Student Support for 4th International Summer School on Advanced Material Systems (AMS); Thessaloniki, Greece; July 1-7, 2018
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The Fourth International Summer School on Advanced Material Systems (AMS) will be held July 1-7, 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece. This summer school follows the model established by The International Institute for Multifunctional Materials for Energy Conversion (IIMEC), an NSF-funded International Materials Institute, established at Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, in partnership with US and international research collaborators. The aim of the summer school is to familiarize graduate students with the state of the art in advanced composite and multifunctional materials manufacturing, characterization, testing and micro-mechanics, and computational methods modeling. This award supports travel for US graduate students to participate in the summer school. The participating graduate students and researchers will be exposed to a high-quality, intensive educational experience in the field of advanced material systems. The format of the meeting will allow ample time for formal and informal scientific discussions, with the aim of building collaborations with participants of different countries, institutions and areas of expertise, and building a long-lasting international network with the students' peers as well as senior scholars. The main objectives of the AMS Summer School are to: (1) establish a communication, knowledge-base, and computational-laboratory grid advancing research in manufacturing, characterization, modeling and testing of advanced and multifunctional materials, providing all participants with global research and international leadership experience, and contributing to the transformation and advancement of education on materials science and engineering to all participants; (2) communicate the knowledge of commercialization and promote the connection between research and industry; and (3) attract participants from different countries and research fields in order to foster interaction in an international academic environment, promoting scholarship and leadership in advanced material systems This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.