selected publications academicarticle Tahir, H. B., Yasmin, S., Lord, D., & Haque, M. M. (2023). Examining the performance of engineering treatment evaluation methodologies using the hypothetical treatment and actual treatment settings. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 188, 107108-107108. Islam, A., Shirazi, M., & Lord, D. (2022). Finite mixture Negative Binomial-Lindley for modeling heterogeneous crash data with many zero observations. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 175, 106765-106765. Ash, J. E., Zou, Y., Lord, D., & Wang, Y. (2021). Comparison of confidence and prediction intervals for different mixed-Poisson regression models. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. 13(3), 357-379. Iio, K., Guo, X., & Lord, D. (2021). Examining driver distraction in the context of driving speed: An observational study using disruptive technology and naturalistic data. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 153, 105983-105983. Guo, X., Wu, L., & Lord, D. (2020). Generalized criteria for evaluating hotspot identification methods. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 145, 105684-105684. Sohrabi, S., & Lord, D. (2019). Impacts of Red-Light Cameras on Intersection Safety: A Bayesian Hierarchical Spatial Model. ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers). 89(12), 29-36. Mao, H., Deng, X., Lord, D., Flintsch, G., & Guo, F. (2019). Adjusting finite sample bias in traffic safety modeling. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 131, 112-121. Zhao, X. i., Lord, D., & Peng, Y. (2019). Examining Network Segmentation for Traffic Safety Analysis With Data-Driven Spectral Analysis. IEEE Access. 7, 120744-120757. Zou, Y., Ash, J. E., Park, B., Lord, D., & Wu, L. (2018). Empirical Bayes estimates of finite mixture of negative binomial regression models and its application to highway safety. Journal of Applied Statistics. 45(9), 1652-1669. Ye, X., Wang, K. e., Zou, Y., & Lord, D. (2018). A semi-nonparametric Poisson regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data. PLoS ONE. 13(5), e0197338-e0197338. Khazraee, S. H., Johnson, V., & Lord, D. (2018). Bayesian Poisson hierarchical models for crash data analysis: Investigating the impact of model choice on site-specific predictions. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 117, 181-195. Ye, Z., Xu, Y., & Lord, D. (2018). Crash data modeling with a generalized estimator. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 117, 340-345. Kuo, P., & Lord, D. (2017). Estimating the safety impacts in before-after studies using the Naive Adjustment Method. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 13(10), 915-931. Wu, L., & Lord, D. (2017). Examining the influence of link function misspecification in conventional regression models for developing crash modification factors. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 102, 123-135. Zou, Y., Henrickson, K., Lord, D., Wang, Y., & Xu, K. (2016). Application of finite mixture models for analysing freeway incident clearance time. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 12(2), 99-115. Zha, L., Lord, D., & Zou, Y. (2016). The Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) generalized linear regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. 8(1), 18-35. Park, B., Lord, D., & Wu, L. (2016). Finite mixture modeling approach for developing crash modification factors in highway safety analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 97, 274-287. Heydari, S., Fu, L., Lord, D., & Mallick, B. K. (2016). Multilevel Dirichlet process mixture analysis of railway grade crossing crash data. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 9, 27-43. Imprialou, M., Quddus, M., Pitfield, D. E., & Lord, D. (2016). Re-visiting crash-speed relationships: A new perspective in crash modelling. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 86, 173-185. Lv, J., Lord, D., Zhang, Y., & Chen, Z. (2015). Investigating Peltzman effects in adopting mandatory seat belt laws in the US: Evidence from non-occupant fatalities. Transport Policy. 44, 58-64. Zou, Y., Wu, L., & Lord, D. (2015). Modeling over-dispersed crash data with a long tail: Examining the accuracy of the dispersion parameter in Negative Binomial models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 5-6, 1-16. Wu, L., Lord, D., & Zou, Y. (2015). Validation of Crash Modification Factors Derived from Cross-Sectional Studies with Regression Models. Transportation Research Record. 