Asian Indians were the first South Asians to immigrate to the United States in the late 1800s and are currently the largest ethnic group of South Asians living in the United States. Despite this the literature on perceived discrimination experiences among this group is relatively understudied. It is speculated that the under-examination of discriminatory acts against Asian Indians may be due to the 'model-minority myth' which is often attributed to East Asian Americans. The documented experiences of Asian Indians who either recently immigrated from India or were born and raised in America pose an important question: how factors such as age, generational status, acculturation, ethnic/racial identity, and acculturation impact perceived experiences of discrimination among Asian Indians. The current study utilized a mixed-methods design to explore Asian Indian American youth's discrimination experiences and how these experiences may impact their mental health. Through interviews and surveys, it is suggested that Asian Indian youth experience discrimination at a young age, and may be experiencing negative mental health outcomes as a result. At the same time, a stronger sense of ethnic identity may act as a protective buffer against these negative outcomes. The results of this study can inform future areas of research and best practices for working with Asian Indian youth.