publication venue for
- Using peer assessment to improve middle school mathematical communication. 115:146-160. 2022
- A survival analysis of a language-infused science inquiry intervention for English learners. 112:377-384. 2019
- The effects of developing English language and literacy on Spanish reading comprehension. 111:517-529. 2018
- Pedagogical differences during a science and language intervention for English language learners. 111:487-496. 2018
- Measuring and comparing academic language development and conceptual understanding via science notebooks. 109:503-517. 2016
- A classroom observational study of Qatar's independent schools: Instruction and school reform. 109:413-423. 2016
- Impact of sustained professional development in STEM on outcome measures in a diverse urban district. 109:181-196. 2016
- High-Achieving and Average Students Reading Growth: Contrasting School and Summer Trajectories. 108:112-129. 2015
- Strategies and challenges in managing lifelong education_ Cases of adult learning focused universities in the United States (in Korean). 13:269-297. 2015
- Integrating Literacy and Science for English Language Learners: From Learning-to-Read to Reading-to-Learn. 107:410-426. 2014
- A study for developing an instrument to measure adult learning in human resource development. 12:153-172. 2014
- Classroom Instruction and the Mathematics Achievement of Non-English Learners and English Learners. 106:173-182. 2013
- "Butterfly Under a Pin": An Emergent Teacher Image amid Mandated Curriculum Reform. 105:90-101. 2012
- Community leadership and cultural-historical activity theory_ Implications for lifelong learning. 10:387-412. 2012
- The Effects of an Instructional Intervention on Dual Language Development Among First-Grade Hispanic English-Learning Boys and Girls: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study. 104:87-99. 2011
- Research on the Boundaries: Narrative Inquiry in the Midst of Organized School Reform. 103:123-136. 2009
- The educational researcher defined: what will future researchers be trained to do?. 101:247-253. 2008
- Classroom Process Differences in Inner-City Elementary Schools. 91:49-59. 1997
- Motivation and Learning Environment Differences in Inner-City Middle School Students. 90:93-102. 1996
- Adaptive Education and Student Outcomes: A Quantitative Synthesis. 78:228-236. 1985
- Utilizing Students Perceptions and Context Variables to Analyze Effective Teaching: A Process-Product Investigation. 76:321-325. 1983
- A path analytic model linking foundational skills to Grade 3 state reading achievement. 112:110-120.
- Learning together: A mixed methods analysis of team-based learning in mathematics. ahead-of-print:1-14.