USDA Rural Development - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States)
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awards grant
A systems approach to understanding farm animal-environmental drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the food supply chain
Big city, big country road show: Recruiting non-traditional and underrepresented students into the food and agricultural sciences workforce.
Capacity building at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru,
Cultivating global leaders in agriculture: Enhancing participation in undergraduate experiential learning opportunities for minorities.
Glutaminolysis provides TCA cycle intermediates necessary for proliferation in the conceptus trophectoderm of pigs
Graduate education at the nexus of global horticulture and human nutrition to enhance community resilience and food security
Impact of dietary glutamate on the development of gut mucosal immunity in hybrid striped bass
Preparing organizational leaders in agriculture through innovative leadership case studies contextualized in agricultural disasters
Science Influencers: Communicating FANH Sciences’ Research, Education, and Extension through Practical Experiences
Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Creating a Community of Global Thinking Fellows
Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Increasing Undergraduates’ Knowledge of the International Dimensions of Climate Change, Food Security, and Childhood Obesity
Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Enhancing the Undergraduate Curriculum
The Educational Effectiveness of Utilizing Second Life (SL) in Teaching Graduate-level Agricultural Crisis Communications
The ISE curricula: Enhancing international research and teaching.
Training the Trainer: The Distance Education Instructional Designer Project