publisher of
- Optimization of engineering student learning and assessment by cognitive methods. Engineering Education Letters. 2017. 2017
- Integration of a remote PID motor speed control experiment with teaching in engineering education. Engineering Education Letters. 2017. 2017
- Towards systematic approaches for the development of carbon dioxide management policy and strategy. QScience Proceedings. 2016
- Development of a methodology and information technology tools for micro-adaptive instruction: An engineering course case study. QScience Proceedings. 2015:13-13. 2015
- Increasing the STEM pipeline: Impact of a multi-faceted STEM organization. QScience Proceedings. 2015:23-23. 2015
- Development of a methodology and information technology tools for micro-adaptive instruction: An engineering course case study 2015
- Increasing the STEM pipeline: Impact of a multi-faceted STEM organization 2015
- A New Voice in Engineering Education: Engineering Education Letters. Engineering Education Letters. 2015. 2014
- Development of a New Engineering Education in the Middle East. Engineering Education Letters. 2015. 2014
- Development of a remote shape memory alloy experiment for engineering education. Engineering Education Letters. 2015. 2014
- Training future engineers to be committed to safety 2014
- Modeling Of The Venting Of A Gassy System Under Runaway Conditions 2013
- Risk Assessment Of The Thermal Decomposition Of Organic Peroxide Hybrid And Gassy Systems By Calorimetry And Computational Techniques 2013
- Smart grid opportunities for Qatar 2013
- Kohl and surma eye cosmetics as significant sources of lead (Pb) exposure 2012
- Turbulent heat transfer measurements of supercritical CO in a horizontal tube at relatively low Reynolds numbers 2012
- A computational model for predicting the fluid motion induced by Brownian motions of suspended nanoparticles 2012
- A novel and efficient relaying scheme for next generation mobile broadband communication systems 2012
- A novel robust control system to reduce the exhaust emission and enhance the fuel economy for spark ignition engines 2012
- Analysis of mobility impact on interference for short-range cognitive radio networks. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- Assessment of thermal performances of nanofluids in industrial type heat exchangers 2012
- Automated feature detection on ECG waveforms 2012
- Experimental analysis of energy detection for digitally modulated signals: Indoor measurements. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on Co/AlO catalyst: Effects of carbidization and reduction conditions 2012
- Gene regulatory network inference using information theoretic methods. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- High Temperature and High Pressure Rheology of Nanofluids: a case study 2012
- Human centric system for oil and gas quality and pipeline infrastructure monitoring in Qatar. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- Inferring nonlinear and sparse gene regulatory networks. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- Kinetic modeling of GTL product distribution over a promoted cobalt catalyst 2012
- Model-free fuzzy intervention in biological phenomena 2012
- Multiscale denoising of biological data: A comparative analysis 2012
- Nanofluids: Optical properties and its effects in near-wall measurements 2012
- New perspectives, extensions and applications of De Bruijn identity 2012
- Optimal reference selection for genome assembly using the minimum description length principle. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- Performance analysis of switch-based multiuser scheduling schemes with adaptive modulation in spectrum sharing systems 2012
- Performance of digitally modulated RFID energy detector for moisture sensing applications for oil and gas quality monitoring in Qatar. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 2012
- Spray characterization of gas-to-liquid alternative aviation fuels 2012
- Turbulent characteristics of atmospheric surface layer in Qatar 2012
- Development of a Telerobotic System to Assist the Physically Challenged Using Non-Contact Vision-Based Sensing and Command. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. cso7-CSO7. 2011
- Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Over Co/Al 2 O 3 Catalyst-Effect of Pretreatment Procedures. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. egp21-EGP21. 2011
