selected publications academicarticle Stephens, J., Melgoza, P., Hubbard, D. E., Pearson, C. J., & Wan, G. (2018). Embedded Information Literacy Instruction for Upper Level Engineering Undergraduates in an Intensive Writing Course. Science and Technology Libraries. 37(4), 377-393. Tabacaru, S., Pickett, C., Stephens, J., Ugaz, A., Ramirez, D., Xiao, D., Harrell, J., & Reddy, D. E. (2016). Bundled Database Subscriptions: Challenges, Opportunities, and Assessment. Serials Review. 42(1), 31-38. Stephens, J., Hubbard, D. E., Pickett, C., & Kimball, R. (2013). Citation Behavior of Aerospace Engineering Faculty. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 39(6), 451-457. Kimball, R., Stephens, J., Hubbard, D., & Pickett, C. (2013). A Citation Analysis of Atmospheric Science Publications by Faculty at Texas A&M University. College & Research Libraries. 74(4), 356-367. Ponsford, B. C., Stephens, J., & Sewell, R. R. (2011). Improving OpenURL Menus: User Testing of Revisions to SFX Menus. Serials Review. 37(3), 162-170. Ponsford, B. C., Sewell, R. R., & Stephens, J. (2011). Finding Known Journal Articles: Comparing a Citation Linker to an A-to-Z List. Serials Review. 37(2), 93-98. Pickett, C., Stephens, J., Kimball, R., Ramirez, D., Thornton, J., & Burford, N. (2011). Revisiting an Abandoned Practice: The Death and Resurrection of Collection Development Policies. Collection Management. 36(3), 165-181. Stephens, J., Sare, L., Kimball, R., Foster, M., & Kitchens, J. (2011). Tenure support mechanisms provided by the Faculty Research Committee at Texas A & M University Libraries: A model for academic libraries. 32(8), 531-539. Wan, G. G., Clark, D., Fullerton, J., Macmillan, G., Reddy, D. E., Stephens, J., & Xiao, D. (2009). Key issues surrounding virtual chat reference model A case study. Reference Services Review. 37(1), 73-+. van Duinkerken, W., Stephens, J., & MacDonald, K. I. (2009). The chat reference interview: seeking evidence based on RUSA's guidelines. New Library World: charting new developments. 110(3/4), 107-121. MacDonald, K. I., vanDuinkerken, W., & Stephens, J. (2008). It's all in the marketing: The impact of a virtual reference marketing campaign at Texas A&M University. REFERENCE & USER SERVICES QUARTERLY. 47(4), 375-385. Stephens, J., Melgoza, P., & Wan, G. G. (2008). Safari books online: currency, usage and book release policies of an e-book database. Collection Building. 27(1), 14-17. Stephens, J., Sare, L., Kimball, R., Foster, M., & Kitchens, J. Tenure support mechanisms provided by the Faculty Research Committee at Texas A&M University Libraries A model for academic libraries. Library Management. 32(8-9), 531-539.
education and training M.Ed. in Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2005 M.L.I.S. in Library and Information Science, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 1994