Teachers Perceptions and Implementation of Professional Development in Writing Instruction uri icon


  • This mixed-methods study investigated teachers perceptions and implementation of professional development in writing instruction at a United States public high school campus. A layered approach to professional development was utilized: (1) one group received weekly professional development during a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and participated on a district writing team, (2) one group received weekly professional development during a PLC and received instructional coaching, and (3) one group received only weekly professional development during a PLC. Data were gathered on teachers responses to their perceptions of professional development received, teachers body and verbal language during PLCs and professional development, reflection notes documented by teachers receiving instructional coaching, and interviews of the teachers who received instructional coaching. Analyses of the data demonstrated application of the newly learned instructional practices in the classroom indicating the value teachers placed on learning during PLCs. While no significant differences were noted from the analysis of the pre-to post-observations for teachers in any group it was evidenced that the teachers who received instructional coaching became more aware of their instructional practices and had a greater sense of collaboration and collegiality as a result of the coaching process.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Studies in Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Brabham, B. C., Nichols, J. A., Rupley, W. H., Nichols, W. D., Rasinski, T. V., & Paige, D.

complete list of authors

  • Brabham, Beth C||Nichols, Janet A||Rupley, William H||Nichols, William Dee||Rasinski, Timothy V||Paige, David