selected publications academicarticle Song, Y., Zhong, S., Lee, C., & Xu, M. Causal Effect of New Bus Rapid Transit on Non-Work-Related Activities. Journal of Planning Education and Research. Zhong, S., Lee, C., & Lee, H. Community Environments That Promote Intergenerational Interactions vs. Walking Among Older Adults. Frontiers in Public Health. 8, 587363. Lee, C., Zhong, S., Lee, S., & Ndubisi, F. Designing for Health in Healthcare Deserts: A Medical City Master Planning Project in Nigeria. HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL. 16(4), 313-334. Zhong, S., & Lee, C. Developing the Intergenerational Community Survey for older adults: Assessing neighborhood environments, social and physical activities, and health. Health & Place. 77, 102901-102901. Zhong, S., Lee, C., Bian, J., Towne, S. D., Lee, H., Song, Y., Li, W., & Ory, M. G. Environmental and Mobility Strategies During Early COVID-19: Insights From an Empirical Study Focusing on Park Visitations in El Paso, TX. HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL. 16(3), 61-82. Li, W., Lee, C., Zhong, S., Xu, M., Towne, S. D., Zhu, X., ... Ory, M. G. Examining the impacts of public transit on healthy aging through a natural experiment: study protocols and lessons learned from the Active El Paso project. Frontiers in Public Health. 11, 1132190. Park, A. H., Zhong, S., Yang, H., Jeong, J., & Lee, C. Impact of COVID-19 on physical activity: A rapid review. Journal of Global Health. 12, 05003. Zhong, S., Lee, C., Foster, M. J., & Bian, J. Intergenerational communities: A systematic literature review of intergenerational interactions and older adults' health-related outcomes. Social Science and Medicine. 264, 113374-113374. Bian, J. J., Zhong, S., Towne, S. D., Lee, C., Ory, M. G., & Li, W. Perceived risks of transit use during COVID-19: Correlates and strategies from a case study in El Paso, Texas. Journal of Transport and Health. 27, 101491-101491. Zhong, S., Lee, C., & Lee, H. The role of community environments in older adults' intergenerational and peer social interactions. Cities. 129, 103785-103785. chapter Lee, C., & Zhong, S. Age-friendly communities Community environments to promote active ageing in place. URBAN ENVIRONMENTS FOR HEALTHY AGEING. (pp. 149-172).
teaching activities LAND231 Landscape Construction I Instructor LAND331 Land Construction Iii Instructor LAND612 Land Arch Site Eng Dev Instructor LAND620 Open Spa Land Use Plan I Instructor LAND693 Professional Study Instructor URSC685 Directed Studies Instructor