Experimental Investigation and High Resolution Simulator of in-situ Combustion Processes; 1. Simulator Design and Improved Combustion with Metallic Additives Conference Paper uri icon


  • Proposal Accurate simulation of in-situ combustion processes is computationally very challenging because the spatial and temporal scales over which the combustion process takes place are very small. We present the design of a new simulation tool based on an efficient Cartesian Adaptive Mesh Refinement technique that allows much higher grid densities to be used near typical fronts than current simulators. The development of the simulation tool will be supported by extensive laboratory experiments conducted to provide validation data, and to study effective variants of the combustion process. In this preliminary report we show how metallic salt additives can promote and sustain combustion by enhancing the oxidation and cracking of hydrocarbons. Adaptive Mesh Refinement reduces the dependency on grid size and empirically determined subgrid scale models, and allows a more accurate representation of the physics. Preliminary designs for a one-dimensional adaptive simulator which demonstrate the potential of this approach are given. The formulation presented serves as the foundation for the development of a three-dimensional simulator that can handle realistic permeability heterogeneity. Utilizing the multi-scale approach inherent in the simulator, more reliable and scalable subgrid models can be formulated and tested.

name of conference

  • All Days

published proceedings

  • All Days

author list (cited authors)

  • Gerritsen, M., Kovscek, A., Castanier, L., Nilsson, J., Younis, R., & He, B.

citation count

  • 30

complete list of authors

  • Gerritsen, M||Kovscek, A||Castanier, L||Nilsson, J||Younis, R||He, B

publication date

  • March 2004