publication venue for
- Building a multiscale framework: An overview of the NEAMS thermal-hydraulics integrated research project. 433:113807. 2025
- Hydrogen risk assessment methodology for small containments using a commercial CFD code. 428:113446-113446. 2024
- Improving the modeling of near-wall interphase heat transfer in porous media models of Pebble Bed Reactors. 427:113424-113424. 2024
- Consequences of molten salt solidification in a natural circulation flow visualization loop due to heater failure. 424:113278-113278. 2024
- Particle image velocimetry measurements for transition flow regime through a porous blocked subchannel in a 61-pin wire-wrapped bundle. 424:113314-113314. 2024
- Particle image velocimetry measurements of transition flows in an 84-pin hexagonal rod bundle with spacer grids. 420:112951-112951. 2024
- Thermal-mechanical safety analysis of heat pipe micro reactor. 420:113003-113003. 2024
- Assessment of RANS and LES in predicting the flow in a 61-pin wire-wrapped bundle with a porous blockage. 414:112587-112587. 2023
- Particle deposition model for a fully developed turbulent channel flow. 414:112580-112580. 2023
- Neutronic and thermal analysis of heat pipe cooled graphite moderated micro reactor. 413:112483-112483. 2023
- Validation of RANS simulations on a 61-pin wire-wrapped fast-reactor fuel assembly under the presence of localized blockages. 413:112512-112512. 2023
- SI: Best of HTR 2021. 411:112410-112410. 2023
- Editorial for Best of HTR 2021. 408:112281-112281. 2023
- An improved pressure drop correlation for modeling localized effects in a pebble bed reactor. 403:112123-112123. 2023
- Envisaged future for nuclear thermal-hydraulics. 400:112060-112060. 2022
- Conceptual design of a 3 MWth yttrium hydride moderated heat pipe cooled micro reactor. 397:111931-111931. 2022
- Implementation of a CFD methodology for computing subchannel friction factors and split parameters in wire-wrapped rod bundles. 397:111952-111952. 2022
- The blockage model of Upgraded Cheng and Todreas correlation for pressure drop in hexagonal wire-wrapped rod bundles. 395:111874-111874. 2022
- Numerical study of multi-component flow and mixing in a scaled fission product venting system. 391:111714-111714. 2022
- An experimental investigation on the characteristics of heat pipes with annular type composite wick structure. 390:111701-111701. 2022
- Assessment of low- and high-fidelity turbulence models for heat transfer predictions in low-prandlt number flows. 388:111614-111614. 2022
- Prediction of pressure drop in hexagonal wire-wrapped rod bundles using artificial neural network. 381:111365-111365. 2021
- Feasibility of full-core pin resolved CFD simulations of small modular reactor with momentum sources. 378:111143-111143. 2021
- Experimental investigation of the annular flow caused by convective boiling in a heated annular channel. 376:111088-111088. 2021
- Challenges and concerns for development of nuclear thermal-hydraulics. 375:111074-111074. 2021
- 40th Anniversary of the first international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: Highlights of thermal-hydraulics research in the past four decades. 373:110965-110965. 2021
- Self-welding of Inconel 617 under high-pressure-high-temperature conditions for nuclear reactors. 371:110941-110941. 2021
- Experimental shell-side surface pressure measurements on tubes within a model helical coil heat exchanger. 370:110906-110906. 2020
- Forced convection heat transfer of molten Salts: A review. 362:110591-110591. 2020
- Verification and validation of large eddy simulation with Nek5000 for cold leg mixing benchmark. 358:110427-110427. 2020
- Spectral element applications in complex nuclear reactor geometries: Tet-to-hex meshing. 357:110422-110422. 2020
- One-way coupled simulation of FIV in a 7-pin wire-wrapped fuel pin bundle. 356:110367-110367. 2020
- High-fidelity experimental measurements for modeling and simulation of nuclear engineering applications. 354:110181-110181. 2019
- Nuclear thermal-hydraulics: What is it?. 354:110246-110246. 2019
