selected publications academicarticle Belhadjin, A (2010). From Politics to the Roman Noir. South Central Review. 27(1/2), 61-81. Larson, R. (2003). Michel Leiris: Race, Poetry, Politics: Rereading the Mission Lucas. Sub-Stance: a review of theory and literary criticism. 32(3), 133-145. Golsan, R. J., & Larson, R. (2003). Introduction: The Politics of French Literary History. Sub-Stance: a review of theory and literary criticism. 32(3), 3-5. Hollier, D., Golsan, R. J., & Larson, R. (2003). Revisiting "A New History of French Literature". Sub-Stance: a review of theory and literary criticism. 32(3), 6-6. Larson, R. E (1999). The Whore's Tale: Reading and Writing the Prostitute's Life. Critical Matrix. 11(2), 1-16. Larson, R. (1997). Ethnography, Thievery, and Cultural Identity: A Rereading of Michel Leiris's L'Afrique fantme. PMLA. 112(2), 229-242. Larson, R. (1997). Sex and Civility in a 17th-Century Dialogue: LEscole des Filles [in] Papers on French seventeenth century literature. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature. 24(47), 496-511. Larson, R. (1994). Confession, Dissimulation, and Storytelling in the Ur-Text of Classical Eroticism. Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française. 6(1-2), 76-103. Assouline, P., & Larson, R. Beneath the Scarf of Jean Moulin. South Central Review. 25(2), 1-21. Bruckner, P., & Larson, R. The Crises of Patriotism. South Central Review. 25(3), 16-29. chapter Larson, R. E. (2010). Michel Leiris et l'esthtique de la race dans L'Afrique fantme. Dambre, M., & Golsan, R. J. (Eds.), L'exception et la France contemporaine histoire, imaginaire, littrature. (pp. 117-128). Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. Larson, R. E. (1995). Looking and Learning: Gender, Image and Text and the Genealogy of the Textbook. Hurley, A., & Greenspan, K. (Eds.), So Rich a Tapestry The Sister Arts and Cultural Studies. (pp. 216-238). Bucknell University Press.
teaching activities FREN101 Beginning French I Instructor FREN102 Beginning French Ii Instructor FREN201 Intermediate French I Instructor FREN202 Intermediate French Ii Instructor FREN300 Written Comm In Fren Sp World Instructor FREN321 French Literature I Instructor FREN322 French Literature Ii Instructor FREN410 Seminar French Lit Instructor FREN481 Seminar French Francophone Instructor FREN485 Directed Studies Instructor INTS205 Current Issues Intl Stud Instructor INTS407 Diversity Globaliz World Instructor INTS481 Seminar Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in French, Yale University - (New Haven, Connecticut, United States) 1991 M.A. in Expanded French Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1983 B.A. in French Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1981 B.F.A. in Ceramic Sculpture, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1981
awards and honors Harry Ransom Center Fellowship, conferred by The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States), 1999
mailing address Texas A&M University International Studies Department 4215 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4215 USA