2514(2514), 88-96. Heydari, S., Miranda-Moreno, L. F., Lord, D., & Fu, L. (2014). Bayesian methodology to estimate and update safety performance functions under limited data conditions: a sensitivity analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 64, 41-51. Flask, T., Schneider, W. H., & Lord, D. (2014). A segment level analysis of multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes in Ohio using Bayesian multi-level mixed effects models. SAFETY SCIENCE. 66, 47-53. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., & Lord, D. (2014). Analyzing different functional forms of the varying weight parameter for finite mixture of negative binomial regression models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 1, 39-52. Peng, Y., Lord, D., & Zou, Y. (2014). Applying the Generalized Waring model for investigating sources of variance in motor vehicle crash analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 73, 20-26. Ye, F., & Lord, D. (2014). Comparing three commonly used crash severity models on sample size requirements: Multinomial logit, ordered probit and mixed logit models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 1, 72-85. Wu, L., Zou, Y., & Lord, D. (2014). Comparison of Sichel and Negative Binomial Models in Hot Spot Identification. Transportation Research Record. 2460(2460), 107-116. Park, B., Lord, D., & Lee, C. (2014). Finite mixture modeling for vehicle crash data with application to hotspot identification. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 71, 319-326. Kuo, P., Lord, D., & Walden, T. D. (2013). Using geographical information systems to organize police patrol routes effectively by grouping hotspots of crash and crime data. Journal of Transport Geography. 30, 138-148. Kuo, P., & Lord, D. (2013). Accounting for site-selection bias in before-after studies for continuous distributions: Characteristics and application using speed data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 49, 256-269. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., & Lord, D. (2013). Application of finite mixture of negative binomial regression models with varying weight parameters for vehicle crash data analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 50, 1042-1051. Miranda-Moreno, L. F., Heydari, S., Lord, D., & Fu, L. (2013). Bayesian road safety analysis: incorporation of past evidence and effect of hyper-prior choice. JOURNAL OF SAFETY RESEARCH. 46, 31-40. Zou, Y., Lord, D., Zhang, Y., & Peng, Y. (2013). Comparison of Sichel and Negative Binomial Models in Estimating Empirical Bayes Estimates. Transportation Research Record. 2392(2392), 11-21. Ye, Z., Zhang, Y., & Lord, D. (2013). Goodness-of-fit testing for accident models with low means. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 61, 78-86. Ko, M., Lord, D., & Zietsman, J. (2013). Environmentally Conscious Highway Design for Vertical Grades. Transportation Research Record. 2341(2341), 53-65. Lord, D., & Kuo, P. (2012). Examining the effects of site selection criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of traffic safety countermeasures. 47, 52-63. Patil, S., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. (2012). Analysis of crash severities using nested logit model--accounting for the underreporting of crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 45, 646-653. Gomes, S. V., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. (2012). Estimating the safety performance of urban intersections in Lisbon, Portugal. SAFETY SCIENCE. 50(9), 1732-1739. Ye, F., Garcia, T. P., Pourahmadi, M., & Lord, D. (2012). Extension of Negative Binomial GARCH Model Analyzing Effects of Gasoline Price and Miles Traveled on Fatal Crashes Involving Intoxicated Drivers in Texas. Transportation Research Record. 2279(2279), 31-39. Lord, D., & Guikema, S. D. (2012). The Conway-Maxwell-Poisson model for analyzing crash data. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 28(2), 122-127. Francis, R. A., Geedipally, S. R., Guikema, S. D., Dhavala, S. S., Lord, D., & LaRocca, S. (2012). Characterizing the performance of the Conway-Maxwell Poisson generalized linear model. Risk Analysis. 32(1), 167-183. Ko, M., Lord, D., & Zietsman, J. (2012). Environmentally Conscious Highway Design for Crest Vertical Curves. Transportation Research Record. 2270(2270), 96-106. Stamatiadis, N., Lord, D., Pigman, J., Sacksteder, J., & Ruff, W. (2011). Safety Impacts of Design Element Trade-Offs for Multilane Rural Highways. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 137(5), 333-340. Li, X., Lord, D., & Zhang, Y. (2011). Development of Accident Modification Factors for Rural Frontage Road Segments in Texas Using Generalized Additive Models. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 137(1), 74-83. Peng, Y., & Lord, D. (2011). Application of Latent Class Growth Model to Longitudinal Analysis of Traffic Crashes. Transportation Research Record. 2236(2236), 102-109. Savolainen, P. T., Mannering, F. L., Lord, D., & Quddus, M. A. (2011). The statistical analysis of highway crash-injury severities: a review and assessment of methodological alternatives. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43(5), 1666-1676. Ye, F., & Lord, D. (2011). Investigation of Effects of Underreporting Crash Data on Three Commonly Used Traffic Crash Severity Models. Transportation Research Record. 2241(1), 51-58. Ye, F., & Lord, D. (2011). Investigation of Effects of Underreporting Crash Data on Three Commonly Used Traffic Crash Severity Models Multinomial Logit, Ordered Probit, and Mixed Logit. Transportation Research Record. 51-58. Ye, Z., Veneziano, D., & Lord, D. (2011). Safety impact of Gateway Monuments. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43(1), 290-300. Fitzpatrick, K., Lord, D., & Park, B. (2010). Horizontal Curve Accident Modification Factor with Consideration of Driveway Density on Rural Four-Lane Highways in Texas. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 136(9), 827-835. Park, B., Zhang, Y., & Lord, D. (2010). Bayesian mixture modeling approach to account for heterogeneity in speed data. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological: an international journal. 44(5), 662-673. Park, B., Lord, D., & Hart, J. D. (2010). Bias properties of Bayesian statistics in finite mixture of negative binomial regression models in crash data analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 42(2), 741-749. Park, B., Fitzpatrick, K., & Lord, D. (2010). Evaluating the Effects of Freeway Design Elements on Safety. Transportation Research Record. 2195(2195), 58-69. Geedipally, S. R., Patil, S., & Lord, D. (2010). Examination of Methods to Estimate Crash Counts by Collision Type. Transportation Research Record. 2165(2165), 12-20. Park, P. Y., & Lord, D. (2010). Investigating Regression to the Mean in Before-and-After Speed Data Analysis. Transportation Research Record. 2165(2165), 52-58. Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. (2010). Investigating the effect of modeling single-vehicle and multi-vehicle crashes separately on confidence intervals of Poisson-gamma models. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 42(4), 1273-1282. Lord, D., & Mannering, F. (2010). The statistical analysis of crash-frequency data: A review and assessment of methodological alternatives. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 44(5), 291-305. Ye, Z., & Lord, D. (2009). Estimating the variance in before-after studies. JOURNAL OF SAFETY RESEARCH. 40(4), 257-263. Park, B., & Lord, D. (2009). Application of finite mixture models for vehicle crash data analysis. 41(4), 683-691. Jonsson, T., Lyon, C., Ivan, J. N., Washington, S. P., van Schalkwyk, I., & Lord, D. (2009). Differences in the Performance of Safety Performance Functions Estimated for Total Crash Count and for Crash Count by Crash Type. Transportation Research Record. 2102(2102), 115-123. Lord, D., & Mahlawat, M. (2009). Examining Application of Aggregated and Disaggregated Poisson-Gamma Models Subjected to Low Sample Mean Bias. Transportation Research Record. 2136(2136), 1-10. Miranda-Moreno, L. F., Fu, L., Ukkusuri, S., & Lord, D. (2009). How to Incorporate Accident Severity and Vehicle Occupancy into the Hot Spot Identification Process?. Transportation Research Record. 2102(2102), 53-60. Washington, S. P., Lord, D., & Persaud, B. N. (2009). Use of Expert Panels in Highway Safety A Critique. Transportation Research Record. 2102(2102), 101-107. Lord, D., & Miranda-Moreno, L. F. (2008). Effects of low sample mean values and small sample size on the estimation of the fixed dispersion parameter of Poisson-gamma models for modeling motor vehicle crashes: A Bayesian perspective. SAFETY SCIENCE. 46(5), 751-770. Lord, D. (2008). Methodology for estimating the variance and confidence intervals for the estimate of the product of baseline models and AMFs. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 40(3), 1013-1017. Fitzpatrick, K., Lord, D., & Park, B. (2008). Accident Modification Factors for Medians on Freeways and Multilane Rural Highways in Texas. Transportation Research Record. 2083(2083), 62-71. Park, B., & Lord, D. (2008). Adjustment for Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Negative Binomial Dispersion Parameter. Transportation Research Record. 