Instrumental learning within the spinal cord. II. Evidence for central mediation.
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Rats spinally transected at the second thoracic vertebra can learn to maintain their leg in a flexed position if they receive legshock for extending the limb. These rats display an increase in the duration of a flexion response that minimizes net shock exposure. The current set of experiments was designed to determine whether the acquisition of this behavioral response is mediated by the neurons of the spinal cord (i.e., is centrally mediated) or reflects a peripheral modification (e.g., a change in muscle tension). Experiment 1 found that preventing information from reaching the spinal cord by severing the sciatic nerve blocked the acquisition of this behavioral response. Spinalized rats also failed to learn if the spinal cord was anesthetized with lidocaine during exposure to response-contingent shock (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 demonstrated that prior exposure to response-contingent shock on one hindleg facilitated acquisition of the response when subjects were later tested on the opposite leg. These findings suggest that acquisition of the instrumental response depends on neurons within the spinal cord.