selected publications academicarticle Li, B. o., Tan, Z., Arreola-Risa, A., & Huang, Y. (2023). On the improvement of uncertain cloud service capacity. International Journal of Production Economics. 258, 108779-108779. Li, B. o., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2023). Managing a bone marrow transplant centre to maximise patients' health benefits. 61(6), 1771-1795. Li, B. o., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2022). Minimizing conditional value-at-risk under a modified basestock policy. 31(4), 1822-1838. Lin, S., Li, B. o., Arreola-Risa, A., & Huang, Y. (2022). Optimizing a single-product production-inventory system under constant absolute risk aversion. TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. 1-28. Li, B. o., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2021). On minimizing downside risk inmake-to-stock,risk-aversefirms. Naval Research Logistics. 68(2), 199-213. Li, B. o., Ji, Q., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2020). Optimizing a production-inventory system under a cost target. Computers & Operations Research. 123, 105015-105015. Li, B. o., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2017). Financial risk, inventory decision and process improvement for a firm with random capacity. European Journal of Operational Research. 260(1), 183-194. Arreola-Risa, A., & Keblis, M. F. (2013). Design of Stockless Production Systems. Production and Operations Management. 22(1), 203-215. Arreola-Risa, A., Gimenez-Garcia, V. M., & Luis Martinez-Parra, J. (2011). Optimizing stochastic production-inventory systems: A heuristic based on simulation and regression analysis. European Journal of Operational Research. 213(1), 107-118. Faaland, B. H., Schmitt, T. G., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2004). Economic lot scheduling with lost sales and setup times. IIE Transactions. 36(7), 629-640. Doerr, K. H., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2000). A worker-based approach for modeling variability in task completion times. IIE Transactions. 32(7), 625-636. Doerr, K. H., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2000). A worker-based approach for modeling variability in task completion times. IIE Transactions. 32(7), 625-636. Arreola-Risa, A., & DeCroix, G. A. (1998). Inventory management under random supply disruptions and partial backorders. Naval Research Logistics. 45(7), 687-703. Arreola-Risa, A., & DeCroix, G. A. (1998). Make-to-order versus make-to-stock in a production-inventory system with general production times. 30(8), 705-713. Arreola-Risa, A. (1998). On inventory abatement via manufacturing randomness reductions. Decision Sciences. 29(4), 983-1004. DeCroix, G. A., & Arreola-Risa, A. (1998). On offering economic incentives to backorder. IIE Transactions. 30(8), 715-721. DeCroix, G. A., & Arreola-risa, A. (1998). On offering economic incentives to backorder. IIE Transactions. 30(8), 715-721. DeCroix, G. A., & Arreola-Risa, A. (1998). Optimal production and inventory policy for multiple products under resource constraints. Management science. 44(7), 950-961. Arreola-Risa, A. (1996). Integrated multi-item production-inventory systems. European Journal of Operational Research. 89(2), 326-340. Berk, E., & ArreolaRisa, A. (1994). Note on future supply uncertainty in EOQ models. Naval Research Logistics. 41(1), 129-132. book Gaspar, J., Arreola-Risa, A., Bierman, L., Hise, R., & Kolari, J. (2013). Introduction to Global Business: Understanding the International Environment & Global Business Functions. Cengage Learning. Risa, A. A., & Risa, J. (2005). Programacion Lineal Una Introduccion a la toma de Decisiones Cuantitativa. Cengage Learning Editores. Gaspar, J., Bierman, L., Kolari, J., Hise, R., Smith, L., & Arreola-Risa, A. (2005). Introduction to Business. Cengage Learning. conference paper Arreola-Risa, A. (1998). Inventory management for a multi-item production-inventory system. 1349-1351.
teaching activities BUSN203 Hnr-statistical Methods Bus Instructor ISTM485 Directed Studies Instructor ISTM685 Directed Studies Instructor SCMT305 Forecast & Stat Found Bus Anyl Instructor SCMT305 Inter Bus Statistics Instructor SCMT361 Operations Plan & Ctrl Instructor SCMT364 Operations Management Instructor SCMT484 Internship Instructor SCMT484 Internship: In-ab Instructor SCMT611 Stat Foundation Data Analytics Instructor SCMT685 Directed Studies Instructor SCMT689 Spmt: Stat Found Busi Analytic Instructor SCMT691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Abdulla, Saeed A. (2010-10). Strategies for Competitive Advantage and Supply Chain Management: Synergy Opportunities. Brann, Jeremy Matthew (2009-05). Supply chain design: a conceptual model and tactical simulations. Li, Bo (2016-06). Essays in Operations Management: Applications in Health Care and the Operations-Finance Interface. Luna Coronado, Jaime (2009-05). An optimization model for strategic supply chain design under stochastic capacity disruptions.
education and training Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management, Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 1989 M.S. in Production and Operations Management, Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 1987 M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 1981 B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education - (Monterrey, Mexico) 1977
awards and honors Mays Research Fellow, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2001
mailing address Texas A&M University Dept Of Information & Operations Management 4217 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4217 USA