selected publications academicarticle Bennett, B., Hurley, J., & Merchant, M. (2016). An integrated pest management tool for evaluating schools. Journal of Extension. 54(2), Bennett, B. K., Misra, S. K., & Richardson, J. (2010). A Determination of Cotton Market Price Premiums Required to Justify More Lint Cleaning in the Gin Plant. Journal of Cotton Science. 14(4), 199-204. Bennett, B. K., Johnson, J. L., & Parker, R. (2009). Educating limited acreage producers using web-based technology. Journal of Extension. 47(6), Bennett, B. K., & Bevers, S (2003). Developing a Comprehensive Business Planning Extension Program. Journal of Extension. 41(6), Bennett, B. K. (2003). Evaluation of cotton put options as a price risk management tool. 7(2), 39-44. Bennett, B. K. (2001). Using a moving average to determine cotton futures market entry dates. 5(4), 218-223. Nelson, J., Misra, S., Bennett, B., & Barker, G (1999). Gin lint cleaning to maximize producer net returns revisited. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 15(6), 621-626. Bennett, B. K., & Misra, S. K (1998). A decision tool to determine the optimal level of lint cleanings for irrigated and dryland cotton. 318-322. Bennett, B., Misra, S., & Barker, G (1997). Lint cleaning stripper-harvested cotton for maximizing producer net returns. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 13(4), 459-463. Bennett, B. K., & Misra, S. K (1996). Analysis of cost minimization of cotton cleaning in a systems framework. 466-472. conference paper Bennett, B. K., & Misra, S. K (2000). Inter-sectoral relationships in the Texas cotton industry. 323-328. Johnson, J. L., & Bennett, B. K (2000). Using moving averages as a cotton pricing tool. 313-315. Nelson, J., Misra, S. K., Bennett, B. K., & Barker, G (1999). Maximizing net producer returns to gin lint cleaning. 310-316.