selected publications academicarticle Hand, M. (2014). ANTIREALISM AND TRUTHS NEVER KNOWN. Journal of Philosophy. 111(3), 113-134. Hand, M. (2010). Antirealism and universal knowability. Synthese. 173(1), 25-39. Gert, H. J., Radzik, L., & Hand, M. (2004). Hampton on the Expressive Power of Punishment. Journal of Social Philosophy. 35(1), 79-90. Hand, M. (2003). Knowability and epistemic truth (Fitch, Knowability-paradox, semantical antirealism). Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 81(2), 216-228. Hand, M., & Kvanvig, J. L. (1999). Tennant on knowability. Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 77(4), 422-428. Hand, M. (1998). Radical antirealism and Wright's antideflationary argument. Nous. 32(3), 320-330. Hand, M (1996). Radical Antirealism and Neutral States of Information. Philosophical Topics. 24(1), 35-51. Hand, M (1996). SURVEYABILITY AND THE PREFACE PARADOX. Southwest Philosophy Review. 12(1), 171-179. HAND, M. (1995). WHAT THE NULL SET COULD NOT BE. Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 73(3), 429-431. HAND, M. (1994). INFORMATIONAL VARIABILITY. Synthese. 99(3), 417-456. HAND, M. (1993). PARATAXIS AND PARENTHETICALS + DEMONSTRATIVITY OF THE COMPLEMENTIZER THAT. Linguistics and Philosophy: a journal of natural language syntax, semantics, logic, pragmatics, and processing. 16(5), 495-507. HAND, M. (1993). A DEFENSE OF BRANCHING QUANTIFICATION. Synthese. 95(3), 419-432. HAND, M. (1993). MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURALISM AND THE 3RD-MAN. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 23(2), 179-192. HAND, M (1993). MORE ON PRONOUNS OF ADDRESS AND TRUTH CONDITIONS - REPLY. Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences. 31(4), 749-751. Hand, M. (1993). Negations in conflict. Erkenntnis: an international journal of analytic philosophy. 38(1), 115-129. HAND, M. (1992). MEANING, TRUTH-CONDITIONS, AND SUBSTITUTIONAL QUANTIFICATION. Philosophical Studies. 68(2), 195-216. Hand, M (1992). CLASSICAL AND INTUITIONISTIC NEGATION. Southwest Philosophy Review. 8(1), 157-164. HAND, M. (1991). 'ON SAYING THAT' AGAIN + DAVIDSON,DAVID PARATACTIC ACCOUNT OF THE SEMANTICS OF INDIRECT SPEECH REPORTS. Linguistics and Philosophy: a journal of natural language syntax, semantics, logic, pragmatics, and processing. 14(4), 349-365. HAND, M. (1991). KITCHER CIRCUMLOCUTIONARY STRUCTURALISM. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 21(1), 81-90. HAND, M. (1990). ANTIREALISM AND HOLES IN THE WORLD. Philosophy. 65(252), 218-224. Hand, M. (1990). Hilbert's iterativistic tendencies. History and Philosophy of Logic. 11(2), 185-192. HAND, M. (1989). A NUMBER IS THE EXPONENT OF AN OPERATION. Synthese. 81(2), 243-265. HAND, M. (1989). WHO PLAYS SEMANTICAL GAMES. Philosophical Studies. 56(3), 251-271. Hand, M. (1988). Game-theoretical semantics, montague semantics, and questions. Synthèse. 74(2), 207-222. Hand, M. (1988). How game-theoretical semantics works: Classical first-order logic. Erkenntnis: an international journal of analytic philosophy. 29(1), 77-93. Hand, M. (1988). The dependency constraint: A global constraint on strategies in game-theoretical semantics. Linguistics and Philosophy: a journal of natural language syntax, semantics, logic, pragmatics, and processing. 11(4), 395-413. Hand, M (1988). Infinite Totalities and the New Intuitionism. Idealistic Studies. 18(3), 230-238. Hand, M (1987). Other and else: restrictions on quantifier domains in game-theoretical semantics. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. 28(3), 423-430. Hand, M. (1987). Semantical games, verification procedures, and wellformedness. Philosophical Studies. 51(2), 271-284. HAND, M. (1986). SEMANTICAL GAMES FOR NEGATED BELIEF-ATTRIBUTIONS. Theoretical Linguistics. 13(3), 211-224. book Allen, C., & Hand, M (2001). Logic Primer. MIT Press. Allen, C., & Hand, M (1992). Logic Primer. Bradford Books. chapter Hand, M. (2009). Performance and Paradox. New Essays on the Knowability Paradox. (pp. 283-301). Oxford University Press (OUP). Hand, M. (2007). Objectual and Substitutional Interpretations of the Quantifiers. Philosophy of Logic. (pp. 649-674). Elsevier. Sreedhar, S., & Hand, M. (2006). The Ethics of Exclusion: Gender and Politics at the Michigan Womyns Music Festival. Scott-Dixon, K. (Eds.), Trans/forming Feminisms: Trans/feminist Voices Speak Out. (pp. 161-169). Canadian Scholars Press. Hand, M. (1999). Antirealism and Falsity. Gabbay, D. M., & Wansing, H. (Eds.), What is Negation?. (pp. 185-198). Springer Nature.
teaching activities PHIL111 Contemp Moral Issues Instructor PHIL111 Hnr-contemp Moral Issues Instructor PHIL240 Hnr-introduction To Logic Instructor PHIL240 Hnr:introduction To Logic Instructor PHIL285 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL330 Philosophy Of Art Instructor PHIL416 Recent Brit-amer Phil Instructor PHIL485 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL491 Hnr-research Instructor PHIL658 Philosophy Of Language Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Lishinski, Alex (2013-05). Mathematical Explanation: Examining Approaches to the Problem of Applied Mathematics. Miller, Shaun Douglas (2007-09). The problem of love from Sartre and Beauvoir to Irigaray. Wilson, Paul Anthony (2004-11). Constructing numbers through moments in time: Kant's philosophy of mathematics.
education and training Ph.D. in Philosophy, Florida State University - (Tallahassee, Florida, United States) 1985 M.A. in Philosophy, University of South Carolina - (Columbia, South Carolina, United States) 1983 B.S. in Psychology, University of South Carolina - (Columbia, South Carolina, United States) 1975
mailing address Texas A&M University Philosophy & Humanities 4237 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4237 USA