selected publications academicarticle Hazlett, R. D., Syrymov, T., & Younis, R. (2024). Analytic representative element rate decline models for naturally fractured reservoir depletion. Scientific Reports. 14(1), 8803. Cao, W., & Younis, R. M. (2024). Empirical scaling of formation fracturing by high-energy impulsive mechanical loads. 173, 105613-105613. Han, Z., Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2023). Automatic Time Step Control to Resolve Hydromechanically Driven Fault Reactivation, Spontaneous Nucleation, and Seismic Arrest. Water Resources Research. 59(11), Hazlett, R. D., & Younis, R. (2022). Multiscale matrix-fracture transfer functions for naturally fractured reservoirs using an analytical, infinite conductivity, discrete fracture model. Computational Geosciences. 26(4), 1011-1028. Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2022). Efficient co-solution of time step size and independent state in simulations of fluid-driven fracture propagation with embedded meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 123(10), 2262-2289. Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2021). An integrated numerical model for coupled poro-hydro-mechanics and fracture propagation using embedded meshes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 376, 113606-113606. Xu, S., Ren, G., Younis, R. M., & Feng, Q. (2021). Revisiting field estimates for carbon dioxide storage in depleted shale gas reservoirs: The role of geomechanics. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 105, 103222-103222. Ahmed, S. E., San, O., Kara, K., Younis, R., & Rasheed, A. (2021). Multifidelity computing for coupling full and reduced order models. PLoS ONE. 16(2), e0246092-e0246092. Ahmed, S. E., San, O., Kara, K., Younis, R., & Rasheed, A. (2020). Interface learning of multiphysics and multiscale systems. Physical Review E. 102(5-1), 053304. Sheth, S., Moncorge, A., & Younis, R. (2020). Localized linear systems for fully implicit simulation of multiphase multicomponent flow in porous media. Computational Geosciences. 24(2), 743-759. Ren, G., Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2018). A Model for coupled geomechanics and multiphase flow in fractured porous media using embedded meshes. Advances in Water Resources. 122, 113-130. Argyros, I. K., Sheth, S. M., Younis, R. M., Magren, ., & George, S. (2017). Extending the Mesh Independence For Solving Nonlinear Equations Using Restricted Domains. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics. 3(Suppl 1), 1035-1046. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2017). An improved projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for multiphase flow in fractured reservoirs. Advances in Water Resources. 109, 267-289. Sheth, S. M., & Younis, R. M. (2017). Localized Linear Systems in Sequential Implicit Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Transport. SPE JOURNAL. 22(5), 1542-1569. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2017). Efficient C1-continuous phase-potential upwind (C1-PPU) schemes for coupled multiphase flow and transport with gravity. Advances in Water Resources. 108, 184-204. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2017). An efficient fully-implicit multislope MUSCL method for multiphase flow with gravity in discrete fractured media. Advances in Water Resources. 104, 210-222. Ren, G., Rafiee, J., Aryana, S. A., & Younis, R. M. (2017). A Bayesian model selection analysis of equilibrium and nonequilibrium models for multiphase flow in porous media. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 89, 313-320. Younis, R. M. (2017). Localized Linear Systems in Sequential Implicit Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Transport Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2016). Compositional modeling of enhanced hydrocarbons recovery for fractured shale gas-condensate reservoirs with the effects of capillary pressure and multicomponent mechanisms. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 34, 1262-1275. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2016). Hybrid Coupled Discrete-Fracture/Matrix and Multicontinuum Models for Unconventional-Reservoir Simulation. SPE JOURNAL. 21(3), 1009-1027. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2015). A multimechanistic multicontinuum model for simulating shale gas reservoir with complex fractured system. Fuel. 161, 333-344. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2015). Numerical study of complex fracture geometries for unconventional gas reservoirs using a discrete fracture-matrix model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 26, 1174-1186. Argyros, I. K., & George, S. (2015). THE ASYMPTOTIC MESH INDEPENDENCE PRINCIPLE OF NEWTON'S METHOD UNDER WEAKER CONDITIONS. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. 14(1), 29-45. Younis, R. M., Tchelepi, H. A., & Aziz, K. (2010). Adaptively Localized Continuation-Newton Method Nonlinear Solvers That Converge All the Time. SPE JOURNAL. 