selected publications academicarticle Nievergelt, C. M., Maihofer, A. X., Atkinson, E. G., Chen, C., Choi, K. W., Coleman, J. R., ... Koenen, K. C. (2023). Discovery of 95 PTSD loci provides insight into genetic architecture and neurobiology of trauma and stress-related disorders. 4(09-08), 2023.08.31.23294915. Jaffe, A. E., Tao, R., Page, S. C., Maynard, K. R., Pattie, E. A., Nguyen, C. V., ... Kleinman, J. E. (2022). Decoding Shared Versus Divergent Transcriptomic Signatures Across Cortico-Amygdala Circuitry in PTSD and Depressive Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry. 179(9), 673-686. Young, K. A. (2022). Matthew J. Friedman and the VA National PTSD Brain Bank: New Transcriptomic Insight into PTSD Pathophysiology. Psychiatry (New York). 85(2), 171-182. Maihofer, A. X., Choi, K. W., Coleman, J., Daskalakis, N. P., Denckla, C. A., Ketema, E., ... Nievergelt, C. M. (2022). Enhancing Discovery of Genetic Variants for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Through Integration of Quantitative Phenotypes and Trauma Exposure Information. 91(7), 626-636. Peterson, A. L., Young-McCaughan, S., Roache, J. D., Mintz, J., Litz, B. T., Williamson, D. E., ... STRONG STAR Consortium and the Consortium to Alleviate PTSD. (2021). STRONG STAR and the Consortium to Alleviate PTSD: Shaping the future of combat PTSD and related conditions in military and veteran populations. 110, 106583-106583. Logue, M. W., Zhou, Z., Morrison, F. G., Wolf, E. J., Daskalakis, N. P., Chatzinakos, C., ... Miller, M. W. (2021). Gene expression in the dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortices implicates immune-related gene networks in PTSD. Neurobiology of Stress. 15, 100398-100398. Morrow, K., Choi, S., Young, K., Haidar, M., Boduch, C., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2021). Amantadine for the treatment of childhood and adolescent psychiatric symptoms. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 34(5), 566-570. Girgenti, M. J., Wang, J., Ji, D., Cruz, D. A., Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group, .., Stein, M. B., ... Duman, R. S. (2021). Transcriptomic organization of the human brain in post-traumatic stress disorder. Nature Neuroscience. 24(1), 24-33. Morrow, K., Young, K. A., Spencer, S., Medina, E. S., Marziale, M. A., Sanchez, A., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2020). Utility of oxcarbazepine in the treatment of childhood and adolescent psychiatric symptoms. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 34(1), 34-39. Nguyen, A., Young, K. A., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2020). Psychiatric Prodrome in Anti-NMDAR-Associated Encephalopathy: Clinical and Pathophysiologic Considerations. The primary care companion for CNS disorders. 22(3), 19r02563. Lavasani, S., Lipsitt, A., Young, K. A., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2020). Psychiatric Presentation of Probable Seronegative Autoimmune Encephalitis in a Late Middle-Aged Woman With Ovarian Teratoma. 61(3), 288-295. Girgenti, M., Wang, J., Ji, D., Cruz, D., Group, T., Program, M. V., ... Duman, R. (2020). Transcriptomic Organization of Human Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 87(9), s122-S122. Nievergelt, C. M., Maihofer, A. X., Klengel, T., Atkinson, E. G., Chen, C., Choi, K. W., ... Koenen, K. C. (2019). International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci. Nature Communications. 10(1), 4558. Selemon, L. D., Young, K. A., Cruz, D. A., & Williamson, D. E. (2019). Frontal Lobe Circuitry in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 3, 2470547019850166-247054701985016. Young, K. A., Morissette, S. B., Jamroz, R., Meyer, E. C., Stanford, M. S., Wan, L. i., & Kimbrel, N. A. (2017). 5-HTTLPR and DISC1 risk genotypes for elevated PTSD symptoms in US military veterans. World Psychiatry. 16(1), 109-110. Gadad, B. S., Li, W., Yazdani, U., Grady, S., Johnson, T., Hammond, J., ... German, D. C. (2015). Administration of thimerosal-containing vaccines to infant rhesus macaques does not result in autism-like behavior or neuropathology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(40), 12498-12503. Kimbrel, N. A., Morissette, S. B., Meyer, E. C., Chrestman, R., Jamroz, R., Silvia, P. J., Beckham, J. C., & Young, K. A. (2015). Effect of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and quality of life among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. 