- Selected thoughts and writings by Geoffrey Hewitt. 354:110255-110255. 2019
- The future of nuclear thermal-hydraulics. 354:110248-110248. 2019
- High-fidelity velocity measurements in a totally blocked interior subchannel of a wire-wrapped 61-pin hexagonal fuel bundle. 353:110234-110234. 2019
- Solution verification of PANS model for a PWR fuel assembly. 353:110213-110213. 2019
- Comparison of experimental and simulation results on interior subchannels of a 61-pin wire-wrapped hexagonal fuel bundle. 338:130-136. 2018
- Experimental investigation of the isothermal flow field across slant 5-tube bundles in helically coiled steam generator geometry using PIV. 338:261-268. 2018
- Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow in the converging region of two parallel jets (vol 306, pg 89, 2016). 324:416-416. 2017
- Numerical simulations for determination of minimum representative bundle size in wire wrapped tube bundles. 322:577-590. 2017
- Experimental observations of boric acid precipitation scenarios. 312:422-428. 2017
- Numerical simulations of a mixed momentum-driven and buoyancy-driven jet in a large enclosure for nuclear reactor severe accident analysis. 312:161-171. 2017
- Nucleation of super-critical carbon dioxide in a venturi nozzle. 310:69-82. 2016
- Sensitivity study for accident tolerant fuels: Property comparisons and behavior simulations in a simplified PWR to enable ATF development and design. 309:197-212. 2016
- Nuclear engineering and design Special edition on HTR 2014 conference. 306:1-1. 2016
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) round robin benchmark for a pressurized water reactor (PWR) rod bundle. 301:204-231. 2016
- Multi-scale full-field measurements and near-wall modeling of turbulent subcooled boiling flow using innovative experimental techniques. 299:46-58. 2016
- Permeability and compression of fibrous porous media generated from dilute suspensions of fiberglass debris during a loss of coolant accident. 291:244-260. 2015
- Editorial. 290:1-1. 2015
- An International Journal devoted to all aspects of Nuclear Fission Energy Preface. 283:1-1. 2015
- Material challenges for advanced reactors. 280:651-651. 2014
- Experimental study of a simplified 3 x 3 rod bundle using DPTV. 279:50-59. 2014
- Special Issue of the 4th Workshop on the CFD for Nuclear Reactor Safety (CFD4NRS-4) Foreword. 279:1-2. 2014
- Towards the efficient turbulence closure for mixing phenomena in the core outlet of a nuclear reactor. 278:472-480. 2014
- Special edition on HTR 2012 conference. 271:1-1. 2014
- Computational fluid dynamics analysis of core bypass flow and crossflow in a prismatic very high temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor based on a two-layer block model. 268:64-76. 2014
- Measurement of subcooled flow boiling using Particle Tracking Velocimetry and infrared thermographic technique. 268:185-190. 2014
- Hydraulic benchmark data for PWR mixing vane grid. 264:97-102. 2013
- To the special issue on the 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-14). 264:1-2. 2013
- Design of an integrated system to recycle Zircaloy cladding using a hydridemillingdehydride process. 263:47-58. 2013
- Study of debris-generated core blockage scenarios during loss of coolant accidents using RELAP5-3D. 261:144-155. 2013
- Experimental benchmark data for PWR rod bundle with spacer-grids. 253:396-405. 2012
- SPECIAL ISSUE 5th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2010). 251:1-1. 2012
- Topical issue on NUTHOS-8 Foreword. 249:1-1. 2012
- Reactor cavity cooling system (Rccs) experimental characterization. 241:4775-4782. 2011
- The 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-18). 241:4633-4633. 2011
- Ascertaining directionality information from incident nuclear radiation. 241:4299-4305. 2011
- Introduction. 241:4236-4236. 2011
- Special Section: Seventh European Commission Conference on Euratom Research and Training in Reactor Systems (Fission Safety 2009) Foreword. 241:3375-3375. 2011
- Preface. 241:1287-1287. 2011