15(2), 526-544. Younis, R. M. (2010). Adaptively localized continuation-Newton method-nonlinear solvers that converge all the time chapter Younis, R. M., & Tchelepi, H. A. (2012). Lazy K-Way Linear Combination Kernels for Efficient Runtime Sparse Jacobian Matrix Evaluations in C++. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Recent Advances in Algorithmic Differentiation. (pp. 333-342). Springer Nature. conference paper Adeyemi, A. K., Younis, R. M., Keller, M. W., & Lynch, P. K. (2023). Detection of Leaky Pneumatic Actuators in Real-Time for Fugitive Methane Emissions Management Han, Z., & Younis, R. M. (2023). Investigating the Influence of Pressure Distribution on Nucleation Size in Induced Seismic Events Using a Coupled Dynamic Reservoir Simulation with Adaptive Time-Step Cao, W., & Younis, R. M. (2023). Numerical Study of the Influences of Dynamic Loading and Unloading Rates on Fracturing Fan, S., Younis, R. M., & Lu, J. (2023). A Numerical Study of Selective Inorganic Precipitation in Fractures to Geoengineer Resilient and Secure Underground Storage Sites Cao, W., & Younis, R. M. (2023). Formation Fracturing by High-Energy Impulsive Mechanical Loading Olawoyin, A., & Younis, R. M. (2023). Learning to Solve Parameterized Single-Cell Problems Offline to Expedite Reservoir Simulation Han, Z., & Younis, R. (2023). Adaptive Time-stepping to Capture Induced Seismicity for Unconventional Reservoir Exploration Hazlett, R., Syrymov, T., & Younis, R. (2022). A Heterogeneous, Multiscale, 2D Model for Depletion from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs With Subscale Fractures. 1-9. Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2021). A Time-Continuation Solver for Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Jing, Y., & Younis, R. M. (2021). Cache-Aware and Roofline-Ideal Automatic Differentiation Han, Z., Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2021). Unified Reservoir And Seismic Simulation With Explicit Representation Of Fractures And Faults Han, Z., Ren, G., & Younis, R. (2020). Coupled Forward Simulation of Seismicity: a Stick-Slip Model for Fractures and Transient Geomechanics. 1-21. Hazlett, R., & Younis, R. (2020). Multiscale Matrix-Fracture Transfer Functions for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using an Analytical Discrete Fracture Model. 1-18. Behm, E. d., Al Asimi, M., Al Maskari, S., Juna, W., Klie, H., Le, D., ... Zhang, Y. (2019). Middle East Steamflood Field Optimization Demonstration Project Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2019). A Numerical Method for Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Using Embedded Meshes Han, Z., Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2019). Coupled Numerical Simulation of Transient Microseismicity and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs Ren, G., He, J., Wang, Z., Younis, R. M., & Wen, X. (2019). Implementation of Physics-Based Data-Driven Models With a Commercial Simulator Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2018). A Coupled XFEM-EDFM Numerical Model For Hydraulic Fracture Propagation. Conference proceedings. Sheth, S., Moncorg, A., & Younis, R. M. (2018). Localized Linear Systems For Fully-Implicit Simulation Of Multiphase Multicomponent Flow In Porous Media. Conference proceedings. Lutidze, G., & Younis, R. (2018). Proxy reservoir simulation model for IOR operations. Conference proceedings. Streets, V., Brummel, B., Keller, M., & Younis, R. (2017). Fostering Graduate Student Professionalism Using Developmental Coaching Techniques Keller, M., Brummel, B., Streets, V., Kerr, A., Younis, R., Tecle, L., & Crunkleton, D. (2017). Professional Competencies with Behaviorally Anchored Ratings for Graduate Students Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2017). An Efficient Fully-Implicit MFD-MUSCL Method Based on a Novel Multislope Limiting Procedure Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2017). C1-Continuous PPU Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Fully-Coupled Multi-Phase Flow with Gravity Ren, G., Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2017). Fully-Coupled XFEM-EDFM Hybrid Model for Geomechanics and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs Sheth, S. M., & Younis, R. M. (2017). Localized Solvers for General Full-Resolution Implicit Reservoir Simulation Lutidze, G., & Younis, R. M. (2017). Nonlinear Safeguarding Strategies for Fully Implicit Timestepping and Complex Processes Jiang, J. M., & Younis, R. M. (2016). An Efficient Fully-implicit High-resolution MFD-MUSCL Method for Two-phase Flow with Gravity in Discrete Fractured Media. Conference proceedings. Jiang, J. M., & Younis, R. M. (2016). C1-PPU Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Coupled Flow and Transport with Gravity. Conference proceedings. Lutidze, G., & Younis, R. M. (2016). Damping of Newton Iterations Using Automatic Error-control Step-length Selection. Conference proceedings. Sheth, S. M., & Younis, R. M. (2016). Localized Computation of Newton Updates for General Fully-implicit Reservoir Simulation. Conference proceedings. Ren, G. T., Jiang, J. M., & Younis, R. M. (2016). XFEM-EDFM-MINC for Coupled Geomechanics and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs. Conference proceedings. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2016). Compositional Modeling of Enhanced Hydrocarbons Recovery for Fractured Shale Gas-Condensate Reservoirs with the Effects of Capillary Pressure and Multicomponent Mechanisms Zhe, L., Younis, R., & Jiang, J. (2016). A Diagnostic Framework for "Bashed" Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Numerical Simulation and Model Selection Theory Approach Ren, G., Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2016). A Fully Coupled XFEM-EDFM Model for Multiphase Flow and Geomechanics in Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs. Procedia Computer Science. 1404-1415. Younis, R. M. (2016). Fully coupled geomechanics and reservoir simulation for naturally and hydraulically fractured reservoirs Sheth, S. M., & Younis, R. M. (2016). Localized computation of Newton updates in fully-implicit two-phase flow simulation. Procedia Computer Science. 1392-1403. Jiang, J., & Younis, R. M. (2015). A Generic Physics-based Numerical Platform with Hybrid Fracture Modelling Techniques for Simulating Unconventional Gas Reservoirs Le, D. H., Younis, R., & Reynolds, A. C. (2015). A History Matching Procedure for Non-Gaussian Facies Based on ES-MDA Sheth, S. M., & Younis, R. M. (2015). Localized Linear Systems for Sequential Implicit Simulation of Flow and Transport Jiang, J., Younis, R. M., Thompson, L., & Liu, Z. (2015). Rate Transient Effects of Various Complex Fracture Network Topologies in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs: A Numerical Simulation Study Jiang, J., Younis, R. M., Thompson, L., & Liu, Z. (2015). Rate Transient Effects of Various Complex Fracture Network Topologies in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs: A Numerical Simulation Study Jiang, J., Shao, Y., & Younis, R. M. (2014). Development of a Multi-Continuum Multi-Component Model for Enhanced Gas Recovery and CO2 Storage in Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs Younis, R. M. (2014). A multi-continuum compositional model for CO2-EGR process in stimulated fractured shale gas reservoirs Younis, R. M. (2014). Asynchronous multriate Newton - A class of nonlinear solver that adaptively localizes computation Younis, R. M. (2013). A sharp analytical bound on the spatiotemporal locality in general two-phase flow and transport phenomena. Procedia Computer Science. 473-480. Younis, R. M., & Tchelepi, H. A. (2012). How Fast Is Your Newton-Like Nonlinear Solver?. Conference proceedings. Younis, R. M., Tchelepi, H. A., & Aziz, K. (2009). Adaptively-Localized-Continuation-Newton: Reservoir Simulation Nonlinear Solvers That Converge All the Time Voskov, D. V., Younis, R. M., & Tchelepi, H. A. (2009). General Nonlinear Solution Strategies for Multiphase Multicomponent EoS Based Simulation Younis, R. M., Tchelepi, H., & Aziz, K. (2008). Adaptively-localized-continuation-Newton; Reservoir Simulation Nonlinear Solvers that Converge All the Time. Conference proceedings. Younis, R., & Aziz, K. (2007). Parallel Automatically Differentiable Data-Types for Next-Generation Simulator Development Younis, R., & Gerritsen, M. (2006). Multiscale Process Coupling by Adaptive Fractional Stepping: An In-Situ Combustion Model Nilsson, J., Gerritsen, M., & Younis, R. (2005). Towards An Adaptive, High-Resolution Simulator for Steam Injection Processes Nilsson, J., Gerritsen, M., & Younis, R. (2005). A Novel Adaptive Anisotropic Grid Framework for Efficient Reservoir Simulation Younis, R. M. (2005). Towards an adaptive, high-resolution simulator for steam injection processes Gerritsen, M., Kovscek, A., Castanier, L., Nilsson, J., Younis, R., & He, B. (2004). Experimental Investigation and High Resolution Simulator of in-situ Combustion Processes; 1. Simulator Design and Improved Combustion with Metallic Additives institutional repository document Han, Z., ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2021). Seamless simulation of multiphase flow, poromechanics, and seismic deformation in fractured subsurface formations Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2021). A Quasi-Newton method for physically-admissible simulation of Poiseuille flow under fracture propagation Ren, G., & Younis, R. M. (2020). An integrated numerical model for coupled poro-hydro-mechanics and fracture propagation using embedded meshes Ahmed, S. E., San, O., Kara, K., Younis, R., & Rasheed, A. (2020). Multifidelity Computing for Coupling Full and Reduced Order Models Ahmed, S. E., San, O., Kara, K., Younis, R., & Rasheed, A. (2020). Interface learning of multiphysics and multiscale systems
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