selected publications academicarticle Ramos, H., Ramos, S. J., & Juntune, J. E. (2018). Test of General Reasoning Ability (TOGRA). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 36(8), 869-872. Turner, J. S., & Juntune, J. (2018). Perceptions of the Home Environments of Graduate Students Raised in Poverty. Journal of Advanced Academics. 29(2), 91-115. Kaya, F., Stough, L. M., & Juntune, J. (2017). Verbal and nonverbal intelligence scores within the context of poverty. Gifted Education International. 33(3), 257-272. Kaya, F., Stough, L. M., & Juntune, J. (2016). The effect of poverty on the verbal scores of gifted students. Educational Studies. 42(1), 85-97. Kaya, F., Juntune, J., & Stough, L. (2015). Zek ve Akademik Baar Arasndaki likisi. Ilköğretim-Online. 14(3), 1060-1078. Wycoff, M., Nash, W. R., Juntune, J. E., & Mackay, L. (2003). Purposeful Professional Development: Planning Positive Experiences for Teachers of the Gifted and Talented. Gifted Child Today. 26(4), 34-64. Juntune, J. E. (1999). Blending a Middle School Magnet Program for Gifted Students with A Regular Middle School Program. NASSP Bulletin. 83(609), 96-102. JUNTUNE, J. E. (1987). ENJOY YOUR GIFTED-CHILD - TAKACS,CA. Gifted Child Quarterly. 31(3), 141-142. Juntune, J. E. (1983). Book Review: The Gifted Kids Survival Guide. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 6(4), 304-305. chapter Kerr, B. (2009). Internships. Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. SAGE Publications. Kerr, B. (2009). Positive Disintegration. Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. SAGE Publications. Kerr, B. (2009). Presidential Scholars. Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. SAGE Publications. Kerr, B. (2009). Structure of Intellect. Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. SAGE Publications. webpage Mccorkle, S., Juntune, J., Ramos, S. J., Garcimartin, H. R., Whiteside, E., & Kao, S. (2022). How to Keep Your Students Work Off Study Sites
teaching activities EPSY320 Child Dev For Edcators Instructor EPSY431 Persnl Creativity Gifted Instructor EPSY484 Field Experiences Instructor EPSY485 Directed Studies Instructor EPSY602 Educ Psychology Instructor EPSY624 Creative Thinking Instructor EPSY645 Creative Genius Instructor EPSY646 Isues In Chld & Adlsnt Instructor EPSY647 Lifespan Development Instructor EPSY648 Intelligence & Creativty Instructor EPSY673 Learn Theory For Educ Instructor EPSY674 Foundations Of Creativity Instructor EPSY683 Field Practicum Instructor EPSY683 Field Practicum In Instructor EPSY684 Profess Internship Instructor EPSY685 Directed Studies Instructor EPSY689 Sptp: Qual Meth In Ed Research Instructor EPSY691 Research Instructor EPSY691 Research Instructor EPSY691 Research: In-absentia Instructor
awards and honors Provost Academic Professional Track Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2022
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