publisher of
- Losing Weight with Charles and Dan: Examining Potential Liability for Endorser Claims in Weight Loss Advertisements 2020
- An Experimental Investigation Into the Efficacy of Sport Intellectual Property: Exploring the Effects of Congruence, Brand Equity, and Articulation. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 33:116-134.
- Assessing Returns from New Sport Marketing Opportunities: The Case of NBA Jersey Sponsorships. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 32:47-61.
- Breaking up is Hard to do: Half-Baked Sponsorship Yields Valuable Lessons. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 27.
- From BIRFing to BIRGing: A 10-Year Study of the Psychology of Cubs Fans. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 27:236-249.
- Gender Equity in Sponsor Decision-Making: A Quantitative Investigation of Sponsor Retention for Womens Sport Sponsorship. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 33:16-31.
- Improving the Generalizability of the Effects of Sport Sponsorship on Brand Awareness: A Longitudinal, Multilevel Perspective. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 32:235-245.
- Meta-Analytic Review of Sport Consumption: Factors Affecting Attendance to Sporting Events. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 28:117-134.