selected publications academicarticle Berry, L. L., Parish, J. T., & Dikec, A. (2020). Creating value through quality service. Organizational Dynamics. 49(3), 100716-100716. Ulrich, R. S., Berry, L. L., Quan, X., & Parish, J. T. (2010). A conceptual framework for the domain of evidence-based design. HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL. 4(1), 95-114. Parish, J. T., & Holloway, B. B. (2010). Consumer relationship proneness: a reexamination and extension across service exchanges. Journal of Services Marketing. 24(1), 61-73. Ulrich, R. S., Berry, L. L., Quan, X., & Parish, J. T. (2010). A conceptual framework for the domain of evidence-based design. HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL. 4(1), 95-114. Parish, J. T., Cadwallader, S., & Busch, P. (2008). Want to, need to, ought to: employee commitment to organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 21(1), 32-52. Berry, L. L., Parish, J. T., Janakiraman, R., Ogburn-Russell, L., Couchman, G. R., Rayburn, W. L., & Grisel, J. (2008). Patients' commitment to their primary physician and why it matters. Annals of Family Medicine. 6(1), 6-13. Berry, L. L., & Parish, J. T. (2008). The impact of facility improvements on hospital nurses. HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL. 1(2), 5-13. Berry, L. L., Shankar, V., Parish, J. T., Cadwallader, S., & Dotzel, T. (2006). Creating new markets through service innovation. MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW. 47(2), 56-+. Bendapudi, N. M., Berry, L. L., Frey, K. A., Parish, J. T., & Rayburn, W. L. (2006). Patients' perspectives on ideal physician behaviors. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 81(3), 338-344. Holloway, B. B., Wang, S., & Parish, J. T. (2005). The role of cumulative online purchasing experience in service recovery management. 19(3), 54-66. Parish, J. T., Berry, L. L., & Lam, S. Y. The effect of the servicescape on service workers. Journal of Service Research. 10(3), 220-238. book Morgan, R., Turner Parish, J., & Deitz, G. (2015). Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing. chapter Parish, J. T., Lampo, S., & Landua, K. (2015). Relationship marketing: Berrys insights from the past and for the future. Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing. (pp. 16-31). Edward Elgar Publishing.
teaching activities BUSN299 Prof & High Impact Exper Instructor BUSN481 Seminar In: Amplify All Instructor MKTG289 Sptp: Amplifyone Instructor MKTG298 Mktg Internship Exp Instructor MKTG299 Mktg Prof Org Involvemnt Instructor MKTG321 Hnr-marketing Instructor MKTG335 Professional Selling Instructor MKTG336 Managing B2b Relationships Instructor MKTG440 Services Marketing Instructor MKTG485 Directed Studies Instructor MKTG489 Sptp: Amplifyone Instructor MKTG489 Sptp: Working Harder & Smarter Instructor MKTG665 Research Mktg Decis Instructor MKTG673 Services Marketing Instructor MKTG685 Directed Studies Instructor MKTG689 Sptp: Busn Hlthcare Instructor PHAR789 Sptp: Business Immersion Elect Instructor PHAR789 Sptp:business Immersion For P Instructor UGST181 Hullabaloo U -emerging Leaders Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa - (Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States) 2002 M.B.A. in Marketing, University of Southern Mississippi - (Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States) 1993 B.S. in Business Administration, University of Southern Mississippi - (Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States) 1990
awards and honors Mays Teaching Fellow, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2014