I/UCRC Phase II: Center on Intelligent Storage (CRIS)-
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The University of Minnesota is completing single university Phase I I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Storage (CRIS) and is proposing to establish a multi-university I/UCRC Phase II Center on intelligent storage with Texas A&M University and Temple University. The center research will focus on intelligent storage devices that have greater semantic and structural knowledge about their stored data as compared to standard disk technology. Additionally, center will develop high-performance long-term data management systems that will ensure the necessary levels of security throughout the data?s lifecycle.Currently, there is emphasis on addressing the needs of ?big data? environment and ?cloud computing? such as identifying and locating the right information and managing and preserving the existing data. In order to meet these needs, new storage architectures, different storage systems design, new data models, new information access methods and new ways to deliver information will be identified. The focus of the center will be on how to solve the big data problem with new storage technologies, new designs of storage systems/architectures, emerging management frameworks and tools in the current computing and communication environment. Industry has recognized the importance of this new computing and communication environment. Many new products for storage/file systems, storage management, and ways of preserving the data have evolved. However, most of these applications require more research and development. The center will utilize synergies from both academia and industry, encourage innovative and creative thinking for integrated solutions that combine techniques from storage systems, file systems and information retrieval, enhance the understanding of large scale data management and information retrieval, and develop prototypes for long-term data preservation. The ?big data? problem is currently faced by not only individuals, but also by almost all segments of the society, including professional groups, research communities, companies and government. The proposed center will facilitate the process of developing and researching solutions that can efficiently manage and preserve large volumes of data and provide needed information to an end user on-demand from anywhere at any time. The potential outcomes includes fostering the advancement of science and technology, making the society more efficient and secure, providing better health-care delivery, and better ways of preserving information and arts produced by our culture. The research results will be disseminated to general public via journal publications and conference presentations. The Center will enhance the education process by bringing input from industry, developing new courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels and emphasizing the diversity of the student population. Special effort will be carried out to bring in more female and under-represented minority students. All three sites plan to educate a new generation of systems oriented students to satisfy the needs from both industry and government.