publication venue for
- Import Demands For U.S. Fresh Grapefruit: Effect Of U.S. Promotion Programs And Trade Policies Of Importing Nations. 24:251-260. 1992
- Impact of Reducing Federal Order Class I Differential on Representative Texas and New Mexico Dairy Farms. 23:19-28. 1991
- Soil Conservation or Commodity Programs: Trade Offs During the Transition to Dryland Crop Production. 23:203-211. 1991
- Generalized Stochastic Dominance: An Empirical Examination. 22:49-55. 1990
- The Corn-Egg Price Transmission Mechanism. 22:79-86. 1990
- Estimating The Value of the 0/92 Reduced Planting Alternatives of the 1985 Farm Bill For Farm Program Participants. 22:87-97. 1990
- Incorporating Government Program Provisions into a Mean-Variance Framework. 21:95-105. 1989
- Biophysical Simulation in Support of Crop Production Decisions: A Case Study in the Black-lands Region of Texas. 21:73-86. 1989
- Dynamic Price Adjustments Between Commercial and Purebred Cattle Markets. 20:137-144. 1988
- Forecasting Agricultural Prices Using a Bayesian Composite Approach. 20:73-80. 1988
- Preference Among Risky Prospects Under Constant Risk Aversion. 20:25-34. 1988
- Soybean Trader: A Microcomputer Simulation of International Agricultural Trade. 20:153-157. 1988
- Implications of Crop Insurance for Farmers and Lenders. 19:113-120. 1987
- Regional Impact of Urban Water Use on Irrigated Agriculture. 19:43-51. 1987
- An Investigation of the Relationship Between Constraint Omission and Risk Aversion in Firm Risk Programming Models. 18:147-154. 1986
- Analyzing Tenure Arrangements and Crop Rotations Using Farm Simulation and Probit Analysis. 18:165-174. 1986
- Effects of Alternative Farm Programs and Levels of Price Variability on Texas Cotton Farms. 18:97-106. 1986
- Risk Attitudes and Farm/Producer Attributes: A Case Study of Texas Coastal Bend Grain Sorghum Producers. 18:85-96. 1986
- Validation of Linear Programming Models. 18:155-164. 1986
- Changes in Domestic Demand for Food: Impacts on Southern Agriculture. 18:25-36. 1986
- Discussion: Financial Crisis in Agriculture, A Southern Perspective. 18:109-112. 1986
- Egg Prices Revisited. 17:215-220. 1985
- Impact of a More Intensive Insect Pest Infestation Level on Cotton Production: Texas High Plains. 17:117-126. 1985
- Determinants of Household Expenditure on Fresh Vegetables. 15:127-132. 1983
- Entry into Farming: The Effects of Leasing and Leverage on Firm Survival. 15:139-145. 1983
- Impacts of Household Composition on Convenience and Nonconvenience Food Expenditures in the South. 15:111-118. 1983
- Research and Extension Issues in Production Economics. 14:65-74. 1982
- Economic Impact of Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Cotton Production in the Coastal Bend Region of Texas. 13:47-52. 1981
- Indiana Farm-Level Impacts of Possible Environmental Protection Agency Bans on Selected Soybean Insecticides. 12:147-152. 1980
- Economic Implications of Alternative Cotton Production Practices: Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley. 11:79-82. 1979
- Implication of Improved Irrigation Pumping Efficiency for Farmer Profit and Energy Use. 11:89-94. 1979
- Energy Potential From Agricultural Residues in Texas. 10:73-80. 1978
- Classification of Contributions to the Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics: 1969-1976*. 9:155-158. 1977
- Boll Weevil Control Strategies: Regional Benefits and Costs*. 9:129-135. 1977
- Vertical Integration for Risk Management: An Application to a Cattle Ranch*. 8:45-50. 1976
- Flood Insurance as a Component of Land Use Management*. 8:175-180. 1976
- Economic, Environmental and Energy Use Implications of Short-Season Cotton Production: Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley*. 7:171-177. 1975
- Economic Implications of Discontinuing the Texas High Plains Boll Weevil Suppression Program*. 6:33-40. 1974
- Implications of Fuel Shortages on Cotton and Grain Sorghum Production and Producer Returns-Southern High Plains of Texas*. 6:121-127. 1974
- Economic Implications of the 1973 Farm Program on Wheat and Beef Production Southern High Plains Winter Wheat Area*. 5:37-44. 1973
- Model to Evaluate Alternative Irrigation Distribution Systems with an Exhaustible Water Supply*. 5:15-21. 1973
- An Analysis of Pond Raised Catfish Production in Texas. 5:141-145. 1973
- Estimated Impact of Withdrawing Specified Pecticides from Cotton Production*. 5:153-159. 1973
- Economic Incentives to Reduce the Quantity of Chemicals Used in Commercial Agriculture*. 4:203-208. 1972
- Economic Implications of Alternative Allocations of an Exhaustible Irrigation Water Supply. 3:149-154. 1971
- A Proposed Procedure for Distributing Assessments Among Beneficiaries of Small Watershed Projects. 2:139-145. 1970