Portable, multi-modal Raman and fluorescence spectroscopic platform for point-of-care applications.
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SIGNIFICANCE: Point-of-care (POC) platforms utilizing optical biosensing strategies can achieve on-site detection of biomarkers to improve the quality of care for patients in low-resource settings. AIM: We aimed to develop a portable, multi-modal spectroscopic platform capable of performing Raman and fluorescence measurements from a single sample site. APPROACH: We designed the spectroscopic platform in OpticStudio using commercial optical components and built the system on a portable optical breadboard. Two excitation and collection arms were utilized to detect the two optical signals. The multi-modal functionality was validated using ratiometric Raman/fluorescence samples, and the potential utility was demonstrated using a model bioassay for cardiac troponin I. RESULTS: The designed spectroscopic platform achieved a spectral resolution of 0.67 0.2 nm across the Raman detection range (660 to 770nm). The ratiometric Raman/fluorescence samples demonstrated no crosstalk between the two detector arms across a gradient of high molar concentrations. Testing of the model bioassay response showed that the integrated approach improved the linearity of the calibration curve from (R2 = 0.977) for the Raman only and (R2 = 0.972) for the fluorescence only to (R2 = 0.988) for the multi-modal approach. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate the potential impact of a multi-modal POC spectroscopic platform to improve the sensitivity and robustness necessary for biomarker detection.