28(4), 456-466. Kimbrel, N. A., DeBeer, B. B., Meyer, E. C., Silvia, P. J., Beckham, J. C., Young, K. A., & Morissette, S. B. (2015). An examination of the broader effects of warzone experiences on returning Iraq/Afghanistan veterans' psychiatric health. Psychiatry Research. 226(1), 78-83. Wilson, L. C., Kimbrel, N. A., Meyer, E. C., Young, K. A., & Morissette, S. B. (2015). Do child abuse and maternal care interact to predict military sexual trauma?. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 71(4), 378-386. Young, K. A., Thompson, P. M., Cruz, D. A., Williamson, D. E., & Selemon, L. D. (2015). BA11 FKBP5 expression levels correlate with dendritic spine density in postmortem PTSD and controls. Neurobiology of Stress. 2, 67-72. Gadad, B. S., Hewitson, L., Young, K. A., & German, D. C. (2013). Neuropathology and animal models of autism: genetic and environmental factors. Autism Research and Treatment. 2013, 731935-12. Dolan, S., Martindale, S., Robinson, J., Kimbrel, N. A., Meyer, E. C., Kruse, M. I., ... Gulliver, S. B. (2012). Neuropsychological sequelae of PTSD and TBI following war deployment among OEF/OIF veterans. Neuropsychology Review. 22(1), 21-34. Robinson, J. L., Laird, A. R., Glahn, D. C., Blangero, J., Sanghera, M. K., Pessoa, L., ... Fox, P. T. (2012). The functional connectivity of the human caudate: an application of meta-analytic connectivity modeling with behavioral filtering. NEUROIMAGE. 60(1), 117-129. Anderson, N. E., Stanford, M. S., Wan, L. i., & Young, K. A. (2011). High psychopathic trait females exhibit reduced startle potentiation and increased p3 amplitude. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 29(5), 649-666. Anderson, N. E., Wan, L. i., Young, K. A., & Stanford, M. S. (2011). Psychopathic traits predict startle habituation but not modulation in an emotional faces task. Personality and Individual Differences. 50(5), 712-716. Castiglioni, J. A., Russell, M. I., Setlow, B., Young, K. A., Welsh, J. C., & Steele-Russell, I. (2009). An animal model of hypnotic pain attenuation. Behavioural Brain Research. 197(1), 198-204. Dhanasekaran, M., Holcomb, L. A., Hitt, A. R., Tharakan, B., Porter, J. W., Young, K. A., & Manyam, B. V. (2009). Centella asiatica extract selectively decreases amyloid beta levels in hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease animal model. Phytotherapy Research. 23(1), 14-19. Young, K. A., Bonkale, W. L., Holcomb, L. A., Hicks, P. B., & German, D. C. (2008). Major depression, 5HTTLPR genotype, suicide and antidepressant influences on thalamic volume. British Journal of Psychiatry. 192(4), 285-289. Young, K. A., Holcomb, L. A., Bonkale, W. L., Hicks, P. B., Yazdani, U., & German, D. C. (2007). 5HTTLPR polymorphism and enlargement of the pulvinar: unlocking the backdoor to the limbic system. Biological Psychiatry. 61(6), 813-818. Dhanasekaran, M., Tharakan, B., Holcomb, L. A., Hitt, A. R., Young, K. A., & Manyam, B. V. (2007). Neuroprotective mechanisms of ayurvedic antidementia botanical Bacopa monniera. Phytotherapy Research. 21(10), 965-969. Holcomb, L. A., Dhanasekaran, M., Hitt, A. R., Young, K. A., Riggs, M., & Manyam, B. V. (2006). Bacopa monniera extract reduces amyloid levels in PSAPP mice. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 9(3), 243-251. Schubert, M. H., Young, K. A., & Hicks, P. B. (2006). Galantamine improves cognition in schizophrenic patients stabilized on risperidone. Biological Psychiatry. 60(6), 530-533. Faraone, S. V., Skol, A. D., Tsuang, D. W., Young, K. A., Haverstock, S. L., Prabhudesai, S., ... Schellenberg, G. D. (2005). Genome scan of schizophrenia families in a large Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study sample: evidence for linkage to 18p11.32 and for racial heterogeneity on chromosomes 6 and 14. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 139B(1), 91-100. Browning, J. L., Patel, T., Brandt, P. C., Young, K. A., Holcomb, L. A., & Hicks, P. B. (2005). Clozapine and the mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathway: implications for antipsychotic actions. Biological Psychiatry. 