- Special Issue on the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2009. 241:1007-1007. 2011
- Special Section: The International Conferences on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT) Preface. 241:547-547. 2011
- Studies on the behavior of part-through circumferential crack at intrados in elbows under in-plane bending moment. 241:2386-2397. 2011
- Development of a real-time detection strategy for process monitoring during nuclear fuel reprocessing using the UREX+3a method. 240:3904-3909. 2010
- 4th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2008) with Regular Papers. 240:2383-2383. 2010
- Topical issue on XCFD4NRS Foreword. 240:2075-2076. 2010
- Experimental observations of flow modifications in nanofluid boiling utilizing particle image velocimetry. 240:299-304. 2010
- Twelfth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-12). 240:209-209. 2010
- Flexible conversion fast reactors. 239:2581-2581. 2009
- Non-intrusive experimental investigation of flow behavior inside a 5 x 5 rod bundle with spacer grids using PIV and MIR. 239:888-898. 2009
- Special Edition in honor of the retirement of Professor Neil Todreas Foreword. 239:831-832. 2009
- Flow visualization in a pebble bed reactor experiment using PIV and refractive index matching techniques. 238:3080-3085. 2008
- Decompositions of bubbly flow PIV velocity fields using discrete wavelets multi-resolution and multi-section image method. 238:2055-2063. 2008
- Large eddy simulation in pebble bed gas cooled core reactors. 238:530-537. 2008
- Topical issue on CFD4NRS - Foreword. 238:443-444. 2008
- Analysis of the hot gas flow in the outlet plenum of the very high temperature reactor using coupled RELAP5-3D system code and a CFD code. 238:274-279. 2008
- Computational fluid dynamics simulation of a rectangular slit real impactor's performance. 235:1015-1028. 2005
- Improvement of the subcooled boiling model for low-pressure conditions in thermal-hydraulic codes. 216:139-152. 2002
- Large eddy simulation of turbulent crossflow in tube bundles. 172:103-122. 1997
- Implementation of a non-condensable model in RELAP5/MOD3. 162:281-300. 1996
- Surface cracks in toroidal shells. 158:263-276. 1995
- Analysis of core and core barrel heat-up under conditions simulating severe reactor accidents. 105:259-267. 1988
- "Used fuel" vectors and waste minimization strategies for VHTRS operating without refueling. 240:2458-2465.
- A coarse-mesh methodology for modelling of single-phase thermal-hydraulics of ESFR innovative assembly design. 355:110291-110291.
- A multi-physics time-dependent model for the Lead Fast Reactor single-channel analysis. 256:14-27.
- An experimental study on the effect of liquid properties on the counter-current flow limitation (CCFL) during gas/liquid counter-current two-phase flow in a 1/30 scaled-down of Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) hot leg geometry. 399:112052-112052.
- Analysis of rapid-condensation transient using TRACE. 250:512-519.
- Assessment of fuel cycle proliferation resistance dynamics using coupled isotopic characterization. 241:3270-3282.
- Consistent and accurate schemes for coupled neutronics thermal-hydraulics reactor analysis. 239:566-579.
- Data-driven modeling of coarse mesh turbulence for reactor transient analysis using convolutional recurrent neural networks. 390:111716-111716.
- Development of a novel two-phase flow solver for nuclear reactor analysis: Validation against sodium boiling experiments. 384:111422-111422.
- Development of a novel two-phase flow solver for nuclear reactor analysis: algorithms, verification and implementation in OpenFOAM. 379:111178-111178.
- Dimensional effects in the modelling of MSR dynamics: Moving on from simplified schemes of analysis to a multi-physics modelling approach. 246:12-26.
- Effect of air inlet geometry on flooding in a large diameter vertical tube. 240:3677-3681.
- Examination of spent fuel radiation energy conversion for electricity generation. 300:384-392.
- Experimental investigation of BWR Suppression Pool stratification during RCIC system operation. 310:564-569.
