Scaling Microirrigation Technologies to Address the Global Water Challenge
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This project with build upon the foundation of existing resources and programs to develop more advanced training support and reference materials for local educators and advisors, in order to equip them to conduct higher quality local water education programs. The products of this work also are expected to be useful in training graduate students, technicians and other research staff, and for adding practical perspectives in university courses. Target audiences will include extension educators (agents and specialists), USDA-NRCS field staff, crop consultants, irrigation professionals, research technicians and research associates, and university students in classroom and research settings. Planned resources include fact sheets, infographics, webinars, videos, presentations, and publications - some packaged in series - that relay water management and technologies at a level more in-depth and comprehensively than most traditional extension resources, but more applied than most research publications. Some of these extension materials will be multi-institutional and regional in scope to provide a more relevant and integrated message across the Ogallala region.