57(6), 617-623. Surs, A. M., Lind, L. M., Kashner, M. T., Bernstein, I. H., Young, K., & Worchel, J. (2005). Aggression and Impulsivity Instruments: An Examination in Veterans. Military Psychology. 17(4), 283-297. Young, K. A., Holcomb, L. A., Yazdani, U., Hicks, P. B., & German, D. C. (2004). Elevated neuron number in the limbic thalamus in major depression. American Journal of Psychiatry. 161(7), 1270-1277. Skol, A. D., Young, K. A., Tsuang, D. W., Faraone, S. V., Haverstock, S. L., Bingham, S., ... Tsuang, M. T. (2003). Modest evidence for linkage and possible confirmation of association between NOTCH4 and schizophrenia in a large Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study sample. 118B(1), 8-15. Faraone, S. V., Skol, A. D., Tsuang, D. W., Bingham, S., Young, K. A., Prabhudesai, S., ... Schellenberg, G. D. (2002). Linkage of chromosome 13q32 to schizophrenia in a large veterans affairs cooperative study sample. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 114(6), 598-604. Tsuang, D. W., Skol, A. D., Faraone, S. V., Bingham, S., Young, K. A., Prabhudesai, S., ... Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study. (2001). Examination of genetic linkage of chromosome 15 to schizophrenia in a large Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study sample. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 105(8), 662-668. Wadenberg, M. G., Browning, J. L., Young, K. A., & Hicks, P. B. (2001). Antagonism at 5-HT(2A) receptors potentiates the effect of haloperidol in a conditioned avoidance response task in rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. 68(3), 363-370. Young, K. A., Smith, M., Rawls, T., Elliott, D. B., Russell, I. S., & Hicks, P. B. (2001). N100 evoked potential latency variation and startle in schizophrenia. NeuroReport. 12(4), 767-773. Petty, F., Brannan, S., Casada, J., Davis, L. L., Gajewski, V., Kramer, G. L., ... Young, K. A. (2001). Olanzapine treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder: an open-label study. INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 16(6), 331-337. Tsuang, M. T., Faraone, S. V., Bingham, S., Young, K., Prabhudesai, S., Haverstock, S. L., ... Collins, J. (2000). Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program genetic linkage study of schizophrenia: ascertainment methods and sample description. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 96(3), 342-347. Young, K. A., Manaye, K. F., Liang, C., Hicks, P. B., & German, D. C. (2000). Reduced number of mediodorsal and anterior thalamic neurons in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry. 47(11), 944-953. Barwick, V. S., Jones, D. H., Richter, J. T., Hicks, P. B., & Young, K. A. (2000). Subthalamic nucleus microinjections of 5-HT2 receptor antagonists suppress stereotypy in rats. NeuroReport. 11(2), 267-270. Wadenberg, M. L., Young, K. A., Richter, J. T., & Hicks, P. B. (1999). Effects of local application of 5-hydroxytryptamine into the dorsal or median raphe nuclei on haloperidol-induced catalepsy in the rat. Neuropharmacology. 38(1), 151-156. Wadenberg, M. L., Hicks, P. B., Richter, J. T., & Young, K. A. (1998). Enhancement of antipsychoticlike properties of raclopride in rats using the selective serotonin2A receptor antagonist MDL 100,907. Biological Psychiatry. 44(6), 508-515. Wadenberg, M. L., Young, K. A., Trompler, R. A., Zavodny, R. A., Richter, T. J., & Hicks, P. B. (1997). A novel computer-controlled conditioned avoidance apparatus for rats. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 38(4), 211-215. Renazco, M. A., Rawls, T., Smith, M., Kaiser, S., Davis, M., Russell, I. S., & Young, K. A. (1997). 336 Associative learning, neuropsychological performance and psychophysiologic responses in inpatient and outpatient schizophrenics. Schizophrenia Research. 24(1-2), 122-123. Young, K. A., Randall, P. K., & Wilcox, R. E. (1995). Startle and sensorimotor correlates of ventral thalamic dopamine and GABA in rodents. NeuroReport. 