selected publications academicarticle Filippi, A. M., Guneralp, I., Castillo, C. R., Ma, A., Paulus, G., & Anders, K. (2022). Comparison of Image Endmember- and Object-Based Classification of Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Narrow-Band Images for Mapping Riparian Forests and Other Land Covers. Land. 11(2), 246-246. Castillo, C. R., Guneralp, I., Hales, B., & Guneralp, B. (2020). Scale-Free Structure of Surface-Water Connectivity Within a Lowland River-Floodplain Landscape. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(16), Lindroth, E. M., Rhoads, B. L., Castillo, C. R., Czuba, J. A., Guneralp, I., & Edmonds, D. (2020). Spatial Variability in Bankfull Stage and Bank Elevations of Lowland Meandering Rivers: Relation to Rating Curves and Channel Planform Characteristics. 56(8), Legleiter, C. J., Pavelsky, T., Durand, M., Allen, G. H., Tarpanelli, A., Frasson, R., Guneralp, I., & Woodget, A. (2020). Editorial for the Special Issue "Remote Sensing of Flow Velocity, Channel Bathymetry, and River Discharge". Remote Sensing. 12(14), 2304-2304. Monegaglia, F., Zolezzi, G., Guneralp, I., Henshaw, A. J., & Tubino, M. (2018). Automated extraction of meandering river morphodynamics from multitemporal remotely sensed data. Environmental Modelling & Software. 105, 171-186. You, M., Filippi, A. M., Guneralp, I., & Guneralp, B. (2017). What is the Direction of Land Change? A New Approach to Land-Change Analysis. Remote Sensing. 9(8), 850-850. Zolezzi, G., & Gueneralp, I. (2016). Continuous wavelet characterization of the wavelengths and regularity of meandering rivers. Geomorphology. 252, 98-111. Wu, F., Zhan, J., & Gueneralp, I. (2015). Present and future of urban water balance in the rapidly urbanizing Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 318(C), 254-264. Zhu, L., Quiring, S. M., Guneralp, I., & Peacock, W. G. (2015). Variations in tropical cyclone-related discharge in four watersheds near Houston, Texas. Climate Risk Management. 7, 1-10. Gueneralp, I., Filippi, A. M., & Hales, B. (2014). Influence of river channel morphology and bank characteristics on water surface boundary delineation using high-resolution passive remote sensing and template matching. EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS. 39(7), 977-986. Filippi, A. M., Gueneralp, I., & Randall, J. (2014). Hyperspectral remote sensing of aboveground biomass on a river meander bend using multivariate adaptive regression splines and stochastic gradient boosting. Remote Sensing Letters. 5(5), 432-441. Gueneralp, I., Filippi, A. M., & Randall, J. (2014). Estimation of floodplain aboveground biomass using multispectral remote sensing and nonparametric modeling. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 33(1), 119-126. Filippi, A. M., & Gneralp, . . (2013). Influence of shadow removal on image classification in riverine environments. Optics Letters. 38(10), 1676-1678. Gueneralp, I., Filippi, A. M., & Hales, B. U. (2013). River-flow boundary delineation from digital aerial photography and ancillary images using Support Vector Machines. GIScience and Remote Sensing. 50(1), 1-25. Gueneralp, I., & Marston, R. A. (2012). Process-form linkages in meander morphodynamics: Bridging theoretical modeling and real world complexity. Progress in Physical Geography. 36(6), 718-746. Gueneralp, I., Abad, J. D., Zolezzi, G., & Hooke, J. (2012). Advances and challenges in meandering channels research. Geomorphology. 163, 1-9. Filippi, A. M., Bhaduri, B. L., Naughton, T., King, A. L., Scott, S. L., & Gueneralp, I. (2012). Hyperspectral Aquatic Radiative Transfer Modeling Using a High-Performance Cluster Computing-Based Approach. GIScience and Remote Sensing. 49(2), 275-298. Gueneralp, I., & Rhoads, B. L. (2011). Influence of floodplain erosional heterogeneity on planform complexity of meandering rivers. Geophysical Research Letters. 38(14), n/a-n/a. Guneralp, I., & Rhoads, B. L. (2010). Spatial autoregressive structure of meander evolution revisited. Geomorphology. 120(3-4), 91-106. Guneralp, I., & Rhoads, B. L. (2009). Empirical analysis of the planform curvature-migration relation of meandering rivers. Water Resources Research. 45(9), nci, G., & Rhoads, B. L. (2009). Planform change and stream power in the Kishwaukee River watershed, Illinois: Geomorphic assessment for environmental management. 