selected publications academicarticle Buntyn, J. O., Carroll, J. A., Chevaux, E., Barling, K., Sieren, S. E., & Schmidt, T. B. (2015). Modulation of the acute phase and metabolic response in feedlot steers supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae subspecies boulardii CNCM 1-1079. 205-205. Zimmerman, A. D., Springer, E. W., Barling, K. S., Buterbaugh, R. E., Pooley, R. D., Scholz, D. A., Rhoades, J. R., & Chase, C. (2013). Immunity in heifers 12 months after vaccination with a multivalent vaccine containing a United States Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo isolate. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 242(11), 1573-1577. Fox, J. T., Thomson, D. U., Lindberg, N. N., & Barling, K. (2009). A Comparison of two vaccines to reduce liver abscesses in natural-fed beef cattle. Bovine Practitioner. 168-174. McIntosh, W., Schulz, S., Dean, W., Scott, M. H., Barling, K. S., & Takei, I. (2009). Feedlot veterinarians' moral and instrumental beliefs regarding antimicrobial use in feedlot cattle. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 19(1), 51-67. Stevens, E. T., Zimmerman, A. D., Butterbaugh, R. E., Barling, K., Scholz, D., Rhoades, J., & Chase, C. (2009). The induction of a cell-mediated immune response to bovine viral diarrhea virus with an adjuvanted inactivated vaccine. Veterinary therapeutics : research in applied veterinary medicine. 10(4), E1-E8. Fox, J. T., Thomson, D. U., Lindberg, N. N., & Barling, K. (2008). Efficacy of Liver Abscess Vaccines in Natural-fed Finishing Cattle and the Impact of Liver Abscesses on Performance and Carcass Characteristics. 237-237. Chase, C., Young, A., Zimmerman, A., Gilkerson, K., Barling, K., & Scholz, D. (2008). Induction of a T Helper 1 Immune Response with an Inactivated Viral Vaccine. 276-276. Taylor, E. V., Baetge, C. L., Matthews, N. S., Taylor, T. S., & Barling, K. S. (2008). Guaifenesin-ketamine-xylazine infusions to provide anesthesia in donkeys. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 28(5), 295-300. Roussel, A. J., Libal, M. C., Whitlock, R. L., Hairgrove, T. B., Barling, K. S., & Thompson, J. A. (2005). Prevalence of and risk factors for paratuberculosis in purebred beef cattle. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 226(5), 773-778. Barling, K. S., Field, R. W., Snowden, K. F., & Hoevers, J. (2005). Acute trichomoniasis and sub-optimal bull fertility in a cow/calf herd: An investigation and case management. Bovine Practitioner. 1-5. Matthews, N. S., Brown, R. M., Barling, K. S., Lovering, S. L., & Herrig, B. W. (2004). Repetitive propofol administration in dogs and cats. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. 40(4), 255-260. HOEVERS, J., SNOWDEN, K., GRAHAM, S., & BARLING, K. (2003). A Comparison of PCR and In Vitro Culture for Detection of Tritrichomonas foetus in Bovine Preputial Scrapings. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 50(6), 699-700. Riley, D. G., Gray, J. T., Loneragan, G. H., Barling, K. S., & Chase, C. C. (2003). Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence in fecal samples of cattle from a southeastern beef cow-calf herd. 66(10), 1778-1782. Barling, K. S., Lunt, D. K., Graham, S. L., & Choromanski, L. J. (2003). Evaluation of an inactivated Neospora caninum vaccine in beef feedlot steers. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 222(5), 624-627. Barling, K. S., Lunt, D. K., Snowden, K. F., & Thompson, J. A. (2001). Association of serologic status for Neospora caninum and postweaning feed efficiency in beef steers. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 219(9), 1259-1262. Barling, K. S., McNeill, J. W., Paschal, J. C., McCollum, F. T., Craig, T. M., Adams, L. G., & Thompson, J. A. (2001). Ranch-management factors associated with antibody seropositivity for Neospora caninum in consignments of beef calves in Texas, USA. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 52(1), 53-61. Barling, K. S., McNeill, J. W., Thompson, J. A., Paschal, J. C., McCollum, F. T., Craig, T. M., & Adams, L. G. (2000). Association of serologic status for Neospora caninum with postweaning weight gain and carcass measurements in beef calves. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 217(9), 1356-1360. Barling, K. S., Sherman, M., Peterson, M. J., Thompson, J. A., McNeill, J. W., Craig, T. M., & Adams, L. G. (2000). Spatial associations among density of cattle, abundance of wild canids, and seroprevalence to Neospora caninum in a population of beef calves. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 217(9), 1361-1365. Kasari, T. R., Barling, K., & McGrann, J. M. (1999). Estimated production and economic losses from Neospora caninum infection in Texas beef herds. Bovine Practitioner. 113-120. Wikse, S. E., Field, R. W., Holland, P. S., Barling, K. S., & White, C. (1999). Clinical Response Trials in Beef Cattle Practice. Compendium (Yardley, PA). 21(SUPPL. 4), Barling, K., Wikse, S., Field, R., Edwards, J., & Craig, T. (1998). An outbreak of lungworms in lightweight stocker calves. Compendium (Yardley, PA). 20(4 PART 1), Barling, K., Wikse, S., Field, R., Edwards, J., & Craig, T. (1998). An outbreak of lungworms in lightweight stocker calves. Compendium (Yardley, PA). 20(4), S104-+. Barling, K., Wikse, S., Magee, D., Thompson, J., & Field, R. (1997). Management of beef bulls for high fertility. Compendium (Yardley, PA). 19(7), 888-&. Scott, H. M., Campbell, L. D., Harvey, R. B., Bischoff, K. M., Alali, W. Q., Barling, K. S., & Anderson, R. C. Patterns of antimicrobial resistance among commensal Escherichia coli isolated from integrated multi-site housing and worker cohorts of humans and swine. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 2(1), 24-37. Barling, K. S., McNeill, J. W., Paschal, J. C., McCollum, F. T., Craig, T. M., Adams, L. G., & Thompson, J. A. Ranch Management Factors Associated with Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum Beef Calves Graham, S. L., Barling, K. S., Waghela, S., Scott, H. M., & Thompson, J. A. Spatial distribution of antibodies to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium O antigens in bulk milk from Texas dairy herds. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 69(1-2), 53-61. conference paper Kayser, W. C., Parsons, I. L., Carstens, G. E., Jenks, M. L., Cupples, A. G., Sawyer, J. E., Barling, K., & Chevaux, E. (2017). Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cncm l-1077 Supplementation on Feeding Behaviors and Growth Efficiency in Crossbred Beef Steers Fed a High-Grain Diet. Journal of Animal Science. 45-45. Fox, J. T., Thomson, D. U., Lindberg, N. N., & Barling, K. (2010). Impact of vaccination on the incidence of liver abscesses in natural-fed finishing cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 524-524. Horne, W. J., Barling, K. S., Herring, A. D., Lunt, D. K., Thomas, A., & Sawyer, J. E. (2007). Evaluation of the effects of two commercially available modified live vaccines for bovine respiratory disease complex on naive beef steers. Journal of Animal Science. 371-371. Horne, W. J., Barling, K. S., Herring, A. D., Lunt, D. K., Thomas, A., & Sawyer, J. E. (2007). Evaluation of the effects of two commercially available modified live vaccines for bovine respiratory disease complex on naive beef steers. Journal of Dairy Science. 371-371. Horne, W. J., Barling, K. S., Herring, A. D., Lunt, D. K., Thomas, A., & Sawyer, J. E. (2007). Evaluation of the effects of two commercially available modified live vaccines for bovine respiratory disease complex on naive beef steers. 371-371. Rathmann, R. J., Sprott, L. R., Holloway, J. W., Barling, K. S., Warrington, B. G., Curley, K., & Forrest, D. W. (2006). Effects of conventional or low bull to female ratio in extensively-managed, natural mating breeding groups. Journal of Animal Science. 16-16. Rathmann, R. J., Sprott, L. R., Holloway, J. W., Barling, K. S., Warrington, B. G., Curley, K., & Forrest, D. W. (2006). Utilization of reproductive tract scores in extensively-managed, natural mating breeding groups. Journal of Animal Science. 16-16. Hoevers, J., Snowden, K., Graham, S., & Barling, K. (2003). A comparison of PCR and in vitro culture for detection of Tritrichomonas foetus in bovine preputial scrapings. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 699-700.
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