publication venue for
- LSCS-Net: A lightweight skin cancer segmentation network with densely connected multi-rate atrous convolution.. 173:108303-108303. 2024
- Machine learning-based classification of cardiac relaxation impairment using sarcomere length and intracellular calcium transients.. 163:107134-107134. 2023
- Ultrasound estimation of strain time constant and vascular permeability in tumors using a CEEMDAN and linear regression-based method.. 148:105707-105707. 2022
- Estimation of mechanical parameters in cancers by empirical orthogonal function analysis of poroelastography data.. 111:103343-103343. 2019
- On the choice of multiscale entropy algorithm for quantification of complexity in gait data.. 103:93-100. 2018
- A novel filter for accurate estimation of fluid pressure and fluid velocity using poroelastography.. 101:90-99. 2018
- A PC program for classification into one of several groups on the basis of longitudinal data.. 24:323-328. 1994
- A PC program for computing confidence bands for average and individual growth curves.. 24:119-127. 1994
- PC program for assessing the relationship between rate of change and initial value.. 24:485-492. 1994
- Clustering on the basis of longitudinal data.. 23:399-406. 1993
- Longer-term growth prediction using GAUSS.. 23:149-154. 1993
- A PC program for growth prediction in the context of Rao's polynomial growth curve model.. 22:181-188. 1992
- 3-D H-scan ultrasound imaging of relative scatterer size using a matrix array transducer and sparse random aperture compounding.. 151:106316-106316.
- Evaluation of Cellpose segmentation with sequential thresholding for instance segmentation of cytoplasms within autofluorescence images.. 179:108846-108846.
- In-silico heart model phantom to validate cardiac strain imaging.. 181:109065-109065.