selected publications academicarticle Senseney, C. T., & Suermann, P. C. (2023). Design, construction and monitoring of concrete roadway pavement at extremely steep longitudinal slopes. 24(1), 2011277. Suermann, P. C., Patel, H. H., & Sauter, L. D. (2019). Simulating and evaluating regolith propagation effects during drilling in low gravity environments. Advances in Computational Design. 4(2), 141-153. Christ, J. A., Heiderscheidt, J. L., Pickenpaugh, M. Y., Phelan, T. J., Pocock, J. B., Stanford, M. S., ... Twesme, T. M. (2015). Incorporating Sustainability and Green Engineering into a Constrained Civil Engineering Curriculum. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 141(2), c4014004. McCuen, T. L., Suermann, P. C., & Krogulecki, M. J. (2012). Evaluating Award-Winning BIM Projects Using the National Building Information Model Standard Capability Maturity Model. Journal of Management in Engineering. 28(2), 224-230. Hutchinson, M., & Suermann, P (2010). Advancing MILCON transformation. Military Engineer. 102(668), 71-72. Suermann, P. C., & Issa, R. (2009). EVALUATING INDUSTRY PERCEPTIONS OF BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) IMPACT ON CONSTRUCTION. Journal of Information Technology in Construction. 14, 574-594. Suermann, P. C., & Issa, R (2009). Joint-service design & construction. Military Engineer. 101(662), 56-57. chapter Suermann, P. C., & Maddox, L. R. (2015). MILCON in the Department of Defense: Estimating, Building Information Modeling (BIM) Based Design, and Impact on United States Army and Air Force Construction. Building Information Modeling. (pp. 83-106). American Society of Civil Engineers. Suermann, P. C., & Issa, R. (2010). The US National Building Information Modeling Standard. Jason Underwood, .., & Umit Isikdag. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Building Information Modeling and Construction Informatics. (pp. 138-154). IGI Global. conference paper Brayley|Werkema, E., & Suermann, P. (2023). Applying Architectural Design and Construction Principles to Lunar and Martian Construction. 688-700. Stanford, M. S., Dicks, E. P., & Suermann, P. C. (2022). Evaluating Management Risks in Megaprojects: Case of International Defense Construction. 541-550. Patel, H., Suermann, P., Shumaker, N., Deitrick, S., Bullard, J. W., & Ewing, R. C. (2021). Applying Terrestrial Geo-Material Science Methodology to Lunar ISRU Construction. 171-180. Deitrick, S. R., Bullard, J., Shumaker, N., & Suermann, P. (2021). Granular Morphology and Mineralogical Composition for Modeling Lunar Dust Behavior. 39-50. Lee, J., Ham, Y., & Suermann, P. (2020). Investigating the Effect of Reflecting Human Activity Information in Physiological Sensing-Driven Occupant Thermal Comfort Modeling. 139-147. Pocock, J., & Suermann, P. (2020). Architectural Design as a Way for Civil Engineers to Learn Building Systems and BIM Zuppa, D., Issa, R., & Suermann, P. C. (2009). BIM's Impact on the Success Measures of Construction Projects. 503-512. Suermann, P. C., & Issa, R. (2009). Dynamic Prototyping: The United States Air Force Building Information Modeling Initiative. 485-494. Issa, R., Suermann, P. C., & Olbina, S. (2009). USE OF BUILDING INFORMATION MODELS IN SIMULATIONS. Proceedings of the ... Winter Simulation Conference. Winter Simulation Conference. 2664-2671. Issa, R., Suermann, P. C., & Olbina, S. (2009). USE OF BUILDING INFORMATION MODELS IN SIMULATIONS. Proceedings of the ... Winter Simulation Conference. Winter Simulation Conference. 2534-+. Suermann, P. C. (2005). Leveraging GIS tools in defense and response at the U.S. Air Force Academy. 865-874. Suermann, P. C. (2005). Leveraging GIS Tools in Defense and Response at the U.S. Air Force Academy. 1-10. Dickson, C., & Suermann, P. Analysis of Sintered Hawaiian Basalt Building Blocks for Landing Pad Use and Recommendations for Improvement. 199-206.
co-principal investigator on Cognition-driven Display for Navigation Activities (Cog-DNA): Personalized Spatial Information System Based on Information Personality of Firefighters awarded by National Institute of Standards and Technology - (Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States) 2018 - 2019
teaching activities CARC689 Sptp:extraterrestrial Arch,eng Instructor COSC175 Construction Graphics Instructor COSC381 Prof Ethics In Const Ind Instructor COSC485 Directed Studies Instructor COSC489 Sptp:soc Issues Hist Const Env Instructor COSC602 Const Cost Estimating Instructor COSC685 Directed Studies Instructor COSC689 Sptp: Arch And Const Robotics Instructor COSC691 Research Instructor FYEX101 Hullabaloo U Instructor ITDE691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Design, Construction, and Planning, University of Florida - (Gainesville, Florida, United States) 2009 M.C.E. in Construction Management, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2003 B.C.E. in Civil Engineering, United States Air Force Academy - (Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States) 1997
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by Society of American Military Engineers - (Alexandria, Virginia, United States), 2023
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