2061(2061), 9-19. Zietsman, J., Bari, M. E., Rand, A. J., Gokhale, B., Lord, D., & Kumar, S. (2008). Feasibility of landfill gas as a liquefied natural gas fuel source for refuse trucks. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 58(5), 613-619. Lord, D., & Park, P. (2008). Investigating the effects of the fixed and varying dispersion parameters of Poisson-gamma models on empirical Bayes estimates. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 40(4), 1441-1457. Li, X., Lord, D., Zhang, Y., & Xie, Y. (2008). Predicting motor vehicle crashes using Support Vector Machine models. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 40(4), 1611-1618. Lord, D., van Schalkwyk, I., Chrysler, S., & Staplin, L. (2007). A strategy to reduce older driver injuries at intersections using more accommodating roundabout design practices. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 39(3), 427-432. Lord, D., & Bonneson, J. A. (2007). Development of accident modification factors for rural frontage road segments in Texas. Transportation Research Record. 2023(2023), 20-27. Zhang, Y., Ye, Z., & Lord, D. (2007). Estimating Dispersion Parameter of Negative Binomial Distribution for Analysis of Crash Data. Transportation Research Record. 2019(2019), 15-21. Xie, Y., Lord, D., & Zhang, Y. (2007). Predicting motor vehicle collisions using Bayesian neural network models: an empirical analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 39(5), 922-933. Lord, D., Washington, S., & Ivan, J. N. (2007). Further notes on the application of zero-inflated models in highway safety. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 39(1), 53-57. Park, E. S., & Lord, D. (2007). Multivariate Poisson-lognormal models for jointly modelling crash frequency by severity. 2019(2019), 1-6. Stevens, C., & Lord, D. (2006). Evaluating safety effects of daylight savings time an fatal and nonfatal injury crashes in Texas. Transportation Research Record. 1953(1953), 147-155. Lord, D., Manar, A., & Vizioli, A. (2006). Modeling crash-flow-density and crash-flow-V/C ratio relationships for rural and urban freeway segments (vol 37, pg 185, 2005). Accident Analysis and Prevention. 38(2), 422-423. Lord, D., Manar, A., & Vizioli, A. (2005). Modeling crash-flow-density and crash-flow-V/C ratio relationships for rural and urban freeway segments. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 37(1), 185-199. Lord, D., Washington, S. P., & Ivan, J. N. (2005). Poisson, Poisson-gamma and zero-inflated regression models of motor vehicle crashes: balancing statistical fit and theory. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 37(1), 35-46. Lord, D., & Persaud, B. N. (2004). Estimating the safety performance of urban road transportation networks. 36(4), 609-620. Lord, D., Abdou, H. M., N'Zue, A., Dionne, G., & Laberge-Nadeau, C. (2003). Traffic safety diagnostics and application of countermeasures for rural roads in Burkina Faso. Transportation Research Record. 1846(1846), 39-43. Retting, R. A., Persaud, B. N., Garder, P. E., & Lord, D. (2001). Crash and injury reduction following installation of roundabouts in the United States. American Journal of Public Health. 91(4), 628-631. Lord, D., & Persaud, B. N. (2000). Accident Prediction Models With and Without Trend: Application of the Generalized Estimating Equations Procedure. Transportation Research Record. 1717(1), 102-108. Hurdle, V. F., & Lord, D. (1998). Analysis of Two Left-Turn Equations from the Highway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Record. 1646(1), 71-78. Lord, D. (1996). Analysis of Pedestrian Conflicts with Left-Turning Traffic. Transportation Research Record. 1538(1538), 61-67. Shirazi, M., Reddy Geedipally, S., & Lord, D. A Monte-Carlo simulation analysis for evaluating the severity distribution functions (SDFs) calibration methodology and determining the minimum sample-size requirements. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 98, 303-311. Geedipally, S. R., Lord, D., & Dhavala, S. S. A caution about using deviance information criterion while modeling traffic crashes. SAFETY SCIENCE. 62, 495-498. Shirazi, M., Dhavala, S. S., Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. A methodology to design heuristics for model selection based on the characteristics of data: Application to investigate when the Negative Binomial Lindley (NB-L) is preferred over the Negative Binomial (NB). Accident Analysis and Prevention. 107, 186-194. Shirazi, M., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. A procedure to determine when safety performance functions should be recalibrated. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. 9(4), 457-469. Shirazi, M., Lord, D., Dhavala, S. S., & Geedipally, S. R. A semiparametric negative binomial generalized linear model for modeling over-dispersed count data with a heavy tail: Characteristics and applications to crash data. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 91, 10-18. Geedipally, S. R., Bonneson, J. A., Pratt, M. P., & Lord, D. Analysis of Injury Severity in Crashes on Ramps and at Crossroad Ramp Terminals. Transportation Research Record. 2435(2435), 37-44. Geedipally, S. R., Lord, D., & Park, B. Analyzing Different Parameterizations of the Varying Dispersion Parameter as a Function of Segment Length. Transportation Research Record. 2103(2103), 108-118. Lord, D., Guikema, S. D., & Geedipally, S. R. Application of the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson generalized linear model for analyzing motor vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 40(3), 1123-1134. Khazraee, S. H., Sez-Castillo, A. J., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. Application of the Hyper-Poisson Generalized Linear Model for Analyzing Motor Vehicle Crashes. Risk Analysis. 35(5), 919-930. Lord, D., Kuo, P., & Geedipally, S. R. Comparison of Application of Product of Baseline Models and Accident-Modification Factors and Models with Covariates Predicted Mean Values and Variance. Transportation Research Record. 2147(2147), 113-122. Wu, L., Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. Developing Crash Modification Factors for Horizontal Curves on Rural Two-Lane Undivided Highways Using a Cross-Sectional Study. Transportation Research Record. 2636(2636), 53-61. Shaon, M., Qin, X., Shirazi, M., Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. Developing a Random Parameters Negative Binomial-Lindley Model to analyze highly over-dispersed crash count data. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 18, 33-44. Peng, Y., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. Effect of Roadside Features on Single-Vehicle Roadway Departure Crashes on Rural Two-Lane Roads. Transportation Research Record. 2309(2309), 21-29. Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. Effects of Varying Dispersion Parameter of Poisson-Gamma Models on Estimation of Confidence Intervals of Crash Prediction Models. Transportation Research Record. 2061(2061), 46-54. Geedipally, S. R., Pratt, M. P., & Lord, D. Effects of geometry and pavement friction on horizontal curve crash frequency. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. 11(2), 167-188. Zou, Y., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. Evaluating the double Poisson generalized linear model. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 59, 497-505. Geedipally, S. R., Lord, D., & Reddy, G. Evaluation of Texas Department of Transportation Safety Improvement Index as a Prioritization Tool. Transportation Research Record. 2241(2241), 39-50. Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. Examination of Crash Variances Estimated by Poisson-Gamma and Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Models. Transportation Research Record. 2241(2241), 59-67. Geedipally, S. R., Shirazi, M., & Lord, D. Exploring the Need for Region-Specific Calibration Factors. Transportation Research Record. 2636(2636), 73-79. Vangala, P., Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. Exploring the application of the Negative Binomial-Generalized Exponential model for analyzing traffic crash data with excess zeros. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 7, 29-36. Lord, D., Geedipally, S. R., & Guikema, S. D. Extension of the application of conway-maxwell-poisson models: analyzing traffic crash data exhibiting underdispersion. Risk Analysis. 30(8), 1268-1276. Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. Identifying Hot Spots by Modeling Single-Vehicle and Multivehicle Crashes Separately. Transportation Research Record. 2147(2147), 97-104. Shirazi, M., Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. Sample-size guidelines for recalibrating crash prediction models: Recommendations for the highway safety manual. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 93, 160-168. Geedipally, S. R., Bonneson, J. A., Pratt, M. P., & Lord, D. Severity Distribution Functions for Freeway Segments. Transportation Research Record. 2398(2398), 19-27. Cheng, L., Geedipally, S. R., & Lord, D. The Poisson-Weibull generalized linear model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data. SAFETY SCIENCE. 54, 38-42. Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. The negative binomial-Lindley distribution as a tool for analyzing crash data characterized by a large amount of zeros. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43(5), 1738-1742. Geedipally, S. R., Lord, D., & Dhavala, S. S. The negative binomial-Lindley generalized linear model: characteristics and application using crash data. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 45, 258-265. chapter Lord, D., & Washington, S. (2018). Conclusions and Future Directions. Transport and Sustainability. Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions. (pp. 451-458). Emerald. Lord, D., & Geedipally, S. R. (2018). Safety Prediction with Datasets Characterised with Excess Zero Responses and Long Tails. Transport and Sustainability. Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions. (pp. 297-323). Emerald. conference paper Sohrabi, S., Khreis, H., & Lord, D. (2019). BEAUTY OR THE BEAST? IMPACTS OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES ON PUBLIC HEALTH. Journal of Transport and Health. S32-S33. Park, B. J., Lee, C., Lord, D., & Kim, D. G. (2014). Finite mixture modeling approach for developing crash modification factors in highway safety analysis. 493-500. Morgera, E., Buck, M., & Tsioumani, E. (2013). Introduction. Transport and Sustainability. 1-+. Gokhale, B., Zietsman, J., & Lord, D. (2007). Landfill gas as a liquefied natural gas fuel source for refuse trucks. 3431-3444. Agrawal, R., & Lord, D. (2006). Effects of sample size on goodness-of-fit statistic and confidence intervals of crash prediction models subjected to low sample mean values. Transportation Research Record. 35-43. Brewer, M. A., Fitzpatrick, K., Whitacre, J. A., & Lord, D. (2006). Exploration of pedestrian pap-acceptance behavior at selected locations. Transportation Research Record. 132-+. Lord, D. (2006). Modeling motor vehicle crashes using Poisson-gamma models: examining the effects of low sample mean values and small sample size on the estimation of the fixed dispersion parameter. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 751-766. Lord, D., & Bonneson, J. A. (2006). Role and application of accident modification factors within highway design process. Transportation Research Record. 65-73. Lord, D., & Bonneson, J. A. (2005). Calibration of predictive models for estimating safety of ramp design configurations. Transportation Research Record. 88-95. Lord, D., Middleton, D., & Whitacre, J. (2005). Does separating trucks from other traffic improve overall safety?. Transportation Research Record. 156-166. Thouez, J. P., Lord, D., Bergeron, J., Bourbeau, R., Bussire, Y., Blanger-Bonneau, H., Rannou, A., & Latremouille, M. E. (2003). Physical and environmental characteristics of signalized intersections and pedestrian behavior. Advances in Transport. 143-148. Persaud, B., McGee, H., Lyon, C., & Lord, D. (2003). Development of a procedure for estimating expected safety effects of a contemplated traffic signal installation. Transportation Research Record. 96-103. Miaou, S. P., & Lord, D. (2003). Modeling traffic crash flow relationships for intersections - Dispersion parameter, functional form, and Bayes versus empirical Bayes methods. Transportation Research Record. 31-40. Lord, D. (2002). Application of accident prediction models for computation of accident risk an transportation networks. Transportation Research Record. 17-26. Persaud, B., Lord, D., & Palmisano, J. (2002). Calibration and transferability of accident prediction models for urban intersections. Transportation Research Record. 57-64. Persaud, B. N., Retting, R. A., Garder, P. E., & Lord, D. (2001). Safety Effect of Roundabout Conversions in the United States: Empirical Bayes Observational Before-After Study. Transportation Research Record. 1-8. Lord, D. (2000). Procedure to estimate missing year-to-year traffic counts at intersections. 339. Miaou, S. P., Bligh, R. P., & Lord, D. Developing guidelines for median barrier installation - Benefit-cost analysis with Texas data. Transportation Research Record. 3-19.
teaching activities CVEN307 Transportation Eng Instructor CVEN456 Highway Design Instructor CVEN491 Hnr-research Instructor CVEN617 Traffic Engr-charac Instructor CVEN626 Highway Safety Instructor CVEN635 Street & Hwy Design Instructor CVEN681 Seminar Instructor CVEN685 Directed Studies Instructor CVEN691 Research Instructor CVEN766 Highway Design Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, University of Toronto - (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) 2000
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