Blocks-in-Conduit: REBCO Cable for a 20T@20K Toroid for Compact Fusion Tokamaks uri icon


  • Blocks-in-Conduit is a novel approach to cable, coil, and splice technologies with unique benefits for a high-current-den-sity toroid D winding to operate at 20 T, 20 K. Blocks of REBCO tape are cabled in conduit, with a thin-wall center-tube spring that provides transposition, stress management at the cable level, and cross-flow cooling of a thick-coil toroid winding. The coil technology utilizes a co-wound armor structure that integrates stress manage-ment and cross-flow cooling and bypasses coil stress to protect the BIC. An interleaved splice joint enables low-resistance demountable splices of the windings. These provisions yield maximum current density in the winding pack, maximum stability of the REBCO tape blocks, and minimum conductor cost for a tokamak toroid.

published proceedings


altmetric score

  • 1.25

author list (cited authors)

  • McIntyre, P. M., Rogers, J., & Sattarov, A.

citation count

  • 3

complete list of authors

  • McIntyre, Peter M||Rogers, John||Sattarov, Akhdiyor

publication date

  • August 2021