An Analysis of the Priority Needs of Cooperative Extension at the County Level uri icon


  • Cooperative Extension's role as a relevant provider of nonformal education is dependent upon its ability to improve and adjust in response to internal and external pressures. Periodically conducting needs assessments focused on the Extension organization can aid in Extension's efforts to deliver quality educational programs by pinpointing priority areas in need of improvement. A qualitative analysis of the final reports from the University of Florida's IFAS Extension annual county program review process was conducted to identify challenges and threats facing county Extension offices. Common challenges were marketing deficits, loss of human capital, and technology barriers. Common threats were the economy, increased numbers of urban residents, and insufficient facilities. Developing and implementing strategic plans to resolve the needs identified in this study may increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Extension.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Agricultural Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Harder, A., Lamm, A. J., & Strong, R.

complete list of authors

  • Harder, Amy||Lamm, Alexa J||Strong, Robert