selected publications academicarticle Brooks, D. A. (2011). The hydrokinetic power resource in a tidal estuary: The Kennebec River of the central Maine coast. Renewable Energy. 36(5), 1492-1501. Brooks, D. A. (2009). Circulation and dispersion in a cancellate coast: The rivers, bays and estuaries of central Maine. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 83(3), 313-325. Brooks, D. A. (2006). The tidal-stream energy resource in Passamaquoddy-Cobscook Bays: A fresh look at an old story. Renewable Energy. 31(14), 2284-2295. Brooks, D. A. (2004). Modeling tidal circulation and exchange in Cobscook Bay, Maine. 11(sp2), 23-50. Brown, C. A., Holt, S. A., Jackson, G. A., Brooks, D. A., & Holt, G. J. (2004). Simulating larval supply to estuarine nursery areas: how important are physical processes to the supply of larvae to the Aransas Pass Inlet?. 13(3), 181-196. Bane, J. M., Atkinson, L. P., & Brooks, D. A. (2001). Gulf Stream physical oceanography at the Charleston Bump: Deflection, bimodality, meanders, and upwelling. American Fisheries Society Symposium. 25-36. Brown, C. A., Jackson, G. A., & Brooks, D. A. (2000). Particle transport through a narrow tidal inlet due to tidal forcing and implications for larval transport. 105(C10), 24141-24156. Xue, H., Xu, Y., Brooks, D., Pettigrew, N., & Wallinga, J. (2000). Modeling the circulation in Penobscot Bay, Maine. 1112-1127. Brooks, D. A., Baca, M. W., & Lo, Y. T. (1999). Tidal circulation and residence time in a macrotidal estuary: Cobscook Bay, Maine. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 49(5), 647-665. BROOKS, D. A. (1994). A MODEL STUDY OF THE BUOYANCY-DRIVEN CIRCULATION IN THE GULF OF MAINE. 24(11), 2387-2412. Witman, J. D., Leichter, J. J., Genovese, S. J., & Brooks, D. A (1993). Pulsed phytoplankton supply to the rocky subtidal zone: influence of internal waves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90(5), 1686-1690. BROOKS, D. A. (1992). TIDES AND TIDAL POWER IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY - A NUMERICAL-SIMULATION. 12(5-6), 675-716. BROOKS, D. A., & BRISCOE, M. G. (1991). TESTS OF LONG-RANGE OCEAN DATA TELEMETRY USING FREQUENCY-AGILE HF PACKET-SWITCHING PROTOCOLS. 8(6), 856-868. BROOKS, D. A. (1990). CURRENTS AT LINDENKOHL SILL IN THE SOUTHERN GULF OF MAINE. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. 95(C12), 22173-22192. La Violette, P., Johnson, D., & Brooks, D (1990). Sun-Glitter Photographs of Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine from the Space Shuttle. OCEANOGRAPHY. 3(1), 43-49. BROOKS, D. A., & TOWNSEND, D. W. (1989). VARIABILITY OF THE COASTAL CURRENT AND NUTRIENT PATHWAYS IN THE EASTERN GULF OF MAINE. Journal of Marine Research. 47(2), 303-321. Brooks, D (1988). Review of The Crest of the Wave: Adventures in Oceanography. OCEANOGRAPHY. 1(2), 57-57. BROOKS, D. A. (1987). THE INFLUENCE OF WARM-CORE RINGS ON SLOPE WATER ENTERING THE GULF OF MAINE. 92(C8), 8183-8196. Brooks, D. (1987). The type thirty triode. Eos. 68(22), 555-556. Brooks, D. A. (1986). Another tale of Halley. Eos. 67(8), 89-89. Brooks, D. A. (1986). [Reply to Comment on The Oceanography Report/Composition of the Oceanography Report] Editor's Note. Eos. 67(48), 1356-1356. BROOKS, D. A. (1985). VERNAL CIRCULATION IN THE GULF OF MAINE. 90(NC3), 4687-4705. CHEW, F., BANE, J. M., & BROOKS, D. A. (1985). ON VERTICAL MOTION, DIVERGENCE, AND THE THERMAL WIND BALANCE IN COLD-DOME MEANDERS - A DIAGNOSTIC STUDY. 90(NC2), 3173-3183. Brooks, D. A. (1985). Anchored in the Florida Current. Eos. 66(23), 484-484. Brooks, D. A. (1985). Sailing research vessels and the Arctic schooner Bowdoin. Eos. 66(51), 1227-1230. Brooks, D. A. (1984). Transhorizon VHF Telemetry from Ocean Moorings. 1(2), 176-189. Brooks, D. A. (1984). Current and hydrographic variability in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89(C5), 8022-8032. Brooks, D. A. (1984). Editor's notes. Eos. 65(27), 426-426. Brooks, D. A. (1984). The eastern maritime boundary between the United States and Canada. Eos. 65(50), 1209-1210. BROOKS, D. A., & BANE, J. M. (1983). GULF-STREAM MEANDERS OFF NORTH-CAROLINA DURING WINTER AND SUMMER 1979. 