selected publications academicarticle Pedersen, S., & Irby, T. (2014). The VELscience project: Middle schoolers' engagement in student-directed inquiry within a virtual environment for learning. Computers & Education. 71, 33-42. Chen, C., & Pedersen, S. (2012). Learners' internal management of cognitive processing in online learning. 49(4), 363-373. Chen, C., Pedersen, S., & Murphy, K. L. (2012). The influence of perceived information overload on student participation and knowledge construction in computer-mediated communication. Instructional Science. 40(2), 325-349. Bulu, S. T., & Pedersen, S. (2012). Supporting problem-solving performance in a hypermedia learning environment: The role of students' prior knowledge and metacognitive skills. Computers in Human Behavior. 28(4), 1162-1169. Chen, C., Pedersen, S., & Murphy, K. L. (2011). Learners' Perceived Information Overload in Online Learning via Computer-mediated Communication. The New Educational Review. 23(1), 141-158. Kim, H. J., & Pedersen, S. (2011). Advancing young adolescents' hypothesis-development performance in a computer-supported and problem-based learning environment. Computers & Education. 57(2), 1780-1789. Wu, H., & Pedersen, S. (2011). Integrating computer- and teacher-based scaffolds in science inquiry. Computers & Education. 57(4), 2352-2363. Chen, C., Pedersen, S., & Murphy, K. L. (2011). Learners' perceived information overload in online learning via computer-mediated communication. Research in Learning Technology. 19(2), 101-116. Bulu, S. T., & Pedersen, S. (2010). Scaffolding middle school students' content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving in a problem-based hypermedia learning environment. Educational Technology Research and Development. 58(5), 507-529. Arslanyilmaz, A., & Pedersen, S. (2010). Improving language production using subtitled similar task videos. Language Teaching Research. 14(4), 377-395. Kim, H. J., & Pedersen, S. (2010). Young adolescents' metacognition and domain knowledge as predictors of hypothesis-development performance in a computer-supported context. Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology. 30(5), 565-582. Arslanyilmaz, A., & Pedersen, S. (2010). ENHANCING NEGOTIATION OF MEANING THROUGH TASK FAMILIARITY USING SUBTITLED VIDEOS IN AN ONLINE TBLL ENVIRONMENT. TOJET - Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 9(2), 64-77. Pedersen, S., Arslanyilmaz, A., & Williams, D. (2009). Teachers' assessment-related local adaptations of a problem-based learning module. Educational Technology Research and Development. 57(2), 229-249. Pedersen, S., & Liu, M. (2003). Teachers' beliefs about issues in the implementation of a student-centered learning environment. Educational Technology Research and Development. 51(2), 57-76. Pedersen, S. (2003). Effect sizes and "what if" analyses as supplements to statistical significance tests. Journal of Early Intervention. 25(4), 310-319. Pedersen, S., & Liu, M. (2002). The Transfer of Problem-Solving Skills from a Problem-Based Learning Environment. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 35(2), 303-320. PEDERSEN, S., & LIU, M. (2002). THE EFFECTS OF MODELING EXPERT COGNITIVE STRATEGIES DURING PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 26(4), 353-380. Pedersen, S. (2001). Introduction: Claims to Belong. Journal of British Studies. 40(4), 447-453. Williams, D. C., Pedersen, S., & Liu, M. (1998). An evaluation of the use of problem-based learning software by middle school students. 4(4), 466-483. Kim, H. J., Miller, H. R., Herbert, B., Pedersen, S., & Loving, C. Using a Wiki in a Scientist-Teacher Professional Learning Community: Impact on Teacher Perception Changes. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 21(4), 440-452. book Gazi, Y., & Pedersen, S. J. (2008). Discourse Indicators of Culture in Online Courses - Designing Learning Environments for Global Success. VGM Verlag. chapter Samsonov, P., Pedersen, S., & Hill, C. (2006). Using Problem-Based Learning Software with At-Risk Students: A Case Study. Computers in the Schools. Type II Uses of Technology in Education: Projects, Case Studies, and Software Applications. (pp. 111-124). Taylor & Francis. conference paper Butler-Purry, K., Oren, M., Pedersen, S., Foreman, J., Obiomon, P., & Katangur, A. (2016). Improving Learning of Digital Systems Concepts Using a Video Game. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Butler-Purry, K., Srinivasan, V., & pedersen, s. (2009). A Video Game For Enhancing Learning In Digital Systems Courses. 14.138.1-14.138.9. Butler-Purry, K., Srinivasan, V., & Pedersen, S. (2009). Video game for enhancing learning in Digital Systems courses. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Srinivasan, V., Butler-Purry, K., & Pedersen, S. (2008). Using video games to enhance learning in digital systems. 196-199. Pedersen, S., Williams, D., & Bulu, S. T. (2004). Teachers' beliefs underlying their assessment practices in a problem-based learning activity. 3701-3706.
co-principal investigator on Transforming Undergraduate Learning in Digital Systems in Texas (TX DS)- awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2012 - 2019
teaching activities EDTC602 Edu Tech Field Theory And Prof Instructor EDTC621 Graphic Comm & Interface Dsn Instructor EDTC641 Educ Game Design Instructor EDTC651 Elearning Design And Dev Instructor EDTC684 Prof Internship Instructor EDTC685 Directed Studies: In-absentia Instructor EDTC689 Sptp:review Of Rsch In Edtc Instructor EDTC691 Research Instructor EPSY685 Directed Studies Instructor EPSY691 Research Instructor LDTC602 Edu Tech Field Theory & Prof Instructor LDTC621 Graphic Comm & Interface Dsn Instructor LDTC641 Educ Game Design Instructor LDTC651 Elearning Design And Dev Instructor LDTC691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Arslanyilmaz, Abdurrahman (2009-05). Using similar tasks to increase negotiation of meaning and language production in an online second language learning environment. Bulu, Saniye Tugba (2009-05). Scaffolding middle school students' content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving in a problem-based hypermedia learning environment. Chen, Chun-Ying (2005-02). Managing perceptions of information overload in computer-mediated communication. Fitzpatrick, Robbie Reese (2011-10). The Impact of Integrated Humor on Memory Retention and Recall Aspects of Adult Learning. Gazi, Yakut (2009-05). Discourse indicators of culture in online courses. Green, Martha Robison (2012-07). Teaching the Writing Process through Digital Storytelling in Pre-service Education. Seifert, Kathryn A. (2010-01). The Impact of a Metacognitive Reflection Component in a Problem-Based Learning Unit. Thomas, Shemesha Shenay (2016-04). An Examination of the Factors that Influence African American Females to Pursue Postsecondary and Secondary Information Communications Technology Education. Wu, Hui-Ling (2011-08). Scaffolding in Technology-Enhanced Science Education.
education and training Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States)
mailing address Texas A&M University Educational Psychology 4225 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4225 USA