451, 109-118. Abad, J. D., Rhoads, B. L., Guneralp, I., & Garcia, M. H. (2008). Flow structure at different stages in a meander-bend with bendway weirs. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. 134(8), 1052-1063. Gneralp, . ., & Rhoads, B. L. (2008). Continuous Characterization of the Planform Geometry and Curvature of Meandering Rivers. Geographical Analysis: an international journal of theoretical geography. 40(1), 1-25. Gueneralp, B., Gueneralp, I., & Liu, Y. Changing global patterns of urban exposure to flood and drought hazards. Global Environmental Change. 31, 217-225. Yi, H., Gueneralp, B., Filippi, A. M., Kreuter, U. P., & Gueneralp, I. Impacts of Land Change on Ecosystem Services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Ecological Economics. 135(C), 125-135. Castillo, C. R., Gueneralp, I., & Gueneralp, B. Influence of changes in developed land and precipitation on hydrology of a coastal Texas watershed. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY. 47, 154-167. Gueneralp, B., Gueneralp, I., Castillo, C. R., & Filippi, A. M. Land Change in the Mission-Aransas Coastal Region, Texas: Implications for Coastal Vulnerability and Protected Areas. Sustainability. 5(10), 4247-4267. Yi, H., Gneralp, B., Kreuter, U. P., Gneralp, . ., & Filippi, A. M. Spatial and temporal changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment. 619-620, 1259-1271. chapter Gneralp, _., & Rhoads, B. (2006). The spatial structure of planform dynamics of meandering rivers. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. Taylor & Francis. conference paper Hecher, J., Filippi, A., Guneralp, I., & Paulus, G. (2013). Extracting River Features from Remotely Sensed Data: An Evaluation of Thematic Correctness. 187-196. Gueneralp, I., & Rhoads, B. L. (2009). Planform change and stream power in the Kishwaukee River watershed, Illinois: Geomorphic assessment for environmental management. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 109-118. Tikotekar, A., Valle, G., Naughton, T., Ong, H., Engelmann, C., Scott, S. L., & Filippi, A. M. (2008). Effects of virtualization on a scientific application running a hyperspectral radiative transfer code on virtual machines. 16-23.
principal investigator on Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Development Of A Framework For Quantifying Hydrologic Surface Connectivity Of A Costal River-Floodplain System awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2017 - 2019 RAPID - Tree Blowdown Impacts of Hurricane Harvey on Hydrologic Surface Connectivity in a Coastal River and Its Floodplain awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2017 - 2019
teaching activities GEOG203 Planet Earth Instructor GEOG213 Planet Earth Lab Instructor GEOG360 Natural Hazards Instructor GEOG380 Wrkshp In Envir Stdies Instructor GEOG485 Directed Studies Instructor GEOG489 Sptp: Sys Fut Thinking Environ Instructor GEOG491 Research Instructor GEOG611 Geog Research Design Instructor GEOG626 Fluvial Geomorphology Instructor GEOG685 Directed Studies Instructor GEOG691 Research Instructor GEOG691 Research Instructor WMHS601 Hydrology And Environment Instructor WMHS691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Castillo, Cesar Ricardo (2013-05). Modeling Impacts of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change and Variable Precipitation on Hydrology and Water Quality of a Coastal Watershed in Texas. Liu, Ying (2016-08). Hydro-geomorphological Attributes and Distribution of Urban Land and Population in River Basins. Nyikos, Sarah Ildiko (2012-02). Tree Community Patterns and Soil Texture Characteristics of a Meander Bend, Lower Trinity River, Southeast Texas. Weyand, Sydney Rachael (2017-12). An Analysis of Current Trends and Potential Applications of Sociohydrology.
education and training Ph.D. in Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 2007 M.S. in Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University - (Istanbul, Turkey) 1999 B.S. in Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University - (Istanbul, Turkey) 1994
awards and honors Fellow, Institute for Science Technology and Public Policy, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2022 G.K.Gilbert Award for Excellence, conferred by American Association of Geographers (AAG) - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2012