Gin lint cleaning to maximize producer net returns revisited uri icon


  • This study examined simulated net returns to gin lint cleaning in the Southern High Plains of Texas during the 1993, 1994, and 1995 crop years to determine the number of lint cleaners required to maximize producer net returns. Net returns for five stripper harvested cotton varieties with different management practices, including the use of irrigation and field cleaners, were evaluated in this study. Results indicated that net returns were consistently higher for one stage of lint cleaning for all of the management practices evaluated. It was found that producers could have saved approximately $4.00/bale by lint cleaning cotton once.

published proceedings

  • Applied Engineering in Agriculture

author list (cited authors)

  • Nelson, J., Misra, S., Bennett, B., & Barker, G

complete list of authors

  • Nelson, J||Misra, S||Bennett, B||Barker, G

publication date

  • November 1999