selected publications academicarticle Bachrach, D. G., Bendoly, E., Ammeter, D. B., Blackburn, R., Brown, K. G., Burke, G., ... Voss, D. (2017). On Academic Rankings, Unacceptable Methods, and the Social Obligations of Business Schools. 48(3), 561-585. Wilkins, M. S., & Loudder, M. L. (2000). Articulation in cash flow statements: a resource for financial accounting courses. Journal of Accounting Education. 18(2), 115-126. Boatsman, J. R., Khurana, I. K., & Loudder, M. L (2000). The Economic Implications of Proposed Changes in the Accounting for Nuclear Decommissioning Costs. Accounting Horizons. 14(2), 211-233. Wilkins, M., Swanson, E., & Loudder, M. L (1998). Market valuation of Goodwill and other intangible assets: the united States as a laboratory market for IASC E60 and E61. Advances in International Accounting. 11, 117-132. Wells, D. W., & Loudder, M. L (1997). The market effects of auditor resignations. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 16(1), 138-144. Loudder, M. L., Khurana, I. K., & Boatsman, J. R (1996). Market valuation of regulatory assets in public utility firms. Accounting Review. 71(3), 357-373. LOUDDER, M. L., & BEHN, B. K. (1995). Alternative Income Determination Rules and Earnings Usefulness: The Case of R&D Costs*. Contemporary Accounting Research. 12(1), 185-205. KHURANA, I. K., & LOUDDER, M. L (1994). THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF SFAS-106 IN RATE-REGULATED ENTERPRISES. Accounting Review. 69(2), 364-380. LOUDDER, M. L., KHURANA, I. K., SAWYERS, R. B., CORDERY, C., JOHNSON, C., LOWE, J., & WUNDERLE, R (1992). THE INFORMATION-CONTENT OF AUDIT QUALIFICATIONS. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 11(1), 69-82.
teaching activities ACCT327 Financial Reporting I Instructor BUSN125 Hnr-business Learn Comm I Instructor BUSN302 Appl Busn Comp:busn Sol Soc Pb Instructor BUSN485 Directed Studies Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Adut, Davit (2004-09). Dispersion in analysts' forecasts: does it make a difference?. McLelland, Andrew John (2004-09). The relative use of form 8-k disclosures: a trading response analysis.
education and training B.B.A. in Accounting, West Texas A&M University - (Canyon, Texas, United States) M.B.A. in Finance, West Texas A&M University - (Canyon, Texas, United States) Ph.D. in Accounting, Arizona State University - (Tempe, Arizona, United States)
mailing address Texas A&M University Dean Of Business Administration 4113 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4113 USA