- A Case Study of CO 2 Sequestration Potential of a Saline Aquifer in Qatar. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. evp18-EVP18. 2011
- Complex Flow and Composition Path in CO 2 Injection Schemes from Density Effects. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. egp23-EGP23. 2011
- Design and analysis of new generation protocols for triple-play networks. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. cso4-CSO4. 2010
- Development and control of homogenous charge compression ignition engines: a preliminary study. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. eeps2-EEPS2. 2010
- Gas-to-Liquids Research at Texas A&M University at Qatar. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. eeo2-EEO2. 2010
- Optimal resource allocation for relay-assisted wireless communication systems. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. eep12-EEP12. 2010
- Qloud: a cloud computing infrastructure for scientific applications. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. cso5-CSO5. 2010
- Development of an optimal data reduction scheme fora four-wire hot-wire probe. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. csp9-CSP9. 2010
- Effect of non-uniform, out-of-plane illumination, shear rate andparticle distribution on the accuracy of nPIV velocity measurement. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. csp5-CSP5. 2010
- Effects of GTL fuels on aircraft gas turbine altitude ignition combustor operability. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. eep16-EEP16. 2010
- GTL fuels and their effects on aircraft aas turbine altitude ignition detailed diagnostics. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. eeo3-EEO3. 2010
- Nanoscale Brownian motion-based thermometry in near wall region. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. csp13-CSP13. 2010
- Study of interrelationship between atmospheric turbulence with oceanic wave motions. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. eep7-EEP7. 2010
- What do drill strings and surgical threads have in common?. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. cso7-CSO7. 2010
- Performance analysis of cognitive radio multiple-access channels over dynamic fading environments. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings.
- Random subcarrier allocation in OFDM-based cognitive radio networks
- Advances in Databased Process Monitoring and Applications 2018
- An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Barite Sagging Related to Drilling Fluid Properties 2018
- Concentrated photovoltaic system with a phase change material: A system to harness solar energy more efficiently as compared to a conventional photovoltaic system for Qatar climatic conditions 2018
- Developing a Framework for a Dynamic Modeling Tool to Support RiskBased Decision Making in the Petrochemical Industry 2018
- Novel low band gap polymers based on pyrrolo[32d:45d]bisthiazole PBTz and thienylenevinylene TV For Organic Electronic Applications 2018
- Rheological studies of a water based drilling mud suspended with carbon nano particles 2018
- A Deep Learning Approach for Detection of Electricity Theft Cyber Attacks in Smart Grids 2018
- A Systematic Approach for Designing Sustainable Industrial WaterEnergy Integration Network 2018
- CO2 Utilization through Dry Reforming of Methane Process 2018
- Comparative Assessment of Conjugated Polymers for High Performance Plastic Electronics 2018
- Comprehensive Assessment of Resin Systems as a Combined Solution for Well Integrity Challenge and Unwanted Fluid Shutoff in Carbonate Reservoirs 2018
- Core Scale Analysis on Asphaltene Flocculation Inhibition and Deposits Removal by Ultrasonication 2018
- NonInvasive Wearable Sensors to detect onset of hypoglycemia: A Literature Review 2018
- Effect of Salinity on the Viscosity of Water Based Drilling Fluids at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures 2016
- Effects of Environmental Factors on Dust Particle Adhesion on Glass Substrates 2016
- Experimental Investigation of Permeability and Fluid Loss Properties of Water Based Mud Under High Pressure-High Temperature Conditions 2016
- Investigating the Effect of High Pressures and Temperatures on Corrosion Inhibition for Water-Based Muds 2016
- Nature-Inspired Conjugated Molecules for Future Organic Solar Cell Materials 2016
- New Conjugated Polymer Materials for Solar Energy and Organic Electronics 2016
- Polyisobutylene (PIB)-NHC Supported Catalysts for Cross-Coupling Reactions: A Green and Sustainable Protocol 2016
