selected publications academicarticle Lucas, G., & Mormann, F. (2019). Betting on Climate Policy: Using Prediction Markets to Address Global Warming. UC Davis Law Review. 52(3), 1429-1486. Lucas, G. M. (2017). Voter psychology and the carbon tax. Temple Law Review. 90(1), 1-52. Lucas, G. (2017). Measuring Scholarly Impact: A Guide for Law School Administrators and Legal Scholars. University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 165, 165-177. Lucas, G. (2017). Behavioral Public Choice and the Carbon Tax. Utah Law Review. 2017(1), 115-158. Lucas, G., & Tasi, S. (2015). Behavioral Public Choice and the Law. West Virginia Law Review. 118(1), 199-266. Lucas, G. (2015). Out of Sight, out of Mind: How Opportunity Cost Neglect Undermines Democracy. NYU Journal of Law and Liberty. 9(1), 249-343. Lucas, G. (2013). Paternalism and Psychic Taxes: The Government's Use of Negative Emotions to Save Us from Ourselves. Southern California interdisciplinary law journal. 22(2), 227-302. Lucas, G. (2012). Saving Smokers from Themselves: The Paternalistic Use of Cigarette Taxes. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW. 80(3), 693-751. Lucas, G. (2010). The Taxation of Emissions Permits Distributed for Free as Part of a Carbon Cap-and-Trade Program. George Washington Journal of Energy and Environmental Law. 1, 16-39.
teaching activities LAW7319 Federal Income Tax Instructor LAW7418 Legislation And Regulation Instructor LAW7516 Taxation Of Business Entities Instructor LAW7816 Independent Study Instructor LAW7900 Taxation Of Bus Entities(sptp) Instructor
education and training LL.M. in Taxation, University of Florida - (Gainesville, Florida, United States) 2006 J.D., Tulane University - (New Orleans, Louisiana, United States) 2004 B.B.A. in Accounting, Marshall University - (Huntington, West Virginia, United States) 2000
mailing address Texas A&M University Texas A&M University School of Law 8500 TAMU Fort Worth, TX 76102 USA