88(NC8), 4633-4650. BROOKS, D. A. (1983). THE WAKE OF HURRICANE ALLEN IN THE WESTERN GULF OF MEXICO. 13(1), 117-129. Brooks, D. A., & Legeckis, R. V. (1982). A ship and satellite view of hydrographic features in the western Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research. 87(C6), 4195-4206. BANE, J. M., BROOKS, D. A., & LORENSON, K. R. (1981). SYNOPTIC OBSERVATIONS OF THE 3-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE AND PROPAGATION OF GULF-STREAM MEANDERS ALONG THE CAROLINA CONTINENTAL-MARGIN. 86(NC7), 6411-6425. BROOKS, D. A., & BANE, J. M. (1981). GULF-STREAM FLUCTUATIONS AND MEANDERS OVER THE ONSLOW BAY UPPER CONTINENTAL-SLOPE. 11(2), 247-256. Bane, J. M., Brooks, D. A., Lorenson, K. R., & Seay, C. M (1980). Three-dimensional view of a Gulf Stream meander between Savannah, Georgia and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina BROOKS, D. A. (1979). COUPLING OF THE MIDDLE AND SOUTH-ATLANTIC BIGHTS BY FORCED SEA-LEVEL OSCILLATIONS. 9(6), 1304-1311. BANE, J. M., & BROOKS, D. A. (1979). GULF-STREAM MEANDERS ALONG THE CONTINENTAL-MARGIN FROM THE FLORIDA STRAITS TO CAPE HATTERAS. 6(4), 280-282. LEE, T. N., & BROOKS, D. A. (1979). INITIAL OBSERVATIONS OF CURRENT, TEMPERATURE AND COASTAL SEA-LEVEL RESPONSE TO ATMOSPHERIC AND GULF-STREAM FORCING ON THE GEORGIA SHELF. 6(4), 321-324. Brooks, D. A., & Bane, J. M (1978). Gulf Stream Deflection by a Bottom Feature off Charleston, South Carolina. Science. 201(4362), 1225-1226. Brooks, D. A. (1978). Subtidal Sea Level Fluctuations and Their Relation to Atmospheric Forcing along the North Carolina Coast. 8(3), 481-493. Brooks, D. A., & Mooers, C. (1977). Free, Stable Continental Shelf Waves in a Sheared, Barotropic Boundary Current. 7(3), 380-388. Mooers, C., & Brooks, D. A. (1977). Fluctuations in the Florida Current, summer 1970. Deep-Sea Research. 24(5), 399-425. Brooks, D. A., & Mooers, C. (1977). Windforced continental shelf waves in the Florida Current. Journal of Geophysical Research. 82(18), 2569-2576. Spencer, L. J., DiMarco, S. F., Wang, Z., Kuehl, J. J., & Brooks, D. A. Asymmetric oceanic response to a hurricane: Deep water observations during Hurricane Isaac. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. 121(10), 7619-7649. conference paper Brooks, D. A., Baca, M. W., & Lo, Y. T. (1998). Sustainable salmon aquaculture and tidal flushing in a macrotidal ecosystem: Cobscook Bay, Maine. Oceans -Conference-. 977-982. Brooks, D., & Churchill, L. (1992). Experiments with a terrain-following hydrodynamic model for Cobscook Bay in the Gulf of Maine. 215-226. report Bane, J. M., Brooks, D. A., Lorenson, K. R., & Seay, C. M (1980). The Gulf Stream meanders experiment. AXBT/PRT data report, R/A project Birdseye flights, 9-18 February 1979. Technical report
teaching activities OCNG251 Oceanography Instructor OCNG491 Research Instructor OCNG691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Gay, Shelton Mann (2014-01). Estuarine Conditions and Water Exchange in Fjords of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Leung, Pak Tao (2012-02). Coastal Microstructure: From Active Overturn to Fossil Turbulence. Manikantan, Arun (2010-07). Comparing Methods for Measuring the Volume of Sand Excaveted by a Laboratory Cutter Suction Dredge Using an Instrumented Hopper Barge and a Laser Profiler. Nakamoto, Shoichiro (1986-08). An application of solitary wave theory to meso-scale eddies in the Gulf of Mexico. Paul, Ephraim Udo (2014-06). Development and Implementation of a Composite Model for Wave, Circulation, and Sediment Processes in Ibaka Deep Seaport in Nigeria. Philip, C. V. (1972-08). Several model systems for nonheme iron-sulfur proteins.
education and training Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, University of Miami - (Coral Gables, Florida, United States) 1975 M.S. in Ocean Engineering (Acoustics), University of Miami - (Coral Gables, Florida, United States) 1971 B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Maine - (Orono, Maine, United States) 1965