Developing an Instrument to Examine Master Gardeners Participation Motives uri icon


  • Nonformal education is learnercentered and provides knowledge in a practical manner to participants. Master Gardener is a nonformal extension horticultural program that includes extensive requirements to earn certification. The purpose of this study was to examine the Mergener Education Participation Scale (MEPS) to evaluate adult motivations to participate in the Florida Master Gardener program. Participants were selected using stratified random sampling and the Tailored Design Method was employed for data collection with a mail survey. The response rate was 86.79% (N = 530). Through principal component analysis, the reliabilities of the new factors were higher than the reliabilities of the factors associated with the MEPS. Reliabilities of the new factors were: Others Perceptions .93, Vary Routine .91, Community Service .90, Socialization .87, Learning .84, and Professional Enhancement .82. Researchers should employ the constructs identified by this study to assess adult motives to participate in other Florida Master Gardener programs.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Agricultural Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Strong, R., & Harder, A.

complete list of authors

  • Strong, Robert||Harder, Amy