Combined nonlinear model reduction and multiparametric nonlinear programming for nonlinear model predictive control
Commercial Bank Management
Commercial Banking The Management of Risk
Commercial Banking The Management of Risk
Commercial Homes in Tourism
Commitment in Organizations
Communicating Knowledge In Agriculture And The Life Sciences
Community and Consent The Secular Political Theory of Marsiglio of Padua's Defensor Pacis
Community Benefits and Repositioning The Keys to Park and Recreation's Future Viability
Community structure and trophic interactions in restored and natural estuarine mudflats: complex trophic cascades and positive and negative effects of nutrients
Comparative Analysis of Nations Quantitative Approaches
Comparative Anatomy of Domestic Animals: A Guide
Comparative Mammalian Immunology The Evolution and Diversity of the Immune Systems of Mammals
Comparing political parties
Comparing the States and Communities: Politics, Government, and Policy in the United States, 7th Edition
Complex Analysis
Complex Ball Quotients and Line Arrangements in the Projective Plane
Complex Collaboration Building the Capabilities for Working Across Boundaries
Compliant Rebels
Comportamento canino um guia para veterinrios
Compound Words in Spanish Theory and History
Computational Fluid Dynamics: A High-Order Temporal Discretization Method
Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex
Computational Material Modeling: Presented at 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, November 6-11, 1994
Computational Mechanics
Computational Stochastic Programming, Models, Algorithms, and Implementation
Concepts in Physical Education
Conducting Meta-Analysis Using SAS
Conducting Research in Psychology: Measuring the Weight of Smoke
Conflict Management and Dialogue in Higher Education A Global Perspective