6(18), 2495-2499. Young, K. A., Hicks, P. B., Randall, P. K., & Wilcox, R. E. (1994). Behavioral and frontal cortical metabolic effects of apomorphine and muscimol microinjections into the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION. 98(2), 119-132. Hicks, P., Young, K., & Zavodny, R. (1993). Further evidence for a 5-HT-1C modulation of apomorphine-induced locomotor activity. 9(2-3), 238-238. Young, K. A., Zavodny, R., & Hicks, P. B. (1993). Effects of serotonergic agents on apomorphine-induced locomotor activity. 110(1-2), 97-102. Young, K. A., Zavodny, R., & Hicks, P. B. (1991). Subchronic buspirone, mesulergine, and ICS 205-930 lack effects on D1 and D2 dopamine binding in the rat striatum during chronic haloperidol treatment. 86(3), 223-228. Young, K. A., Randall, P. K., & Wilcox, R. E. (1991). Dose and time response analysis of apomorphine's effect on prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle. Behavioural Brain Research. 42(1), 43-48. Young, K. A., & Wilcox, R. E. (1991). Characterization of D2 receptors and dopamine levels in the thalamus of the rat. LIFE SCIENCES. 48(19), 1845-1852. conference paper Young, K. A., Bonkale, W., Sachsenmaier, S., & Hicks, P. (2009). VA/VL THALAMIC CELL NUMBER IN SCHIZOPHRENIA AND MOOD DISORDERS. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 226-227. Young, K. A., Holcomb, L. A., Bonkale, W. L., & Hicks, P. B. (2007). Normal oligodendrocyte cell numbers in anterior thalamus in schizophrenia Normal oligodendrocyte cell numbers in anterior thalamus in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 274-274. Holcomb, L. A., Dhanasekaran, M., Young, K. A., & Manyam, B. V. (2004). The effect of Bacopa monniera extract on neuropathology in the doubly transgenic PSAPP Alzheimer's disease mouse model. Neurobiology of Aging. S244-S244. Holcomb, L., Reichenbach, R. R., Stitt, D. A., & Young, K. A. (2003). Antigliosis in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 72-72. Young, K. A., Skol, A. S., Tsuang, D. W., Faraone, S. V., Bingham, S., Prabhudesai, S., ... Tsuang, M. T. (2003). Association of NOTCH4 with schizophrenia in VA Coop Study # 366. Schizophrenia Research. 92-92. Holcomb, L. A., Hicks, P. B., Metz, D. S., Stepp, S., & Young, K. A. (2001). Anterior thalamic volume in schizophrenia and mood disorders. Schizophrenia Research. 61-61. Young, K. A., Russell, I. S., & Hicks, P. B. (2001). Changes in evoked potential latency variation over time are associated with changes in EP and startle gating in schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenia Research. 126-126. Browning, J. L., Patel, T., Brandt, P. C., Young, K. A., & Hicks, P. B. (2001). Is the mechanism of action of antipsychotic agents mediated through the MAP kinase signal transduction system?. Schizophrenia Research. 87-88. Holcomb, L. A., Manaye, E. F., German, D. C., Hicks, P. B., & Young, K. A. (1999). GFAP and Rab3a immunoreactivity in the thalamus of schizophrenics. Schizophrenia Research. 81-81. Young, K. A., Smith, M., Clark, W., Hicks, P. B., & Russell, I. S. (1999). 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Decoding shared versus divergent transcriptomic signatures across cortico-amygdala circuitry in PTSD and depressive disorders Girgenti, M. J., Wang, J., Ji, D., Cruz, D., Group, T., Program, t., ... Duman, R. S. (2020). Transcriptomic Organization of Human Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Nievergelt, C. M., Maihofer, A. X., Klengel, T., Atkinson, E. G., Chen, C., Choi, K. W., ... Koenen, K. C. (2018). Largest genome-wide association study for PTSD identifies genetic risk loci in European and African ancestries and implicates novel biological pathways Tran, L., Lasher, B. K., Young, K. A., & Keele, N. B. (2013). Depletion of serotonin in the basolateral amygdala elevates glutamate receptors and facilitates fear-potentiated startle. Translational Psychiatry. Roltsch, E., Holcomb, L., Young, K. A., Marks, A., & Zimmer, D. B. (2010). PSAPP mice exhibit regionally selective reductions in gliosis and plaque deposition in response to S100B ablation. Journal of Neuroinflammation. thesis Young, K. L. (2018). Biogeochemistry of Urban, Suburban, and Rural Ponds and Lakes in South-Central Texas
awards and honors Outstanding Research Achievement (Academic Team Award), conferred by United States Army Medical Command - (San Antonio, Texas, United States), 2022