publication venue for
- Intentional Switching Between Bimanual Coordination Patterns.. 50:538-556. 2018
- Motor Skill Learning and the Development of Visual Perception Processes Supporting Action Identification.. 50:566-578. 2018
- Contextual Interference Can Facilitate Motor Learning in Older Adults and in Individuals With Parkinson's Disease.. 48:509-518. 2016
- The sine wave protocol: decrease movement time without increasing errors.. 46:277-285. 2014
- Temperature dependency in motor skill learning.. 44:105-113. 2012
- Constraints on arm selection processes when reaching: degrees of freedom and joint amplitudes interact to influence limb selection.. 43:403-411. 2011
- Offline improvement during motor sequence learning is not restricted to developing motor chunks.. 42:317-324. 2010
- Identifying leading joint strategies in a bimanual coordination task: does coordination stability depend on leading joint strategy?. 42:49-60. 2010
- Motor programming when sequencing multiple elements of the same duration.. 40:532-544. 2008
- Learning of similar complex movement sequences: proactive and retroactive effects on learning.. 38:60-70. 2006
- Schema theory: a critical appraisal and reevaluation.. 37:85-101. 2005
- Long-term motor programming improvements occur via concatenation of movement sequences during random but not during blocked practice.. 36:39-50. 2004
- Part-whole practice of movement sequences.. 36:51-61. 2004
- Effect of practice on effector independence.. 35:33-40. 2003
- Consistent and variable practice conditions: effects on relative and absolute timing.. 33:139-152. 2001
- Effects of an auditory model on the learning of relative and absolute timing.. 33:127-138. 2001
- Planning and executing simple movements: contributions of relative-time and overall-duration specification.. 33:273-285. 2001
- Reduced-frequency concurrent and terminal feedback: a test of the guidance hypothesis.. 32:287-296. 2000
- Performance and learning of generalized motor programs: relative (GMP) and absolute (parameter) errors.. 32:163-175. 2000
- Physical and observational practice afford unique learning opportunities.. 32:27-36. 2000
- Enhancing Training Efficiency and Effectiveness Through the Use of Dyad Training.. 31:119-125. 1999
- Benefits of Blocked Over Serial Feedback on Complex Motor Skill Learning.. 31:95-103. 1999
- To Switch or Not to Switch: Recruitment of Degrees of Freedom Stabilizes Biological Coordination.. 31:126-144. 1999
- Physical-guidance benefits in learning a complex motor skill.. 30:367-380. 1998
- Frequent feedback enhances complex motor skill learning.. 30:180-192. 1998
- Generalized Motor Program (GMP) Learning: Effects of Reduced Frequency of Knowledge of Results and Practice Variability.. 30:51-59. 1998
- Pew (1966) Revisited: Acquisition of Hierarchical Control as a Function of Observational Practice.. 24:247-260. 1992
- After-contraction phenomenon: influences on performance and learning.. 23:51-62. 1991
- The role of intertask and intratask processing in acquisition and retention of motor skills.. 23:139-145. 1991