In-silico heart model phantom to validate cardiac strain imaging. uri icon


  • The quantification of cardiac strains as structural indices of cardiac function has a growing prevalence in clinical diagnosis. However, the highly heterogeneous four-dimensional (4D) cardiac motion challenges accurate "regional" strain quantification and leads to sizable differences in the estimated strains depending on the imaging modality and post-processing algorithm, limiting the translational potential of strains as incremental biomarkers of cardiac dysfunction. There remains a crucial need for a feasible benchmark that successfully replicates complex 4D cardiac kinematics to determine the reliability of strain calculation algorithms. In this study, we propose an in-silico heart phantom derived from finite element (FE) simulations to validate the quantification of 4D regional strains. First, as a proof-of-concept exercise, we created synthetic magnetic resonance (MR) images for a hollow thick-walled cylinder under pure torsion with an exact solution and demonstrated that "ground-truth" values can be recovered for the twist angle, which is also a key kinematic index in the heart. Next, we used mouse-specific FE simulations of cardiac kinematics to synthesize dynamic MR images by sampling various sectional planes of the left ventricle (LV). Strains were calculated using our recently developed non-rigid image registration (NRIR) framework in both problems. Moreover, we studied the effects of image quality on distorting regional strain calculations by conducting in-silico experiments for various LV configurations. Our studies offer a rigorous and feasible tool to standardize regional strain calculations to improve their clinical impact as incremental biomarkers.

published proceedings

  • Comput Biol Med

author list (cited authors)

  • Mukherjee, T., Usman, M., Mehdi, R. R., Mendiola, E., Ohayon, J., Lindquist, D., ... Avazmohammadi, R.

complete list of authors

  • Mukherjee, Tanmay||Usman, Muhammad||Mehdi, Rana Raza||Mendiola, Emilio||Ohayon, Jacques||Lindquist, Diana||Shah, Dipan||Sadayappan, Sakthivel||Pettigrew, Roderic||Avazmohammadi, Reza