publication venue for
- Network modeling and inference of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor pathway in high fat diet-linked obesity.. 519:110647-110647. 2021
- Evolving biodiversity patterns in changing river networks.. 462:418-424. 2019
- Paradoxical LTP maintenance with inhibition of protein synthesis and the proteasome suggests a novel protein synthesis requirement for early LTP reversal.. 457:79-87. 2018
- Information sharing for a coordination game in fluctuating environments.. 454:376-385. 2018
- In silico predicted transcriptional regulatory control of steroidogenesis in spawning female fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas).. 455:179-190. 2018
- In silico predicted reproductive endocrine transcriptional regulatory networks during zebrafish (Danio rerio) development.. 417:51-60. 2017
- Discriminate protein decoys from native by using a scoring function based on ubiquitous Phi and Psi angles computed for all atom.. 398:112-121. 2016
- Improved prediction of accessible surface area results in efficient energy function application.. 380:380-391. 2015
- Simulations suggest pharmacological methods for rescuing long-term potentiation.. 360:243-250. 2014
- In silico predicted structural and functional robustness of piscine steroidogenesis.. 345:99-108. 2014
- On species persistence-time distributions.. 303:15-24. 2012
- Probabilistic finite element analysis of a craniofacial finite element model.. 300:242-253. 2012
- A kinematic model coupling stress fiber dynamics with JNK activation in response to matrix stretching.. 264:593-603. 2010
- On the long-run sensitivity of probabilistic Boolean networks.. 257:560-577. 2009
- A kinematic model of stretch-induced stress fiber turnover and reorientation.. 257:320-330. 2009
- Mathematical modeling of a minimal protocell with coordinated growth and division.. 260:422-429. 2009
- A generalized compartmental model to estimate the fibre mass in the ruminoreticulum: 1. Estimating parameters of digestion.. 255:345-356. 2008
- A generalized compartmental model to estimate the fibre mass in the ruminoreticulum: 2. Integrating digestion and passage.. 255:357-368. 2008
- A model for the formation, growth, and lysis of clots in quiescent plasma. A comparison between the effects of antithrombin III deficiency and protein C deficiency.. 253:725-738. 2008
- Consequences of the fractal architecture of trees on their structural measures.. 251:82-92. 2008
- Whole-cell modeling framework in which biochemical dynamics impact aspects of cellular geometry (vol 244, pg 154, 2007). 251:552-552. 2008
- Whole-cell modeling framework in which biochemical dynamics impact aspects of cellular geometry.. 244:154-166. 2007
- A stochastic model of gene transcription: an application to L1 retrotransposition events.. 242:101-116. 2006
- Modeling the interactions between osteoblast and osteoclast activities in bone remodeling.. 229:293-309. 2004
- A framework for whole-cell mathematical modeling.. 231:581-596. 2004
- Growth of mixed cultures on mixtures of substitutable substrates: the operating diagram for a structured model.. 226:143-157. 2004
- The dynamics of single-substrate continuous cultures: the role of transport enzymes.. 222:307-322. 2003
- Dynamic responses of protein homeostatic regulatory mechanisms to perturbations from steady state.. 222:407-423. 2003
- Analysis of protein homeostatic regulatory mechanisms in perturbed environments at steady state.. 215:151-167. 2002
- Stimulus amplification, efficacy, and the operational model. Part I--binary complex occupancy mechanisms.. 198:329-346. 1999
- Stimulus amplification, efficacy, and the operational model. Part II--ternary complex occupancy mechanisms.. 198:347-374. 1999
- Cell density-sensing in Dictyostelium by means of the accumulation rate, diffusion coefficient and activity threshold of a protein secreted by starved cells.. 167:273-282. 1994
- Stochastic resonance in a single neuron model: theory and analog simulation.. 152:531-555. 1991
- Macromolecular composition of bacteria.. 94:651-670. 1982
- Relation between growth and replication in bacteria.. 81:533-545. 1979
- Foundations of stochastic development.. 74:397-410. 1978
- Distribution model of organism development times.. 66:21-38. 1977
- A network-based meta-population approach to model Rift Valley fever epidemics.. 306:129-144.
- Country- and age-specific optimal allocation of dengue vaccines.. 342:15-22.
- Optimization of control strategies for epidemics in heterogeneous populations with symmetric and asymmetric transmission.. 262:757-763.
- Reacting to outbreaks at neighboring localities.. 520:110632-110632.
- Sampling-rate-dependent probabilistic Boolean networks.. 261:540-547.
- Stochastic modeling of tumor progression and immune evasion.. 458:148-155.