensors. 16:44-45. 1996
- A generalized continuous distribution approach for generating capacity reliability evaluation and its applications. 11:42-42. 1991
- A Learning Method for Use in Intelligent Computer Relays for High Impedance Faults. 11:42-42. 1991
- Improved Algorithms for Multi-Area Reliability Evaluation Using the Decomposition-Simulation Approach. 9:65-65. 1989
- An Efficient Method for Generating Capacity Reliability Evaluation Including the Effect of Planned Outages. 9:36-37. 1989
- Classification of Faults and Switching Events by Inductive Reasoning and Expert System Methodology. 9:48-49. 1989
- Data Compression for Digital Data from Power Systems Disturbances: Requirements and Technique Evaluation. 9:52-53. 1989
- Dyna-Test Simulator: Protective Relaying Teaching Tool. 9:71-72. 1989
- Generation System Reliability Evaluation Using a Cluster Based Load Model. 9:43-44. 1989
- Modeling of Generating Unit Planned Outages in the Extended Decomposition Simulation Approach for Multi-Area Reliability Calculations. 9:53-54. 1989
- Microcomputer Based Feeder Protection and Monitoring System - Utility Experience. PER-7:41-41. 1987
- Power Substation Automation Using A Knowledge Based System???Justification and Preliminary Field Experiments. PER-7:45-46. 1987
- Detection of Distribution High Impedance Faults Using Burst Noise Signals Near 60 Hz. PER-7:40-41. 1987
- An Analytical Technique for the Reliability Modeling of Generation Systems Including Energy Limited Units. PER-7:38-38. 1987
- The East Coast Lightning Detection Network. PER-6:52-52. 1986
- Equivalent Load Method for Calculating Frequency and Duration Indices in Generation Capacity Reliability Evaluation. PER-6:35-36. 1986
- A Dynamic Power System Model with Graded Precision for Fast Extraction Pertinent Load Flow Information. PER-5:30-31. 1985
- A Textured Model for Computationally Efficient Reactive Power Control and Management. PER-5:35-36. 1985
- Reactive and Real Power Control for Computationally Effective Voltage and Thermal Management. PER-5:36-37. 1985
- Reliability Modeling of Generation Systems Including Unconventional Energy Sources. PER-5:33-33. 1985
- Evaluation of Load Management Effects Using the OPCON Generation Reliability Model. PER-4:31-31. 1984
- Substation Electromagnetic Interference, Part I: Characterization and Description of the Transient EMI Problem. PER-4:62-62. 1984
- Substation Electromagnetic Interference, Part II: Susceptibility Testing and EMI Simulation in High Voltage Laboratories. PER-4:63-63. 1984
- On-Line Stabilization of the Large HV-AC-DC Power System by Using Observation Decoupled Reference as a System-Wide Target. PER-4:34-35. 1984
- Probability Distribution Functions for Generation Reliability Indices - Analytical Approach. PER-3:25-25. 1983
- Distribution High Impedance Fault Detection Utilizing High Frequency Current Components. PER-2:46-47. 1982
- Non-Markovian Models for Common Mode Failures in Transmission Systems. PER-2:40-41. 1982
- Markov Cut-Set Approach for the Reliability Evaluation of Transmission and Distribution Systems. PER-1:36-36. 1981
- Operating Considerations in Generation Reliability Modeling An Analytical Approach. PER-1:52-52. 1981
- Evaluation of Load Management Effects Using the OPCON Generation Reliability Model 1984
- On-Line Stabilization of the Large HV-AC-DC Power System by Using Observation Decoupled Reference as a System-Wide Target 1984