selected publications academicarticle Zhu, R., Newman, G., Li, D., Song, Y., & Zou, L. Associations between vacant urban lands and public health outcomes in growing and shrinking cities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 89, 128127-128127. Song, Y., Lee, C., Tao, Z., Lee, R. J., Newman, G., Ding, Y., Jessica, F., & Sohn, W. COVID-19 and campus users: A longitudinal and place-based study of university mobilities in Texas. Sustainable Cities and Society. 96, 104656-104656. Song, Y., Lee, S., Park, A. H., & Lee, C. COVID-19 impacts on non-work travel patterns: A place-based investigation using smartphone mobility data. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 50(3), 642-659. Song, Y., Zhong, S., Lee, C., & Xu, M. Causal Effect of New Bus Rapid Transit on Non-Work-Related Activities. Journal of Planning Education and Research. Zhang, B. o., Song, Y., Liu, D., Zeng, Z., Guo, S., Yang, Q., ... Shen, X. Descriptive and Network Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Urban Public Space through Social Media: A Case Study of Bryant Park, NY. Land. 12(7), 1403-1403. Liu, P., Song, Y., Zou, Q., Tang, J., & Fernandez, J. Environmental Press of Urban Greenspace Pre-Post COVID on Older Adults: A Big Data Study in Metropolitan Atlanta Zhong, S., Lee, C., Bian, J., Towne, S. D., Lee, H., Song, Y., Li, W., & Ory, M. G. Environmental and Mobility Strategies During Early COVID-19: Insights From an Empirical Study Focusing on Park Visitations in El Paso, TX. HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL. 16(3), 61-82. Lin, Z., Zhang, L. u., Tang, S. u., Song, Y., & Ye, X. Evaluating Cultural Landscape Remediation Design Based on VR Technology. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10(6), 423-423. Song, Y., Wang, R., Fernandez, J., & Li, D. Investigating sense of place of the Las Vegas Strip using online reviews and machine learning approaches. Landscape and Urban Planning. 205, 103956-103956. Lin, Z., Wang, Y., Song, Y., Huang, T., Gan, F., & Ye, X. Research on Ecological Landscape Design and Healing Effect Based on 3D Roaming Technology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(18), 11406-11406. Song, Y., Fernandez, J., & Wang, T. Understanding Perceived Site Qualities and Experiences of Urban Public Spaces: A Case Study of Social Media Reviews in Bryant Park, New York City. Sustainability. 12(19), 8036-8036.
teaching activities LAND212 Landscape Design Ii Instructor LAND231 Landscape Construction I Instructor LAND232 Land Construction Ii Instructor LAND601 Land Arch Des Thry App I Instructor LAND601 Land Arch Design Foundations Instructor LAND612 Land Arch Site Eng Dev Instructor LAND685 Directed Studies Instructor LAND693 Professional Study Instructor URPN220 Digital Communication I Instructor URPN325 Intro Gis In Urban Plan Instructor URPN489 Sptp: Ai For Urban Design Instructor URSC631 Foundations Of Planning Instructor URSC685 Directed Studies Instructor