selected publications academicarticle Raza, F., & Pals, H. (2024). Attitudes Toward Wife Beating in Pakistan: Over-Time Comparative Trends by Gender. Violence Against Women. 10778012241234891. Kutsar, D., & Pals, H. (2021). Introduction to Special Collection Eight on Children's Well-Being from Different Angles. Population Review. 60(2), 195-200. Shifrer, D., & Pals, H. (2021). Social mobility, adolescents' psycho-social dispositions, and parenting. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility: a research annual. 75, 100646-100646. Plickert, G., & Pals, H. (2020). Parental Anger and Trajectories of Emotional Well-Being from Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 30(2), 440-457. Pals, H., & Engin, C. (2019). Attachment to Society and Cognitive Deviance: The Case of Turkey. Deviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal. 40(7), 799-815. Engin, C., & Pals, H. (2018). Patriarchal Attitudes in Turkey 1990-2011: The Influence of Religion and Political Conservatism. Social Politics: international studies in gender, state, and society. 25(3), 383-409. Pals, H., Love, T. P., Hannibal, B., & Waren, W. (2016). The Consequences of School Environment and Locus of Control on Adulthood Deviant Behavior. Deviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal. 37(9), 1003-1022. Pals, H., & Singer, L. (2015). Residential energy conservation: the effects of education and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 5(1), 29-41. Pals, H., & Waren, W. (2014). Winners and losers in health insurance: access and type of coverage for women in same-sex and opposite-sex partnerships. Women and Health. 54(2), 94-114. Guittar, N. A., & Pals, H. (2014). Intersecting gender with race and religiosity: Do unique social categories explain attitudes toward homosexuality?. 62(1), 41-62. Pals, H., & Kaplan, H. B. (2013). The roles of internal locus of control and neighborhood affluence in predicting the continuity of negative self-feelings from adolescence to young adulthood. Journal of Adolescence. 36(5), 807-814. Pals, H., & Kaplan, H. (2013). Long-Term Effects of Adolescent Negative Self-Feelings on Adult Deviance: Moderated by Neighborhood Disadvantage, Mediated by Expectations. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 38(3), 348-368. Waren, W., & Pals, H. (2013). Comparing characteristics of voluntarily childless men and women. Journal of Population Research. 30(2), 151-170. Pals, H., & Kaplan, H. B. (2013). Cumulative and Relative Disadvantage as Long-Term Determinants of Negative Self-feelings. SOCIOLOGICAL INQUIRY. 83(1), 130-153. Pals, H., & Tuma, N. B. (2012). Adolescent noncompliance and occupational attainment in transitional societies. 27(3), 422-441. Rayburn, R. L., Pals, H., & Wright, J. D. (2012). Death, drugs, and disaster: mortality among New Orleans' homeless. Care management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 13(1), 8-18. Lei, L., & Pals, H. (2011). Son Preference in China: Why is it Stronger in Rural Areas?. 50(2), 27-46. Pals, H. (2007). The American people: Census 2000. SOCIAL FORCES. 86(2), 863-865. McFarland, D., & Pals, H. (2005). Motives and contexts of identity change: A case for network effects. Social Psychology Quarterly. 68(4), 289-315. book Sunshine Hillygus, D., Nie, N. H., Prewitt, K., & Pals, H. (2006). The hard count: The political and social challenges of census mobilization chapter Mikk, T., & Pals, H. (1999). Kutseala Kui Kutsegruppi Kujudav Alus. Mikk, T. (Eds.), Kolmekmneaastaste Plvkonna Sotsiaalne Portree. (pp. 50-80). Teaduste Akadeemia.
teaching activities SOCI211 Sociology Of Deviance Instructor SOCI311 Social Change Instructor SOCI411 Social Psychology Instructor SOCI485 Directed Studies Instructor SOCI491 Hnr-research Instructor SOCI621 Social Psychology Instructor SOCI628 Deviant Behavior Instructor SOCI631 Sem Soc Res: Quant Analysis Instructor SOCI631 Seminar In Soc Resrch Instructor SOCI677 Sem In Social Psych Instructor SOCI681 Sem In Soci:new Students Instructor SOCI681 Sem In Soci:new Students Instructor SOCI685 Directed Studies Instructor SOCI691 Research Instructor SOCI691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Sociology, Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 2006 M.A. in Sociology, Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 2000 B.A. in Sociology, University of Tartu - (Tartu, Estonia) 1998