selected publications academicarticle Nickum, M. J., Masser, M., Reigh, R., & Nickum, J. G. (2018). Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Aquaculture in the United States. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture. 26(1), 86-98. Neisch, M. T., Roelke, D. L., Brooks, B. W., Grover, J. P., & Masser, M. P. (2012). STIMULATING EFFECT OF ANABAENA SP. (CYANOBACTERIA) EXUDATE ON PRYMNESIUM PARVUM (HAPTOPHYTA)(1). Journal of Phycology. 48(4), 1045-1049. Masser, M. P. (2005). Alligator aquaculture. American Fisheries Society Symposium. 46(46), 217-225. Masser, M. P. (2004). 17 Cages and in-pond raceways. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. 34(C), 530-544. Nelson, R. G., Duarte, S. A., & Masser, M. P. (2001). Financial risk analysis of three aeration regimes in catfish cage culture. Aquaculture Economics and Management. 5(3-4), 171-177. Yoo, K. H., Masser, M. P., & Hawcroft, B. A. (1995). An in-pond raceway system incorporating removal of fish wastes. Aquacultural Engineering. 14(2), 175-187. Dunham, R. A., Hyde, C., Masser, M., Plumb, J. A., Smitherman, R. O., Perez, R., & Ramboux, A. C. (1994). Comparison of Culture Traits of Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and Blue Catfish I. furcatus. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. 3(3-4), 257-268. Tai, C., Hatch, L. U., Masser, M. P., Cacho, O. J., & Hoffman, D. G. (1994). Validation of a growth simulation model for catfish. Annual review of fish diseases. 128(3-4), 245-254. Duarte, S. A., Masser, M. P., & Plumb, J. A. (1993). Seasonal Occurrence of Diseases in CageReared Channel Catfish, 19871991. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 5(3), 223-229. MASSER, M. P., & NEILL, W. H. (1986). ROUTES OF HEAT-TRANSFER IN 2 TELEOSTS, ICTALURUS-PUNCTATUS AND LEPOMIS-MACROCHIRUS. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 16(4), 321-324. MASSER, M. P., GRANT, W. E., NEILL, W. H., & ROBINSON, E. H. A SIMULATION-MODEL REPRESENTING EFFECTS ON DIETARY ENERGY PROTEIN RATION AND WATER TEMPERATURE ON GROWTH OF CHANNEL CATFISH (ICTALURUS-PUNCTATUS). ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 54(1-2), 17-35. MASSER, M. P., & GRANT, W. E. FIRE ANT-INDUCED TRAP MORTALITY OF SMALL MAMMALS IN EAST-CENTRAL TEXAS. Southwestern Naturalist. 31(4), 540-542. Gandy, R. L., Samocha, T. M., Masser, M. P., Fox, J. M., Ali, A. S., Gatlin, D. M., & Speed, M. The effect of unilateral eyestalk ablation and diet on the reproductive performance of wildcaught Farfantepenaeus aztecus (Ives, 1891) using a closed recirculating maturation system. Aquaculture Research. 38(6), 580-587. chapter Masser, M. (2017). Tilapia Coculture in Cages and Inpond Raceways. Tilapia in Intensive Co-culture. (pp. 148-155). Wiley. Masser, M. P. (2012). Cage Culture in Freshwater and Protected Marine Areas. Aquaculture Production Systems. (pp. 119-134). Wiley. Masser, M. P. (2012). Inpond Raceways. Aquaculture Production Systems. (pp. 387-394). Wiley.
teaching activities WFSC685 Directed Studies Instructor WFSC685 Directed Studies Instructor WFSC691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Edgerton, Elizabeth A (2014-12). Prevention and Management of Aquatic Invasive Plants in Texas. Gandy, Ryan Leighton (2005-02). Investigations into the reproductive performance and larval rearing of the Brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, using closed recirculating systems. Knight, Trevor J. (2010-01). Impacts of Aquatic Vegetation Management on the Ecology of Small Impoundments. Kokel, Haley Nicole (2017-04). Establishment of Native Aquatic Vegetation in Conjunction with an Integrated Invasive Aquatic Vegetation Management Program. Neisch, Michael (2014-01). A Study on Biological Threats to Texas Freshwater Resources. Putegnat, John William (2013-12). Design and Field-test of Solar-passive Thermal Refugia for Overwintering Mozambique Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) in Central Texas. Schonrock, April Elizabeth (2005-11). An Internet survey of private pond owners and managers in Texas.
education and training Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1986
mailing address Texas A&M University Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences 2258 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2258 USA