New commercial opportunities for advanced reproductive technologies in horses, wildlife, and companion animals. uri icon


  • As advanced reproductive technologies become more efficient and repeatable in livestock and laboratory species, new opportunities will evolve to apply these techniques to alternative and non-traditional species. This will result in new markets requiring unique business models that address issues of animal welfare and consumer acceptance on a much different level than the livestock sector. Advanced reproductive technologies and genetic engineering will be applied to each species in innovative ways to provide breeders more alternatives for the preservation and propagation of elite animals in each sector. The commercialization of advanced reproductive techniques in these niche markets should be considered a useful tool for conservation of genetic material from endangered or unique animals as well as production of biomedical models of human disease.

published proceedings

  • Theriogenology

author list (cited authors)

  • Long, C. R., Walker, S. C., Tang, R. T., & Westhusin, M. E.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Long, CR||Walker, SC||Tang, RT||Westhusin, ME

publication date

  • January 2003