publication venue for
- Intentional mindwandering and unintentional mindwandering are differentially associated with the experience of self-alienation. 185:111289-111289. 2022
- Narcissism and the experience of pain. 169:109852-109852. 2021
- An examination of attentional control on posttraumatic stress symptoms and problematic alcohol use. 160:109927-109927. 2020
- Which types of giving are associated with reduced mortality risk among older adults?. 154:109668-109668. 2020
- If only I wasn't so impulsive: Counterfactual thinking and delay-discounting. 135:212-215. 2018
- Gender differences in preference for reward frequency versus reward magnitude in decision-making under uncertainty.. 135:40-44. 2018
- The relative influence of trustor and trustee individual differences on peer assessments of trust. 128:62-68. 2018
- A Bayesian analysis of the link between adult disorganized attachment and dissociative symptoms. 107:17-22. 2017
- The relationship between gender and PTSD symptoms: Anxiety sensitivity as a mechanism. 90:210-213. 2016
- Correcting honest errors versus incorrectly portraying them: Responding to Ludeke and Rasmussen. 98:361-365. 2016
- Corrigendum to The nature of the relationship between personality traits and political attitudes [Personal. Individ. Differ. 49 (2010): 306316]. 99:378-379. 2016
- Development and validation of an inconsistent responding scale for an abbreviated version of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory - Revised. 91:58-62. 2016
- Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between traumatic exposure and aggression in healthy young women.. 76:222-227. 2015
- Stuck in a moment and you cannot get out of it: The lingering effects of ostracism on cognition and satisfaction of basic needs. 76:39-43. 2015
- Support for the general and specific bifactor model factors of anxiety sensitivity. 74:78-83. 2015
- Who Chokes Under Pressure? The Big Five Personality Traits and Decision-Making under Pressure.. 74:22-28. 2015
- Thats not funny: Instrument validation of the concern for political correctness scale. 80:32-40. 2015
- Do narcissists make better decisions? An investigation of narcissism and dynamic decision-making performance. 55:112-117. 2013
- Early-but modest-gender differences in focal aspects of childhood temperament.. 55:95-100. 2013
- Why borderline personality features adversely affect job performance: The role of task strategies. 52:32-36. 2012
- Intrinsic motivations and the non-profit health sector: Evidence from Ethiopia. 51:309-314. 2011
- Psychopathic traits predict startle habituation but not modulation in an emotional faces task. 50:712-716. 2011
- Correspondence of aggressive behavior classifications among young adults using the Impulsive Premeditated Aggression Scale and the Reactive Proactive Questionnaire. 50:279-285. 2011
- The nature of the relationship between personality traits and political attitudes. 49:306-316. 2010
- Psychometric properties of Carver and White's (1994) BIS/BAS scales in a large sample of offenders (vol 45, pg 732, 2008). 47:531-531. 2009
- Carver and White's (1994) BIS scale and Lykken's (1995) primary psychopath: A reply to Newman and Malterer (2009). 46:678-681. 2009
- Positive affect, intuition and referential thinking. 46:719-724. 2009
- Psychometric Properties of Carver and White's (1994) BIS/BAS Scales in a Large Sample of Offenders.. 45:732-737. 2008
- A Critique of Carver and White's (1994) Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS) for Investigating Lykken's (1995) Theory of Primary Psychopathy.. 45:269-275. 2008
- Hormones and Borderline Personality Features.. 44:278-287. 2008
- Personality and drugs of choice. 44:1413-1421. 2008
- The role of personality, situational, and demographic variables in predicting job search among European managers. 40:783-794. 2006
- The development, construct validity, and clinical utility of the spiritual meaning scale. 37:845-860. 2004
- Psychopathic personality and racial/ethnic differences reconsidered: a reply to Lynn (2002). 35:1439-1462. 2003
- Multidimensional scaling of rorschach inkblots: Relationships with structured self-report. 6:77-82. 1985
- Childhood Resilient Personality Trajectories and Associations with Developmental Trajectories of Behavioral, Social-emotional, and Academic Outcomes across Childhood and Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study Across 12 Years.. 177:110789-110789.