- Extension of GeN-Foam to departure from nucleate boiling prediction and validation against the OECD/NRC PSBT benchmark. 416:112748-112748.
- Extension of GeN-Foam to modeling of boiling water and validation against the OECD/NRC PSBT benchmark. 408:112320-112320.
- Extension of the OFFBEAT fuel performance code to finite strains and validation against LOCA experiments. 406:112232-112232.
- Full core study of the KIWI-B-4E Nuclear Thermal Propulsion system using OpenMC and GeN-Foam. 429:113639-113639.
- Gasliquid countercurrent two-phase flow in a PWR hot leg: A comprehensive research review. 243:214-233.
- GeN-Foam: a novel OpenFOAM based multi-physics solver for 2D/3D transient analysis of nuclear reactors. 294:24-37.
- Implementation of a generalized diffusion layer model for condensation into MELCOR. 240:3202-3208.
- Interfacial and wall friction factors of swirling annular flow in a vertical pipe. 330:97-105.
- International fuel performance study of fresh fuel experiments for PCMI effects during RIA experiments. 430:113673-113673.
- Large Eddy Simulations of scaled HTGR lower plenum for assessment of turbulent mixing. 334:24-41.
- Multi-module approach to modularity in a neutronically coupled high temperature multi-modular system. 263:411-418.
- Multi-recycling of transuranic elements in a PWR assembly with reduced fuel rod diameter. 270:436-450.
- Neutron transport in Eulerian coordinates with bulk material motion. 295:667-673.
- Neutronic and nonproliferation characteristics of (PuO2-UO2) and (PuO2-ThO2) as fast reactor fuels. 239:1916-1924.
- On the development of multi-physics tools for nuclear reactor analysis based on OpenFOAM: state of the art, lessons learned and perspectives. 387:111604-111604.
- Optimization of PWR fuel assembly radial enrichment and burnable poison location based on adaptive simulated annealing. 239:1019-1029.
- Preliminary design and analysis of Liquid Fuel Molten Salt Reactor using multi-physics code GeN-Foam. 369:110826-110826.
- Prismatic VHTR neutronic benchmark problems. 285:207-240.
- SAM-ML: Integrating data-driven closure with nuclear system code SAM for improved modeling capability. 400:112059-112059.
- Semi-empirical correlation for counter-current flow limitation at the upper or lower end of sharp-edged vertical pipes. 328:182-187.
- Severe accident analysis of a PWR station blackout with the MELCOR, MAAP4 and SCDAP/RELAP5 codes. 234:129-145.
- Simulated real-time process monitoring of a molten salt electrorefiner. 273:75-84.
- Simulations of single- and two-phase shock tubes and gravity-driven wave problems with the RELAP-7 nuclear reactor system analysis code. 319:106-116.
- Spectrum shifting as a mechanism to improve performance of VHTRs with advanced actinide fuels. 238:1958-1964.
- The OFFBEAT multi-dimensional fuel behavior solver. 358:110416-110416.
- The sensitivity of fuel cycle performance to separation efficiency. 240:511-523.
- Uncertainty analysis of PIV measurements in bubbly flows considering sampling and bubble effects with ray optics modeling. 364:110677-110677.
- VHTR-based systems for autonomous co-generation applications. 240:2451-2457.
- Wall pressure measurements of flooding in vertical countercurrent annular airwater flow. 240:3221-3230.
- Water inlet subcooling effects on flooding with steam and water in a large diameter vertical tube. 273:110-118.
- This special issue of Nuclear Engineering and Design collects selected papers from the "specialists workshop on advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques for nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics" (SWINTH), held in Livorno, Italy, on June 2016 2018
- Experimental study of core bypass flow in a prismatic VHTR based on a two-layer block model 2016
- Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow in the converging region of two parallel jets 2016
- Large eddy simulations of jet flow interaction within staggered rod bundles 2012
- RANS modeling for flow in nuclear fuel bundle in pressurized water reactors (PWR) 2011
- Tension metastable fluid detection systems for special nuclear material detection and monitoring 2010