- Sensitive Spectroscopic Analysis of Isotopes for Characterization of Crude Oil and Well Gas Samples 2016
- Synthesis and Applications of Novel Ladder Polymers for Organic Solar Cells 2016
- Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Thiophene-, Selenophene- and Tellurophene-Vinylene Copolymers 2016
- Design of a Novel Wireless Communication Scheme that Jointly Supports Both Coherent and Non-Coherent Receivers 2016
- Detecting And Tracking Attacks in Mobile Edge Computing Platforms 2016
- Develop a Global Scalable Remote Laboratory Based on a Unified Framework 2016
- Enhanced Epileptic Seizure Onset Detection via the Combination of Channel Selection and Feature Enhancement 2016
- Flexible Integration of EVs and PVs into the Electricity Grid 2016
- Lattices are Good for Communication, Security, and Almost Everything 2016
- Resource Allocation Under Footprint Constraints in Industrial Parks 2016
- Spatiotemporal Visualization of the Regional Myocardial Tissue. 89-98. 2016
- Introduction to the Proceedings of the 2014 Engineering Leaders Conference 2015
- Conjugated Small Molecules And Polymers For Use In Next Generation Organic Photovoltaic Solar Cells 2014
- A High Performance Engine Control Scheme With A Delay-compensation Component 2014
- A Novel Solution For Addressing Network Firewall Issues In Remote Laboratory Development 2014
- A Stochastic Approach To Liquefied Natural Gas (lng) Ship Route Planning Model Under Weather Disruptions 2014
- A Systematic Approach To Carbon Footprint Reduction Stategries In Industrial Parks 2014
- Application Of 3d Printing To Develop A Nature Inspired Mini Heat Sink For Electronic Cooling 2014
- Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations Of Transport Properties Of Co2 - H2o - Nacl Mixture At Conditions Relevant To Ccs Processes 2014
- Detecting Cardiovascular Abnormalities Using A Telemetry System Based On Arduino Microcontroller & Smartphones 2014
- Development Of A Remote Sma Experiment - A Case Study 2014
- Development of a remote experiment under a unified remote laboratory framework 2014
- Efficient Multiple Users Combining And Scheduling In Wireless Networks 2014
- Evaluation Of Gas-to-liquid Aviation Fuel Cold Spray In Qatar For Gas Turbine Combustion 2014
- Load Follows Generation: The New Paradigm For Future Power System Control In Presence Of High Penetration Of Variable Renewable Resources 2014
- MobiBots: Risk Assessment Of Collaborative Mobile-to-Mobile Malicious Communication 2014
- Patient-Specific Seizure Onset Detection Via Neural Synchrony 2014
- Performance Of Hybrid-access Overlaid Cellular Mimo Networks With Transmit Selection And Receive Mrc In Poisson Field Interference 2014
- Source Term Modeling Of Cryogenic Liquid Vapor Formation By Experimental Investigation - Evaporation Regime And Convection Effect 2014
- Synthesis And Characterization Of Perfluoroalkylated Perylene Diimide Based N-type Polymers For Optoelectronic Applications 2014
- MobiBots: Towards detecting distributed mobile botnets 2013
- Techno-economic assessment of CO2 Quality Effect on its Storage and Transport (CO2QUEST) 2013
- Study of oil/water emulsions in horizontal production pipes 2012
- Benchmark study of density functional methods for organometallic reactions 2012
- Biochemical response and effects of bariatric surgeries on type 2 diabetes 2012
- Passive vibration control using a linear particle chain impact damper 2012
- A Cyberphysical Testbed for Smart Water Networks Research Education and Development in Qatar
- Application of TiO2WO3 Composite for Continuous Reduction of Chromium(VI) in Light-limited Condition
- Carbon-based Electrode Materials for Biotic Treatment of Wastewater and Saline Water
- Characterization of synthetic Gas-to-Liquid jet fuel blends and properties correlation with hydrocarbon structure. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. egp20-EGP20.
- Highly Efficient Artificial Photosynthesis of Formate from CO2 and Water on Heterojunction Copper Iron Oxide Catalysts
- Mercury Removal Using Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis: Nanoparticle Versus Nanotube
- Morphology-dependent Photocatalytic Activities Of Crystalline Zno And Their Importance For Environmental And Energy Applications
- The Elimination of Selenium from Contaminated Water using Sulfide or Dithionite Activated by UV Light
- The dynamics of the coastal food webs in the Central Arabian Sea