selected publications academicarticle Pappas, G. F. (2021). American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society. 57(1), 130-137. Pappas, G. F. (2021). Jazz and Philosophical Contrapunteo: Philosophies of La Vida in the Americas on Behalf of Radical Democracy. Pluralist. 16(1), 1-25. Gregory Pappas. (2017). The Centrality of Dewey's Lectures in China to his Socio-Political Philosophy. 53(1), 7-7. Pappas, G. F. (2017). Zapatismo, Luis Villoro, and American Pragmatism on Democracy, Power, and Injustice. Pluralist. 12(1), 85-100. Pappas, G. F. (2016). John Dewey's Radical Logic: The Function of the Qualitative in Thinking. 52(3), 435-468. Pappas, G. F. (2016). The Pragmatists' Approach to Injustice. Pluralist. 11(1), 58-77. Pappas, G. F. (2016). The pragmatists' approach to injustice. Pluralist. 11(1), 58-77. Pappas, G. F. (2014). The Narrative and Identity of Pragmatism in America: The History of a Dysfunctional Family?. Pluralist. 9(2), 65-83. Pappas, G. F. (2012). What would John Dewey say about Deliberative Democracy and Democratic Experimentalism?. Contemporary Pragmatism. 9(2), 57-74. Pappas, G. F. (2008). The North American challenge: The tension between the Values of Anglo-Saxon and Hispanic World. La Torre del Virrey : Revista de Estudios Culturales. 88-95. Pappas, G. F. (2007). The point of departure of the philosophy in Risieri Frondizi and pragmatism. Anuario Filosofico. 40(2), 319-342. Pappas, G. F. (2007). Risieri Frondizi and pragmatism on the starting point of philosophical inquiry. Anuario Filosofico. 40(2), 319-342. Pappas, G. F. (2005). Spanish translation of the public and its problems. 41(4), 868-870. Pappas, G. F., & Garrison, J. (2005). Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Education in the Hispanic World: A Response. Studies in Philosophy and Education: an international quarterly. 24(6), 515-529. Myers, W. T., & Pappas, G. F. (2004). Dewey's metaphysics: A response to Richard Gale. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society. 40(4), 679-700. Pappas, G. F. (2003). Pragmatist critique of culture - Essays on the thought of John Dewey. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society. 39(1), 141-143. Pappas, G. (2001). Jorge Gracias philosophical perspective on Hispanic identity. Philosophy and Social Criticism. 27(2), 20-28. Pappas, G. F. (2001). Ariel and Arisbe. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society. 37(1), 150-153. Pappas, G. F. (1998). The Latino character of American Pragmatism. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society. 34(1), 93-112. Pappas, G. F. (1997). Dewey's moral theory: Experience as method. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society. 33(3), 520-556. PAPPAS, G. F. (1993). Dewey and Feminism: The Affective and Relationships in Dewey's Ethics. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 8(2), 78-95. book Pappas, G. F. (2011). Pragmatism in the Americas Pappas, G. F. (2008). John Dewey's ethics: Democracy as experience chapter Pappas, G. F. (2015). BERNSTEIN ON THE NARRATIVE AND IDENTITY OF PRAGMATISM IN AMERICA. Confines of Democracy. (pp. 63-74). Brill Academic Publishers. Pappas, G. F. (2012). Why are hispanic philosophers marginalized in the American philosophical community?. Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. (pp. 167-180). Pappas, G. F. (2011). Dewey and Latina lesbians on the quest for purity. Pragmatism in the Americas. (pp. 262-273). Pappas, G. F. (2011). Introduction. (pp. 1-15). Pappas, G. F. (2011). The Latino character of American pragmatism. Pragmatism in the Americas. (pp. 170-184). Pappas, G. F. (2011). Was Risieri Frondizi a Hispanic pragmatist?. Pragmatism in the Americas. (pp. 156-169). Gilson, G. D., & Pappas, G. F. (2009). Some Great Figures. A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. (pp. 497-524). Wiley. Pappas, G. F. (2004). Distance, abstraction, and the role of the philosopher in the pragmatic approach to racism. Pragmatism and the Problem of Race. (pp. 22-32). conference paper Pappas, G. F. (2018). What Is Going On? Where Do We Go from Here? Should the Souls of White Folks Be Saved?. Pluralist. 67-80.
teaching activities PHIL205 Tech & Human Values Instructor PHIL251 Hnr-intro To Philosophy Instructor PHIL283 Latin-american Phil Instructor PHIL415 American Philosophy Instructor PHIL485 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL623 American Philosophy Instructor PHIL624 Latin American Phil Instructor PHIL632 Soc & Political Philos Instructor PHIL682 Philosophical Authors Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL691 Research Instructor PHIL691 Research: In-ab Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Diaz, Kim (2012-07). Radical Democracy in the thought and work of Paulo Freire and Luis Villoro. Gomez, Manuela Alejandra (2006-08). Rediscovering the philosophical importance of Jose Ingenieros. Rothwell, Andrew Thomas (2014-07). Salvation from Despair and Estrangement: An Analysis of Religious Existentialism as Found in Soren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich. Shockley, Paul Russell (2012-02). How to Bridge the Culture Gap: How John Dewey's Aesthetics May Benefit the Local Church. Tucker, Richard Thorp (2012-07). Deweyan Naturalism: A Critique of Epistemic Reductionism.
education and training Ph.D. in Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 1990 M.A. in Philosophy, University of Wyoming - (Laramie, Wyoming, United States) 1983 B.A. in Philosophy, University of Puerto Rico System - (San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States) 1981
awards and honors Traditional Fulbright Scholarship, conferred by Council for International Exchange of Scholars - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2012 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, conferred by National University of Cordoba - (Córdoba, Argentina), 2012 APA Latin American Thought, conferred by American Philosophical Association - (Newark, Delaware, United States), 2005 Ford Foundation Fellowships/Postdoctoral, conferred by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 1991
mailing address Texas A&M University Philosophy & Humanities 4237 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4237 USA