selected publications academicarticle Hartmann, T. P., Scheiner, J. J., Stein, L. A., King, A. R., & Feagely, S. E. (2021). Young Field-grown Kiwifruit Plants' Response to Early Autumn Frost Injury in Texas. HortTechnology. 31(1), 125-135. Chance, L., Arnold, M. A., Lombardini, L., Watson, W. T., Carver, S. T., & King, A. R. (2017). Landscape Establishment for Baldcypress, Red Maple, and Chaste tree is Delayed for Trees Transplanted from Larger Containers1. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 35(2), 43-57. Carver, S. T., Arnold, M. A., Byrne, D. H., Armitage, A. R., Lineberger, R. D., & King, A. R. (2014). Growth and Flowering Responses of Sea Marigold to Daminozide, Paclobutrazol, or Uniconazole Applied as Drenches or Sprays. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 33(3), 626-631. King, A. R., Arnold, M. A., Welsh, D. F., & Watson, W. T. (2012). Developmental Stage and Growth Regulator Concentration Differentially Affect Vegetative Propagation of Select Clones of Taxodium Rich. Hortscience. 47(2), 238-248.
teaching activities HORT201 Hort Science & Practices Instructor HORT301 Garden Science Instructor HORT302 Garden Science Lab Instructor HORT326 Plant Propagation Instructor HORT431 Nursry Prodctn & Mgmt Instructor HORT489 Sptp: Edible & Cultivate Herbs Instructor HORT491 Research Instructor
mailing address Texas A&M University Horticultural Sciences 2133 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2133 USA