Increased susceptibility of cholangiocytes to tumor necrosis factor-alpha cytotoxicity after bile duct ligation.
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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha plays a critical role in epithelial cell injury. However, the role of TNF-alpha in mediating cholangiocyte injury under physiological or pathophysiological conditions is unknown. Thus we assessed the effects of TNF-alpha alone or following sensitization by actinomycin D on cell apoptosis, proliferation, and basal and secretin-stimulated ductal secretion in cholangiocytes from normal or bile duct-ligated (BDL) rats. Cholangiocytes from normal or BDL rats were highly resistant to TNF-alpha alone. However, presensitization by actinomycin D increased apoptosis in cholangiocytes following BDL and was associated with an inhibition of proliferation and secretin-stimulated ductal secretion. Thus TNF-alpha mediates cholangiocyte injury and altered ductal secretion following bile duct ligation. These observations suggest that cholestasis may enhance susceptibility to cytokine-mediated cholangiocyte injury.